
Geography by Letter - M

Can you guess these geographical answers that start with the letter M?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: February 8, 2019
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First submittedApril 26, 2013
Times taken91,138
Average score70.8%
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Islam's holiest city
Most popular Chinese dialect
Third largest city in England
Largest island in the Indian Ocean
Primary ethnic group of Hungary
Southern neighbor of the U.S.
Major city in Tennessee or ancient Egypt
Genghis Khan's homeland
Pre-lent celebration
in New Orleans and elsewhere
Mardi Gras
Largest city in Quebec
Country where the Petronas Towers
are located
Desert in southeast California
Tropical rainy season
Major river in Indochina
Mediterranean island nation
Casablanca's country
Capital of Belarus
The northeastern part of China
Indigenous people of New Zealand
China's gambling capital
Winnipeg is its capital
U.S. state on the Chesapeake Bay
Ancient area surrounding
the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
Town in Greece for which an
Olympic event is named
Level 60
Jul 10, 2013
surprised manchuria is at 38%, it used to be its own country
Level 60
Jul 10, 2013
And they keep brainwashing those assassins.
Level 33
Apr 23, 2016
Manchuria was only really its own country during WW2, and even then it was a Japanese puppet state, though granted, the Qing dynasty of China was Manchurian...
Level 44
Mar 6, 2018
Depends where you're from, personally I have never heard of it and was never taught in our school curriculum.

That's why I love this site, learning new things. Off to Uncle Google to find out more about it :-)

Level 74
Jul 24, 2023
I know this comment is old, and I'm not saying that SpankyMcFabulous is wrong in this specific circumstance.

But I have to take issue with this general claim that "they didn't teach that in my school." Because people are really bad at knowing what they were taught in school, they only know what they learned, which isn't the same thing at all.

For example, I've had lots of people my age from my area tell me "when we were in school, they didn't teach us about the Soviet contribution to the WWII victory." And it's B.S. because I definitely remember focusing on it in social studies, even examining how much of a contributing factor the USSR's entry into the war in Asia had to do with the Japanese surrender. It wasn't some whitewash. So just because you don't remember it doesn't mean it wasn't taught. You probably remember a minority of what you were taught in school. Stop saying you weren't taught something in school because you don't know it!

Level 76
Nov 13, 2013
Missed 2 - should have got Manchuria but never heard of Magyar.
Level 45
Aug 15, 2018
Age of Empires 2 :D
Level 49
Nov 1, 2018
Hungary is called the country of Magyars in Hungarian.
Level 72
Aug 5, 2019
Hungary is called Magyarország, and the language is called magyar nyelv
Level 74
Oct 28, 2020
The Hungarian football team of the 1950s were known as the Magical Magyars
Level 73
Jan 19, 2022
stamps from hungary are marked magyar posta
Level 96
Nov 13, 2013
I'd quibble that Monsoons are seasonal changes, or storms caused by changes in the seasons, but they aren't in themselves seasons, any more than hurricanes are.
Level 81
Nov 13, 2013
but the rainy season in these countries is also commonly referred to as "Monsoon Season."
Level 96
Feb 25, 2015
Sure, but many animals have mating seasons, does that make mating a season?
Level 81
Apr 23, 2016
^ yes. Yes, it does.
Level 70
Aug 28, 2016
The mating season takes part generally in the monsoon season, and I season my wood at this time, which in Australia is in the Summer season and at this time I also season my food with spices I bought during the holiday season.
Level 36
Dec 3, 2018
Just as the period from June to November is referred to as the "Hurricane Season" in the Caribbean.
Level 43
Jul 7, 2019
@plattitude yes it definitely does make mating a season
Level 44
Jan 31, 2015
monsoons shift weather patterns by blowing warm moist air over usually dry areas. Arizona has a monsoon season . :)
Level 79
Apr 25, 2016
Yes they do and I got stuck in one on my way to the airport.
Level 42
Mar 6, 2018
They might have a monsoon season, but it is not called a monsoon season.
Level 64
Apr 5, 2018
yes, it is called the "monsoon season".
Level 75
Nov 25, 2015
I agree, the clue could be much better for this one
Level 63
Aug 29, 2021
Some people seem to be under the impression that the word "season" can only refer to the four official divisions of the year. That is not the case.
Level 45
Nov 13, 2013
24/24 4:03 left =) Only one that got me at first was Manchuria, but I typed that mistakenly for the Winnipeg clue instead of Manitoba (and then I typed Manitoba) so that worked out.
Level 58
Mar 14, 2014
macau isnt actually part of china its like hong kong and taiwan
Level 55
Aug 19, 2014
Good lord! A time traveller from the 20th Century has visited us!
Level 65
Jan 31, 2015
Which are all a part of China now, UN recognized, with a little less clarity on Taiwan, but generally regarded as part of China
Level 89
Jun 3, 2015
Hong Kong and Macau are part of a Special Administrative Region ( SAR) of China. It's one of those ambiguous parts of another country (like Greenland, Gibralter, the District of Columbia, Bermuda, etc.) with limited self-control, but definitely part of China.
Level 73
Jan 19, 2022
Taiwan is not part of china now, Hong Kong and Macao clearly are.

