Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Capital of France | Paris | 100%
Currency of the UK | Pound | 97%
Warsaw is its capital | Poland | 96%
Primary language of Brazil | Portuguese | 96%
Currency of Mexico | Peso | 92%
One of the U.S. states | Pennsylvania | 91%
Capital of Western Australia | Perth | 85%
Canal that connects the Atlantic to the Pacific | Panama Canal | 84%
Iran by another name | Persia | 84%
Roman city destroyed by Mt. Vesuvius | Pompeii | 82%
The West Bank and the Gaza Strip | Palestine | 76%
51st U.S. state? | Puerto Rico | 76%
Largest city in that state | Philadelphia | 73%
Mountain range that divides France and Spain | Pyrenees | 73%
Body of land surrounded by water on three sides | Peninsula | 72%
Former English name of Beijing | Peking | 68%
Prominent London "circus" | Piccadilly | 67%
Famous temple on the Athens Acropolis | Parthenon | 63%
Region of southern Argentina and Chile | Patagonia | 59%
Largest city in Bohemia | Prague | 54%
Running of the Bulls city | Pamplona | 49%
River that flows past Washington D.C. | Potomac | 47%
Ocean inlet that borders Seattle | {Puget} Sound | 41%
Region of eastern Pakistan and northern India | Punjab | 41%
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