
Geography by Letter - J

Can you guess these geographical answers that start with the letter J?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: September 5, 2018
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First submittedApril 26, 2013
Times taken97,494
Average score65.0%
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"The Land of the Rising Sun"
Capital of Indonesia
Island where you'd find the above
King David's capital city
Cajun dish similar to paella
Major city in Florida
Capital of Alaska
French version of the name John
Largest city in South Africa
Musical genre that got its start
in New Orleans
Peninsula forming most of Denmark
Religion that follows the Torah
Indian city or style of horse-riding pants
Largest of the Channel Islands
Non-violent Indian religion
First permanent English settlement
in what is today the U.S.
Island where reggae music originated
Soccer team from Turin
Capital of South Sudan
River that connects the Dead Sea
and the Sea of Galilee
Level 81
Oct 2, 2013
Only 24% got Jainism? If I was a Jain I'd be so mad.. I'd.. I'd.. angrily punch a pillow, after I had it tested for microorganisms so that I was sure my outburst wouldn't inadvertently harm any bacteria or dust mites.
Level 69
Oct 2, 2013
Level 59
Oct 2, 2013
But to test it for microorganisms surely you'd risk harming some...
Level 63
Dec 21, 2013
Level 51
Apr 29, 2015
haha I knew it, but for some reason didn't think of it. So annoyed with myself for not remembering it.
Level 70
Apr 30, 2015
I tried 23 different spellings of a word I've only heard....... Jaism .... Jayism .......jaayist........jayistism etc etc ........ dohhhhhhh
Level 71
Mar 11, 2016
Level 66
Mar 11, 2016
It seems strange that we have to classify religions as "non-violent".
Level 68
Mar 11, 2016
Yes...yes it does. Of course 'tis said that if one person believes it, they're crazy, if hundreds believe it, it's a cult - if millions believe's a religion.
Level 56
Mar 22, 2016
Jains are so serious about it, they're practically militantly non-violent!
Level 81
May 17, 2018
We don't have to, but as long as we're going to, Jainism is the only one that really fits the bill. Buddhism, maybe in distant 2nd place. Calling any of the Abrahamic religions non-violent, or religions of peace, particularly the most violent of the lot of them, is a bad joke. And since we so often do it maks Jainism stand out all the more as an example of why this cliche is a non-sequitur.
Level 56
Jun 12, 2022
Don’t know if you would classify the Amish as a religion (I would) or an ethnicity, or both like Judaism, but they are nonviolent, even declining to hit back when struck.
Level 81
Dec 5, 2022
I think of being Amish more as belonging to a specific cultural subgroup than as a religious identity. I think the Amish themselves identify as Anabaptists? could be wrong. Surely, though, they take their professed values, including pacifism, more seriously than most people.
Level 22
Mar 14, 2016
Quizmaster- please add a like button!
Level 22
Aug 4, 2016
I stick by the above message
Level 69
May 26, 2019
I have a Jain friend who is very violent with his words.
Level 47
Oct 2, 2013
Well, I got really stuck on the French version of the name John because of the familiar song, Frère Jacques. I kept trying to enter Jacques, thinking it had to be it. Finally I realized that Jacques must be Jack, not John. So why does the English translation say "Brother John"? And - now that I think of it - Jack IS a nickname for John, so technically Jacques IS correct.
Level 49
Nov 7, 2016
Bit late to be answering maybe, but I speak French as a close to first second language and my first guess was Jacques too...
Level 69
Jan 12, 2021
Except that the English version of Jacques is James, not Jack. I don't know where you guys get "Jack" from "John".
Level 65
Oct 3, 2013
I'd have thought the largest island in the English Channel is the Isle of Wight at 148 sq miles - Jersey is only 46 sq miles...
Level ∞
Oct 3, 2013
My mistake. I changed the clue to "Largest of the Channel Islands".
Level 71
Nov 13, 2014
I was thinking of the Channel Islands off the coast of California and was very confused.
Level 65
Aug 21, 2023
me too, took me a while to realize there's other channel islands and i'm thinking what other channel islands there are and i remember the english channel and i just put jersey as a total guess and i was right
Level 48
Apr 26, 2014
I don't follow soccer or know anything about countries younger than 20 years.
Level 82
May 23, 2014
You probably have trouble with some of these quizzes then, Congratulations!
Level 76
May 1, 2014
I knew Jainism, I just couldn't spell it.
Level 76
Jun 25, 2014
More exceptions for "jambalaya" would be extremely helpful
Level 28
Apr 14, 2015
Wait, this isn't all geography. It threw me.
Level ∞
Aug 2, 2015
Level 75
Feb 28, 2022
While there certainly are arguments for including human geography, especially languages, religions, and the like... jambalaya still is a pretty weird answer for a geography quiz.
Level 12
Mar 11, 2016
Can you add Jylland as an answer to Peninsula forming most of Denmark. (the danish word for it)
Level 81
Jun 14, 2016
James Town was originally two words when the British settled it, then changed to one word later.
Level 68
Jan 10, 2017
I didn't know it so I guessed John Town... I wasn't far wrong.
Level 71
Oct 19, 2016
The danish peninsula is not Jutland, it is Jylland
Level 71
Dec 28, 2016
I believe it can be both.
Level 71
Mar 8, 2023
In English it's Jutland.
Level 32
Nov 23, 2016
28 for juba???
Level 74
May 26, 2019
Yeah, I couldn't believe it scored that high. :)
Level 36
Jan 10, 2017
I have found that non-native English speakers are much better spellers (or maybe they memorize better) than native English speakers.
Level 83
Oct 23, 2023
I've found that if you learn a language as an L2 (primarily from writing and grammar-exercises), you tend to be much better at spelling in it than if you learnt it natively (primarily from speaking), regardless of language. I knew a native French speaker who consistently did worse than learners on spelling and grammar exercises, because she hadn't rigidly learnt the rules for *why* stuff was spelled like that, and so didn't closely associate spelling with grammatical particularities, but rather with the way they were spoken.
Level 48
Jul 23, 2017
Why do a bunch of these quizzes ask for another version of the name john?
Level 60
Dec 1, 2017
I put Jupiter instead of Jacksonville for the Florida question... So close.
Level 74
May 26, 2019
270 miles - not that close. :)
Level 69
Jan 18, 2018
Why must my soccer/football knowledge be so poor! Ohh right...I'm American, and hate sports...
Level 70
May 17, 2018
How does John/Jean have anything to do with geography? I get that's a name in French which spoken in France which is on a map. The geographical aspect to the question is given in the hint. At that point it's just knowing a name in another language. I like these quizzes but that irks me enough to apparently write a paragraph about it.
Level ∞
Jun 29, 2018
Level 72
Jul 21, 2019
Mabe everyone would be happy if questions like this are flipped? In this case you would give the name and others would say what country it is from. I dont think you will get complaints then, well atleast a whole lot less. (since the answers are geographical sites)

