
Geography General Knowledge #8

Can you answer these random geography questions?
Includes questions from both physical geography and human geography
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: June 2, 2023
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First submittedMarch 24, 2013
Times taken120,721
Average score65.0%
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Which one of New York City's five boroughs contains Times Square?
Including inland seas, what's the world's largest lake?
Caspian Sea
In what city would you find the Bolshoi Theatre?
Name one of the two countries whose name starts with "North".
North Korea /
North Macedonia
What African nation became the world's newest independent country in 2011?
South Sudan
What is the most common religion in Cambodia?
Near what major U.S. city is Lake Pontchartrain located?
New Orleans
What city is home to the world's tallest building?
What valley holds the record for the highest temperature ever reliably
recorded on Earth (54.4 °C)?
Death Valley
On what peninsula are Albania and Serbia located?
Balkan Peninsula
What is Pakistan's longest river?
Indus River
What Hawaii volcano is the tallest mountain in the world when measured
from its base on the ocean floor?
Mauna Kea
What country is Cappadocia a part of?
What is Rome's Flavian Amphitheatre better known as?
The Colosseum
What is the busiest airport in the London area?
What is usually considered to be the most common first name in the world?
What constellation is depicted on the Australian flag?
Southern Cross
On what peninsula would you find the cities of Mérida and Cancún?
What famous event for daredevils happens in Pamplona, Spain?
Running of the Bulls
What is the capital of Western Australia?
Level 81
Aug 14, 2013
Never realized that the stars on the Aussie flag were a constellation... googled an image of the flag and realized which constellation it was. I'll count that as only half cheating.
Level 73
Feb 14, 2014
Yup, a few of us antipodeans use it - Aus, NZ, PNG, Samoa and even Brazil, though not as prominently.
Level 74
Feb 23, 2016
I saw the Southern Cross in 2004 while in Hawaii in late February. It is just visible above the southern horizon - the only state where one can see both the North Star and the Southern Cross. So, I suppose that means Crux could also be on the US flag. :)
Level 58
May 2, 2014
bull run should be accepted for running of the bulls
Level ∞
Aug 13, 2015
Okay, that will work now.
Level 90
Nov 24, 2018
Damn, I thought it was Antietam.
Level 91
Apr 24, 2021
I thought it was Manassas.
Level 67
May 24, 2014
So glad it accepts 'crux' for 'Southern Cross'! Good quiz
Level 81
Mar 28, 2018
I also typed 'crux', mainly just to see if it would work.
Level 55
Nov 23, 2014
For Lake Pontchartrain I took a chance, went to Google maps and just typed in Lake Port. Fortunately it popped up Lake Pontchartrain, LA so I was able to guess the city, knowing that LA =/= Los Angeles in this context.
Level 70
Nov 23, 2014
Who was it said "In future you wont have to know anything, just where to find the answer!"...........
Level 74
Feb 23, 2016
Who said, "If you Google it before you answer, it's called cheating?" Oh, yeah, it was me who said it.
Level 55
Feb 25, 2016
^ It's a good saying.
Level 73
Nov 11, 2018
Is it cheating if you actually go to Lake Pontchartrain? I just feel like I have an unfair mnemonic :P
Level 65
Nov 24, 2018
Einstein said he didn't remember things he could look up. So I guess he would cheat on these quizzes.
Level 66
Dec 8, 2014
Could you accept San Fermin for Running of the Bulls?
Level ∞
Aug 13, 2015
Level 65
Feb 23, 2016
Can you accept bullfighting for the running of the bulls? I think it fits in with the criteria, and it's all part of the same festival (San Fermin), so I think it should be accepted too.
Level 60
Feb 23, 2016
don't you think south cross should count for southern cross
Level 84
Nov 30, 2016
Level 68
Nov 24, 2018
Never heard that phrase in my life, and I live in NZ. So, no.
Level 67
Mar 19, 2024
Agreed, @kiwiquizzer. As a Kiwi, I can tell you that nobody here ever calls it South Cross, unless perhaps they're four and haven't learnt the name yet
Level 56
Jun 5, 2023
That's a big negative. It's Southern Cross only.
Level 56
Feb 25, 2016
If only I spelt Colosseum right :(
Level 53
Jan 3, 2017
I think that for the question "Which constellation is depicted on the Australian Flag" should also include the New Zealand flag because they share the same constellation on both their flags and is an important matter to address.
Level 58
Apr 4, 2017
Why? It's depicted on the Samoan and Papuan flags as well? Should they be included too?
Level 80
Feb 19, 2020
And the Brazilian flag
Level 75
Mar 5, 2017
Highest temperatures on earth , this is final answer:

Try to match a 55 Megaton thermonuclear bomb, all thermometers melted down at 100 miles.

You are welcome.

