
General Knowledge Quiz #88

Can you answer these random trivia questions?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: December 17, 2019
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First submittedOctober 19, 2013
Times taken98,377
Average score55.0%
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What river flows through ten different European countries?
What is mead made from?
What living species is most closely related to humans?
What Greek word, meaning "I have found it", might you say after making a discovery?
What is the last country in the world, alphabetically?
What is generally considered to be the world's most expensive spice?
What movie series featured a villain named Oddjob?
James Bond
What was printed on ticker tape?
Stock Prices
What medal, abbreviated VC, is the United Kingdom's highest military decoration?
Victoria Cross
What Olympic event was revolutionized by the "Fosbury Flop"?
High Jump
What portmanteau is a combination of Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg?
Which country's websites end in .ch?
In Greek mythology, who was the titan that created men and gave them fire?
What are the mashed potato, the alligator, and the watusi?
What Italian Prime Minister had a scandal involving his "bunga bunga" parties?
Silvio Berlusconi
What working-class London accent did Eliza Doolittle have in the play "Pygmalion"?
What region is disputed by India, Pakistan, and China?
Who was Jacob Marley's business partner?
Ebenezer Scrooge
What sport does a "duffer" play poorly?
Who was born in Hyde Park, New York in 1882 and died in
Warm Springs, Georgia in 1945?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Level 68
Jan 30, 2015
Pole vault for High jump?
Level 68
Mar 22, 2024
But they're different sports. The flop transformed the high jump, not the pole vault.
Level 41
Apr 30, 2015
A duffer is someone who Is poor or slow at learning anything, not golf in particular.
Level ∞
Jul 24, 2019
Golf is by far the best answer to the question as phrased.
Level 65
Aug 17, 2019
In UK a duffer is someone who does anything poorly.
Level 69
Dec 22, 2015
I always thought "the world's most expensive spice" was Posh Spice ;)
Level 60
Jul 28, 2016
1 Posh Spice of Saffron would be about $85k, going off of Amazon prices. And is apparently Prime Eligible.
Level 72
Jul 18, 2016
Please accept Jammu, or Jammu and Kashmir for Kashmir.
Level 77
Apr 28, 2024
The status of this political geography has changed since I studied it, so put an asterisk on all of it.

I don't think China claims any part of Kashmir. I think its claims are limited to Ladakh, which historically had been part of Jammu and Kashmir, but is now a separate territory. Claims over Jammu are even less likely. The state is Jammu and Kashmir - the "and" is important, especially if one is harkening back to the reasons/justifications for Kashmir's inclusion in India.

Level 54
Apr 30, 2024
maybe change the question to siachen glacier
Level 66
Jul 18, 2016
Please accept the bonobo (formerly more commonly known as the pygmy chimpanzee) in addition to chimpanzee.
Level 81
Jul 18, 2016
I was going to say that I thought bonobos were actually more closely related to humans than chimps. I didn't realize they were a subset of chimp. Are they? Chimps are so violent, Bonobos are peaceful and just have sex all day.
Level ∞
Jul 19, 2016
"Chimps are so violent, Bonobos are peaceful and just have sex all day."

Popular misconception!

Level 81
Jul 19, 2016
Is it? I've never tried living amongst either so I may have bought into false stereotypes.
Level 90
Jul 25, 2019
Sounds like a liberal / conservative thing.
Level 81
Sep 9, 2021
Have read more on the subject since leaving this comment years ago confirming the "misconception." Curious what QM is basing his perception on.
Level 68
Jul 29, 2019
Bonobos are one of two species of the genus Pan, the other being the common chimp. Although the entire genus is sometimes referred to as “chimpanzees”, that’s not really right. Bonobos are a totally separate species from chimpanzees, so Quizkey is correct and bonobos should be accepted. (Bonobos Join Chimps as Closest Human Relatives).

I’m curious though about why, Quizmaster, you said the fighters/lovers dichotomy is a misconception. I’ve recently watched a documentary on bonobos and read a book a few years ago, and I don’t remember anything that made it seem like the conventional wisdom wasn’t true. Can you point me to some sources I could look up? I’m fascinated by bonobos!