Chinese government does not control laws, currency, taxation or borders in Taiwan

Level 36
Dec 3, 2018
The island of Macau was returned to China by Portugal in the 20th century. (I believe it was in 1999, but I could have the date wrong).
Level 55
Sep 17, 2015
Definitely need some work on my China knowledge...
Level 81
Apr 23, 2016
Level 85
Apr 23, 2016
elswhere = elsewhere
Level 74
Apr 23, 2016
John Stewart spells it "Mess o' Potamia".
Level 71
Dec 14, 2022
Level 96
Apr 23, 2016
Level 24
Apr 23, 2016
can you please use makkah
Level 58
Apr 26, 2016
Mardi Gras is known in a whole country and in a whole province (France and Quebec), yet the hint is mentionning just a city ... That's what I call virtual difficulty.
Level 30
Sep 4, 2016
I was about to agree with you, but I read up on it and it turns out New Orleans is much more famous for its Mardi Gras celebrations than other areas and cities. Turns out France and Quebec aren't the only other places, Australia, Belgium, Germany, Senegal ( to name a few) all celebrate Mardi Gras, but the Louisiana city is most well known.
Level 36
Aug 31, 2018
Many places (Brazil, the Caribbean islands, as well as those previously mentioned) celebrate Carnival/Carnivale. Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) was traditionally the last day of the Carnival when the people ate and drank to their hearts' content for the following day (Ash Wednesday) was the beginning of Lent. During Lent the people were expected to fast and forego culinary pleasures until the Easter Feast.
Level 58
Nov 11, 2016
100% with 2:37 remaining :D
Level 51
Dec 13, 2016
3.27, took a while to get Manchuria. Glad to see Maori on it, given I have those family links!
Level 30
Jan 17, 2017
accept magiare
Level 59
Apr 18, 2017
only know magyar from the magical magyars of the 1950s such as sandor kocsis, ferenc puskas and zoltan czibor
Level 77
Jun 25, 2017
We don't call it Manchuria anymore. It reminds us of the colonial puppet state era by the Japanese empire. We just call it the Northeast. And the majority there is Han Chinese instead of Manchu people. Being half Manchu I never know a single word of the nearly-extinct Manchu language, which still prospered 120 years ago.
Level 71
Jul 7, 2019
China has a habit of erasing history.
Level 36
Jul 7, 2019
Almost every single one right with about three minutes to spare. Apart from "U.S. state on the Chesapeake Bay" No idea.
Level 81
Jul 7, 2019
Was watching an interesting YouTube video the other day suggesting that the birthplace of Muhammad and the original holiest city of Islam was actually Petra, not Mecca.
Level 32
Jul 8, 2019
I would've gotten 100% but I put Mecong instead of Mekong :(
Level 71
Jul 8, 2019
Maybe add the accents on Québec and Montréal? You usually do in other quizzes. (And it would make us Montréalais very happy!)
Level 71
Jun 2, 2020
Eyyy Maryland
Level 81
Oct 28, 2020
Shouldn't Mesopotamia be described as between the two rivers, not surrounding them?
Level 91
Aug 19, 2021
Monsoon means a "seasonal change in wind direction" which although often accompanied by rainy weather is also associated with the dry part of the cycle.
Level 63
Sep 17, 2021
Mandarin is not a dialect! It's a language
Level 82
Dec 29, 2021
I always love seeing my home state on quizzes
Level 63
Apr 3, 2023
maybe the pinyin for manchuria ,manzhou, can be a type-in :))