Interesting. I don't know the movie, the song, or Dover sole, but I know Dover just because I've been there and it's awesome. It's in King Lear too, though, fwiw.
dedicated to the so called gifted geography frauds here , 20 of 20 , 100 percentile, actually requires knowledge not punching in the places till you get all of them then repeating , it to,ruin the curve
Not in 1945 though, and I'm not sure it constitutes a "major" city. It's tiny both in terms of population and area, and it doesn't even have an airport
It is my understanding that the Duma is just one of the houses of the Russian Federal Assembly--not the whole parliament--or am I not understanding that correctly?
"Formerly known as Mount McKinley"... I suspect that to most of the English-speaking world it is still known that way! How about "One day the mountain formerly known as McKinley may be known as..."
you have no idea the amount of excitement I had when I went to post the exact same thing as you Mr.Pappy and then when I scrolled down to the bottom and saw Chromyx's post the level of sadness that swept over me was unreal. I had one chance to finally post a comment that was you know, good and I lost it. :(
Just a clarification, Duma is only the lower house of the Russian Parliament. It is the equivalent of the House of Representatives. The entire Russian Parliament consist of it and the upper house, Coincil of the Federation (Senate).
Same way that many, many other places can have capitals. Why wouldn't Bali have a capital?