Level ∞
Jul 29, 2019
Here's a book that gets into the subject. Of course, a few decades ago, chimpanzees were seen as peaceful creatures too. Then Jane Goodall documented chimpanzees engaging in all sorts of violence. So it was necessary to then transfer the hopeful aspirations of mankind onto bonobos. My personal opinion is that chimps, bonobos, and humans are all naturally violent. Fortunately, as humans, we live in a society which constrains our baser instincts.
Level ∞
Jul 29, 2019
That said, apparently bonobo research is "politically controversial", due to people projecting human qualities and aspirations onto bonobos.
Level 81
Sep 9, 2021
So you're transferring your cynical view of humanity on to them instead? Also curious why they're not accepted as an answer. Some things I've read suggest they are even more closely related to humans than chimps.
Level ∞
Dec 9, 2023
Bonobo will work now.
Level 81
Jul 18, 2016
I think I tried "Victorias Cross" and "Victorian Cross", on a guess, and was denied. >_
Level ∞
Jul 24, 2019
Those will work now.
Level 58
Nov 15, 2019
Why? It's called the Victoria Cross. Simples
Level 85
Sep 13, 2016
For which country's websites end in .ch, please accept "I don't have a clue." Thanks!
Level 84
Sep 16, 2019
Switzerland occasionally uses Latin when it can't fit all 4 languages, like on coinage, stamps (Helvetia) or for abbreviations. Confoederatio Helvetica = CH.
Level 75
Jan 28, 2022
This is an absolute wonderful piece of trivia. Thank you for the detailed explanation
Level 72
Jul 2, 2017
Everytime I chuckle when I see Oddjob's name because it reminds me of Randomtask in Austin Powers.
Level 65
Apr 19, 2018
I thought apes, bonobos and orangutans (as they have close DNA/genes) but didn't try chimpanzees. Ah well
Level 86
Nov 15, 2019
Bonobos are equally as related to humans as chimpanzees are. Should also accept 'pygmy chimpanzee' as that it another common name for bonobos, despite them being a different species.
Level 86
Nov 15, 2019
As an anthropologist, this is probably the only thing on the site I am qualified to comment on.
Level 74
Nov 15, 2019
I assume relatedness is measured by when the species diverged? So humans diverged from chimps/bonobos first, then chimps and bonobos diverged?

It seems to me that the other obvious way to measure relatedness would be by how similar the genetic code is which presumably could be more varied from species to species even if they did diverge after the human - chimp/bonobo split?

Level 86
Nov 20, 2019
Yeah, that's exactly it. The ancestors to the modern-day genus Pan (chimpanzees and bonobos) split from the ancestors of genus Homo (ourselves) somewhere between 5 and 13 million years ago (lots of estimates based on different methodologies). Chimpanzees and bonobos then diverged from one another ~0.9 million years ago, after being isolated long enough by the River Congo (bonobos to the south, chimpanzees to the north). If you imagine that as a tree, chimpanzees and bonobos are two small branches of the same larger branch, which itself had already diverged from the human branch a lot earlier. So they're equally as related to us.
Level 86
Nov 20, 2019
Aw man, I forgot to mark this as a correction.
Level 44
Jan 20, 2020
For the .ch question, after China and Chile of course, my third guess was Switzerland even though I had no idea why it would be correct or how I would know it. I suppose it just seemed like a very Swiss thing to do
Level 72
Sep 15, 2020
Can heureka with h and/or k also be accepted?
Level 57
Apr 28, 2024
I agree, "Heureka" should definitely be accepted. Especially considering that it's an equally correct translation.
Level 44
Dec 19, 2020
According to wikipedia Prometheus didn't create men at all, he just stole fire from the Gods and gave it to them.

He also wasn't a Titan but the son of the Titan Iapetus and the Oceanide Asia/Clymene. He himself is just described as 'an important figure in Greek mythology'. Maybe change the question?

Level 75
Jan 11, 2021
Please accept "VC" for Victoria Cross.
Level 66
Jul 22, 2021
I can't work out if this is satirical.
Level 72
Aug 23, 2021
Level 72
Aug 23, 2021
I got Golf by accident when typing Goldfinger incorrectly
Level 72
Dec 11, 2021
Let's go finally got Generalissimo badge
Level 56
Apr 1, 2023
And after all these years I thought it was called the "Frisbee Flop"
Level 65
Mar 16, 2024
I think that's the discus rather than the high jump
Level 66
Jul 6, 2023
Who was Jacob Marley's business partner?


Level 65
Jan 22, 2024
I got confused with Oddbod from Carry On Screaming.
Level 47
Apr 20, 2024
Honestly can't believe that Franklin D. Roosevelt isn't the least guessed answer in this quiz. Am I missing something? I'm from the UK so that probably doesn't help but how does anyone know the birth and death place and date for a random president?
Level 53
Apr 28, 2024
Hyde Park is famous for the Roosevelt's residence, It's not just some random city.
Level 61
Apr 28, 2024
I didn't even know that there was a Hyde Park in New York. Another thing learned!
Level 74
Apr 29, 2024
That's a little disingenuous--it's like calling Churchill a "random" PM. FDR's death before the conclusion of the war is a pretty famous and important historical fact, too, it's not just some random date.

That said, it's pretty low, so I don't think you're missing anything, it's just a little harder than some of these others.

Level 67
Apr 29, 2024
"Duffer" is also used in baseball.
Level 67
Apr 30, 2024
Maybe accept "safron" with one "f"?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