Level 70
Apr 4, 2017
As the question asks for "The Earth's highest RECORDED temperature".... then the temperature from the thermonuclear bomb wasn't actually recorded...... sorry.... you are welcome.
Level 47
Nov 20, 2017
Or maybe instead of suggesting a change to the quiz, he is making a simple statement.
Level 94
Oct 29, 2018
i would have thought the temperature at krakatoa or vesuvius got pretty high too. I wonder how hot it gets near somewhere like Kilauea on any given day.
Level 61
Mar 11, 2017
Given that mauna is just the Hawaiian word for mountain, could you accept just Kea as an answer? It wouldn't really be any different than accepting Everest for Mount Everest.
Level 84
Jun 5, 2023
It's accepted now
Level 51
May 16, 2017
Surprised that Mauna Kea is so low.
Level 74
Nov 25, 2018
Especially since it is so high. :)
Level 91
Oct 30, 2017
Nice quiz. Thank you.
Level 82
Apr 3, 2018
Why can I never remember "Balkan"? I think of Baltic right away, know that it's not correct for that region, but simply cannot think of the right answer. Someday...
Level 48
Jun 8, 2018
don't you think south cross should count for southern cross
Level 46
Aug 18, 2020
The Roman Colosseum or Roman Colosseum, should be accepted for The Colosseum.
Level 80
Aug 31, 2020
Which other Colosseum did you need to differentiate it from?
Level 69
Oct 13, 2020
The one in Vegas?
Level 52
Apr 24, 2021
Or the one in Nur-Sultan?
Level 59
Jan 8, 2021
There's a theory that there's a Christian name that is more common than Muhammad, but it's been translated so many times that it's now has dozens of variations. Some examples include, John, Iohannes, Giovanni, Sean, and many others that come from the original Hebrew Yohanan.

I just think it's pretty cool to follow names through languages.

Level 72
Apr 24, 2021
Much in the same way that Jack and James both descend from the Latin Jacopus. And they're both English names
Level 67
Apr 24, 2021
That's interesting, given that Jack is sometimes used as a nickname for "John." Funny that it actually comes from "James."
Level 63
Aug 31, 2021
I thought that too, Xenobio. Another one is Yvon in Breton. And of course there are all the female variants from the same root - Jane, Jeanette, Yvonne. Glad I'm not the only one to have thought about etymology!
Level 68
Jul 6, 2022
I was about to make the same point.
Level 60
Apr 24, 2021
Could just Kea, or Mount Kea please be accepted for Mauna Kea, given that Mauna means Mount in Hawaiian?
Level ∞
Jun 2, 2023
Level 52
Apr 24, 2021
Seriously I can't believe I am taking this quiz on VR. so weird!
Level 52
Apr 25, 2021
I’ve heard it only as London-Heathrow before. Not sure if many other people have heard it like this, but I would consider adding this to be accepted
Level 81
Apr 20, 2022
A number of questions as for cities, but the Bolshoi question doesn't (yet its answer is a city). What's up with that?
Level 73
Jun 16, 2022
Can you accept bullfight for running of the bulls?
Level 78
Jun 2, 2023
Why? That's like saying you should accept "rodeo" for "Kentucky Derby."
Level 62
Jun 11, 2023
It doesn't ask for the specific name here.
Level 75
Jun 2, 2023
For the two countries with a name beginning with "North", it should accept just "Korea" - obviously it's not "South Korea" we're thinking of! (I got it with 'Macedonia' after 'Korea' wasn't accepted.)
Level 88
Jun 2, 2023
Could just "Korea" be accepted as an answer, since the quiz already provides the North? (Similar to other quizzes like Staring with _____)
Level ∞
Jun 2, 2023
Level 72
Jun 3, 2023
Damn, I tried bull racing, racing with bulls, running from bulls, corrida, bullfighting...
Level 75
Sep 16, 2023
I feel your pain, but it is famously called "the running of the bulls".
Level 88
Jun 5, 2023
I was confused for a minute thinking the hottest temperature was negative. Maybe change the hyphen to an em dash or colon?
Level ∞
Jun 5, 2023
Parenthesized it.
Level 58
Jun 12, 2023
How is Lake Pontchartrain general knowledge in any way?
Level 72
Apr 27, 2024
I got it with a lucky guess. Sounded French so thought I'd have a go with New Orleans. If that wouldn't have been it ( and very surprised it actually was!) then I would have just skipped it. (well I already had skipped it but came back to try a guess, so I mean give up on the question)
Level 57
Aug 28, 2023
Running with the bulls doesn't work yet the answer is running of the bulls...
Level 52
Oct 1, 2023
Didn't get the running of the bulls question because I only remembered the answer in Spanish, could “Corrida de toros” be accepted given that’s the actual name in Spanish?
Level 69
Oct 2, 2023
Cappadocia is a natural rock formation (like Chimney Rock), and seems to be advertised as a tourist destination/added to the unesco collection