New york city is comprised of the five borroughs, not just Manhattan, and the population of them all is between 8 and 9 million. That's the city proper population according the US Census.
North Macedonia would probably be a better example. North Korea is represented in the UN as the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea". A sick joke of a name, but their name nonetheless. Also, fun fact, Timor translates to East in Malay. That means their name translates to East East.
Silly me... I went back and changed #1 because I thought there couldn't be three false ones in a row and that was the one of the three where I wasn't 100% sure.
Good quiz. Got two wrong: Karen did me wrong (thought she was a somewhat popular gal in Siberia) but for a geography buff not knowing so many countries end in "Y" is unforgivable! There was once a West Germany (albeit officially "Federal Republic of Germany") and Western Samoa (meanwhile renamed just Samoa) and likewise West Pakistan briefly.
i only got the west question wrong. well i guess it makes sense for the un not to recognize western sahara. they tend to turn a blind eye to genocide sometimes.
bro you gotta get out more
If the result was pure random, it's actually overwhelmingly likely to have 3 true or 3 false in a row