Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Most populous city on the Nile River | Cairo | 95%
City whose name is an anagram of Tokyo | Kyoto | 91%
Country completely surrounded by South Africa | Lesotho | 90%
Country which Serbia considers to be a breakaway province | Kosovo | 84%
Canada's most populous province | Ontario | 84%
Capital of Uruguay | Montevideo | 75%
Richest country by per-capita income | Monaco | 73%
Second largest city in Portugal | Porto | 72%
The only national capital whose name starts with Q | Quito | 71%
Highest U.S. state by average elevation | Colorado | 70%
Rainier, Fuji, or Pinatubo e.g. | Volcano | 67%
Spanish word for river | Río | 66%
Largest city in Sri Lanka | Colombo | 64%
Northernmost of Japan's four main islands | Hokkaido | 59%
Largest island in Asia | Borneo | 56%
City home to the world's tallest building from 1973–1998 | Chicago | 52%
Capital of the Inca Empire | Cusco | 40%
Suburb of Johannesburg whose name is an acronym of South West Townships | Soweto | 34%
City in Palestine which has been inhabited for more than 10,000 years | Jericho | 31%
Latin American term for a person of mixed European and Indigenous descent | Mestizo | 28%
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