
Geographic Groups of Four #2

Can you name the members of these groups related to geography?
As always, JetPunk considers Cyprus to be a part of Asia
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: October 17, 2018
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First submittedOctober 17, 2018
Times taken68,538
Average score66.7%
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Capitals of the countries of
the U.K.
Seas bordering Turkey
Countries starting with V
Vatican City
Atlantic provinces of Canada
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
River valleys with a
civilization in 3000 B.C.
Tigris / Euphrates
Capitals on the Danube
Major religions of Indian origin
Seas that border the
most countries
South China
Majority German-speaking
"New" U.S. states
New Hampshire
New Mexico
New Jersey
New York
European island nations
United Kingdom
Metro areas of Texas with a
population over 2 million
Dallas / Fort Worth
San Antonio
Level 60
Oct 18, 2018
How the heck have so many people gotten Vanuatu. I mean, I know the country, but more people have gotten it than Vietnam, which is WAY more well known. Even though the quiz is new, I still wouldn't expect that.
Level 85
Oct 18, 2018
sometimes people are more likely to guess obscure answers before obvious ones
Level 52
Mar 23, 2019
When I'm on Jetpunk I always guess Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Nauru, Palau, and Kiribati
Level 46
Dec 6, 2020
I think I associate V with Vanuatu unconciously.
Level 85
Oct 26, 2023
I wonder if there's some hidden, inscrutable, subliminal meaning why this unconscious connection might exist!
Level 76
Oct 22, 2018
Is Cyprus not an European Island nation....?
Level 87
Dec 25, 2018
Every time . . . every single time . . .
Level 48
Dec 27, 2018
Not geographically. It is however a part of the EU and culturally quite European. But it's still located in Asia.
Level 59
Jan 9, 2019
Well, Iceland is not european either, then. It's located in America.
Level 63
Feb 5, 2019
What makes you say that? Iceland is much closer to the UK than it is to Canada. And it's probably as much on the Northamerican as it is on the Eurasian plate. If that's any indication at all.
Level 96
Oct 26, 2023
Iceland is actually on the Mid-Atlantic ridge where the plates join. The diverging/spreading action is what gives Iceland its geothermal features.
Level 71
Mar 31, 2020
As a part of the EU it should not be considered as a sovereign state, none of the EU states have full sovereignty.
Level 56
Mar 3, 2021
You're talking about Cyprus, right? Iceland is not part of the EU.
Level 80
Feb 16, 2023
I tried entering Cyprus as well!
Level 57
Oct 25, 2018
Doesn't Quebec touch the Atlantic?
Level 45
Nov 9, 2018
It's still not a maritime province of Canada. Think of it more as a historical province, it used to be Lower Canada and New France after all.
Level 44
Dec 25, 2018
Yep, it does touch the Atlantic, but it's not really considered a Maritime province. I think the reason for this is that it covers a lot of other territory besides just the Atlantic. The Maritime Provinces on the other hand are for the most part surrounded by the Atlantic.
Level 71
Oct 26, 2023
The heartland of Quebec is the Saint Lawrence valley, moving inland towards Ontario. The province and territory groupings are cultural and political rather than strictly geographic.
Level 67
Oct 30, 2018
Dear Quizmaster,

Would you be so kind as to add a little bit more time.


Slow thinker.