Just a suggestion to keep complaining to the minumum :) you can keep the quiz whichever way you like.

Level 59
Jul 27, 2021
I'm pretty sure QM is well used to the complaints by now. :-D
Level 69
Jan 12, 2021
Yeah. How dare you put a question about knowing stuff on a quiz!
Level 88
Mar 14, 2019
What do jazz and cajun food have to do with geography?
Level 81
May 26, 2019
You didn't hear about those guys who built a city on rock and roll?
Level 71
May 26, 2019
Level 55
May 27, 2019
19/20. Missed 'Jodhpur'
Level 66
Jun 27, 2019
Isn't Jacques the french version of John?
Level 63
Aug 20, 2020
I think Jacques is Jacob.
Level 72
Dec 27, 2020
Can we have a different clue for Jainism instead of "non-violent religion" in literally every quiz it is featured in. I mean, we can't really learn anything new about it if it's the same thing again and again.
Level 73
May 22, 2021
I agree with this suggestion.
Level 85
Sep 7, 2021
I tried 14 googolplex possible spellings for Jambalaya. I think if the quiz was a few hours longer I might have gotten it. Or maybe a few more type-ins could be added. Basically, ^J[AOU]MB[AEO]L[AEI][JY][AE].
Level 29
Oct 14, 2021
You like "the musical genre that got its start in New Orleans"?
Level 83
May 16, 2022
Knew Jodhpur (somehow) but had to cheat to get the correct spelling :/
Level 71
Mar 8, 2023
It's football team, though. Not a soccer team.
Level 71
Feb 24, 2024
The only reason I knew about Jambalaya is the Seinfeld episode featuring Newman uttering that word.
Level 71
Aug 24, 2024
Jakarta is no longer the capital city of Indonesia
Level 28
Feb 7, 2025
yes it is.
Level 28
Feb 7, 2025
how is Jean geographically related?