When I type ... | Google suggests | % Correct |
is Pluto a ... | {planet} | 99%
is Santa ... | {real} | 97%
how did Elvis ... | {die} | 90%
can I afford a ... | {house} | 88%
can I marry my ... | {cousin} | 86%
why is my computer so ... | {slow} | 85%
what do turtles ... | {eat} | 81%
will pasta make you ... | {fat} | 79%
is file sharing ... | {illegal} | 76%
what do I wear to a ... | {wedding} | 76%
are granola bars ... | {healthy} | 75%
why are Canadians so ... | {nice} | 72%
is fish considered ... | {meat} | 66%
do the French really wear ... | {berets} | 55%
why are there so many soccer players named ... | {Ronaldo} | 52%
does MTV still play ... | {music} {videos} | 44%
why does China want ... | {Taiwan} | 43%
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do sharks get ... | {cancer} | 36%
what are the odds of having ... | {twins} | 36%
why does gasoline ... | {smell} {good} | 35%
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why are there so many cities named ... | {Springfield} | 27%
does rice have ... | {gluten} | 26%
what is a blue ... | {moon} | 26%
what is the airspeed velocity of an ... | {unladen} {swallow} | 14%
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