Level 45
Nov 9, 2018
San Antonio is much bigger than i thought.
Level 54
Dec 26, 2018
Being from Austin, I was surprised more people guessed Austin than San Antonio. SA is much larger.
Level 63
Feb 5, 2019
It's the state capital after all.
Level 60
Jan 12, 2020
Austin got really trendy lately as a hub for Hipster culture
Level 35
Dec 25, 2018
The European island questions... I avoid them when writing my pub quizzes for the same obvious reasons... Cyprus has to be avoided as geographically, it's Asia, but politically and in sport, it's European.. it's a member of the E.U, partakes of UEFA football competitions, Eurovision, and events run by the European Athletics Assoc. so unless you're going to strictly define what you mean by "Europe" just avoid it, someone will always argue...
Level 79
Dec 25, 2018
Some of us like to argue
Level 58
Mar 2, 2019
No we don't!
Level 72
Oct 10, 2019
Well, that depends on how you define argue...
Level 74
Oct 26, 2023
When I was in high school we played foursquare during lunch break because it gave us so many opportunities to argue about the rules, the application of the rules, the amendment of the rules, etc. Plus anyone could play without risking injury or embarassment.
Level 71
Mar 31, 2020
And what do you mean by "nation"? Do we understand sovereign states, in which case only UK, or "England" as Someone would have it, although some would say it is excluded because of Gibraltar, and Iceland?
Level 74
Jun 30, 2023
England is not a sovereign state. Cyprus, and all members of the EU, are.
Level 62
Oct 26, 2023
Just for your information, a country doesn't need to be in Europe to be part of Eurovision (as well UEFA with the former parts of USSR for instance who have the choice to decide compete in Europe or in Asia, that's why you have Kazakhstan in UEFA but not Turkmenistan)
Level 69
Oct 26, 2023
Yes, the Eurovision or UEFA are a bad argument for Cyprus being in Europe. The right argument is that the boundaries of continents are culturally and politically defined, and the only ones claiming Cyprus is in Asia are the Turkish nationalists who would like to also occupy its second half.
Level 58
Dec 25, 2018
The "new" states might need rephrasing, I thought it was about the youngest states but there really wouldn't be any new states.
Level 68
Feb 26, 2019
Same here.
Level 72
Oct 10, 2019
I did for a millisecond but then immediately adjusted.
Level 62
Mar 10, 2021
Same! I got New Mexico only because I new it was one of the last admitted. Should've taken the parentheses into account!
Level 57
Dec 26, 2018
Entertaining and a great quiz!
Level 70
Dec 27, 2018
missed cyprus
Level 67
Jan 3, 2019
not possible, as Cyprus is not in this quiz
Level 80
Feb 16, 2023
I believe he means Cyprus is missing from this Quiz.
Level 59
Jan 9, 2019
The "new" states one is quite misleading. I thought it was about the newest states (Hawaii, Alaska,...), then I thought it could be about possible future states (like Puerto Rico, or Washington DC), but none worked.
Level 72
Oct 10, 2019
Great quiz! But if mediteranean is one of the accepted answers I would not also give aegean since one is part of the other. If you accept the parts, then you should accept levantine aswell instead of mediterannean. Stick with either subdivisions or the encompassing name, not a bit of everything. Doesnt matter which, as long as it is consistent. (and possibly accepts sihkism and janism/janaism as type ins? If not that is fine too, but especially the sihkism seems a logical one to accept since words with h usually get a lot of leniency)
Level 65
Apr 22, 2020
I'm so dumb. I thought new states means the most recently added states to the union.
Level 46
Apr 28, 2021
So did I, so when I typed Hawaii, I was very confused.
Level 81
Jul 16, 2021
For the 64% of quiz-takers who didn't get South China Sea, don't worry, China is working hard to reduce that number.
Level 73
Oct 23, 2021
The "new" states one confused the hell out of me, even with the quotation marks. But about 70% got them all, so I guess I'm in the minority.
Level 26
Jun 22, 2022
I thought "new" states meant the ones which were jsut founded
Level 35
Jul 18, 2022
I thought Glascow was a UK capital city
Level 56
Jul 20, 2022
Nah it's Edinburch
Level 38
Jan 17, 2023
Caral-Supe on the Fortaleza, Supe & Pativilca Rivers in Peru was a civilisation in 3000BC?
Level 71
Apr 18, 2023
43, missed Bratislava, Marmara, New Brunswick, Baltic, and South China
Level 72
Sep 27, 2023
Perhaps accept Levantine Sea for Mediterranean as one of Turkey's bordering seas?
Level 85
Oct 26, 2023
The "New" states, religions of Indian origin, and seas touching the most countries don't appear to be in alphabetical order like all the other columns.
Level 65
Oct 26, 2023
accept PEI for Prince Edward Island?
Level 63
Oct 29, 2023
Britain is an island, made up of 3 nations: Scotland, Wales, England. The UK adds Northern Ireland to this, so is not an island nation. Nor is Ireland, because Northern Ireland is currently part of the UK.
Level 65
Nov 2, 2023
I was confused with: "New" U.S. states. I was trying to guess the newest U.S. states all the time.

Could you maybe change the question to: U.S. states that start with "New"?

Level 69
Dec 15, 2023
Missed Baltic Sea. Maybe would have gotten it, if the answers were in alphabetical order as in most other groups...
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Geographic Groups of Four
Quiz series by Quizmaster