
Google Suggestions Quiz #2

What does Google think I'm asking?
Confused? Go to and start typing. Google will "suggest" popular search queries.
Results may vary. See comments for methodology.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: December 18, 2021
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First submittedMay 14, 2013
Times taken63,088
Average score62.5%
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When I type...
Google suggests...
does root beer have ...
do cell phones cause ...
what are the odds of getting
attacked by a ...
did humans live with ...
is a tomato a ...
are bats ...
why are flamingos ...
what is the electoral ...
who built the ...
why do men have ...
why do horses need ...
why is chocolate bad for ...
When I type...
Google suggests...
is Scotland a real ...
why are iPhones so ....
why does silver ...
what happens if you swallow ...
why is Mars ...
can I end a sentence with a ...
why does Seattle get so much ...
why do I dream about losing my ...
are crayons ...
can an ostrich ...
why are there so many poisonous
animals in ...
why is DuckDuckGo better than ...
Level ∞
Dec 18, 2021
To make this, we used a browser in incognito mode with a VPN server in the United States. As you know, Google tracks your location as well as nearly everything you do on the internet. If you do these searches, you might get different results tailored to your specific situation.
Level 71
Nov 11, 2017
chewing gum?
Level 90
Mar 10, 2019
Not at the moment, but thanks for asking.
Level 86
Dec 6, 2017
Are that many people dreaming about losing their teeth?
Level 74
Jan 12, 2018
apparently it is very common
Level 85
Aug 3, 2021
My grandfather lost his teeth once. We searched the house for 4 hours before my mom finally found them. They were in his mouth.
Level ∞
Dec 18, 2021
I dream about it a lot. It's always a relief to wake up and discover they're all still in place. I wonder if it's caused by grinding one's teeth while sleeping?
Level 72
Mar 22, 2022
For some reason I started to have this dream 2 or 3 years ago and I have it on a regular basis, though it's usually just one tooth or a few that fall out in my dreams, not all of them.
Level 66
Mar 22, 2022
There's a whole Edgar Allen Poe story about that kind of thing. It's called "Berenice" and it's really good.
Level 69
Mar 23, 2022
Somehow, I knew the answer . . .
Level 62
Mar 23, 2022
I regularly have dreams about my teeth crumbling and falling out.
Level 36
Apr 19, 2018
Can we make chewing gum work for gum?
Level 39
Apr 20, 2018
Yeah I tried that and didn't even think to write gum!
Level 66
Apr 19, 2018
I was one letter off with "gum".
Level 47
Apr 19, 2018
Caffeine?! How is it not alcohol?
Level 81
Apr 19, 2018
Because everyone knows root beer doesn't have alcohol.
Level 81
Apr 22, 2018
I have not seen any YouTube communities developing centered around the conspiracy or anti-scientific theory that root beer is alcoholic. Maybe somewhere in the Muslim world, that actually wouldn't surprise me, but not anywhere in Western civilization. The last propositions you mention do, however, have sizeable numbers of people who believe in them, and the first one is a cliche and common misconception.
Level 81
Nov 12, 2018
^ someone commented that there were groups of people on YouTube who believed in anything including a flat Earth, etc.
Level 72
Apr 1, 2019
No they dont. We dont have root beer, I dont know what it is (so we actually might... but dont think so..) I have heard it mentioned though, so i know it is a drink a drink but with the word beer in it makes you think of alcohol, but i believe i ve heard it is something kids drink too. So it is a logical thing to wonder about and want to look up.
Level 81
May 19, 2020
okay. well, news to me. I've purchased and consumed root beer all over the world.
Level 94
Dec 19, 2021
I also have lived in many parts of the world (not all countries yet) and I can't recall having ever seen root beer outside of the USA (but I have seen a lot of ginger beer, another kid-friendly "beer"). It may come down to whether you are brought up with it and actively seeking it, so may tend to notice it more. I'll keep an eye out in future.
Level 80
Dec 20, 2021
In Australia we have sarsparilla (not exactly common though) rather than root beer. @kalbahamut you don't know everything about everything.
Level 89
Dec 21, 2021
You can get alcoholic ("hard") root beer these days, at least in the USA.
Level 75
Mar 22, 2022
The only time I've seen root beer is in ToeJam & Earl on the the SEGA Megadrive ("Genesis") - it's one of the presents you can pick up and it just makes the character burp for a while lol
Level 63
Jul 2, 2019
Alcohol was my guess as well. I didn't know it had none so that's a pretty legit question to me. But I get the caffeine question. I mean its color makes it look like coffee.
Level 66
Nov 16, 2021
And many--nay, most sodas have caffeine in them.
Level 75
Apr 19, 2018
fun fact, male horses don't have nipples
Level 74
Apr 19, 2018
For root beer all I could think of was alcohol. For humans living with, all I could think of was neanderthals. Some of these seemed to have several possibilities.I scored only 12/22.
Level 74
Apr 19, 2018
I just looked up the numbers, and for root beer, alcohol scored 22,400,000 results, while caffeine scored only 166,000, and alcohol showed up first in my box. When I tried the human question, neanderthals showed up first in my search box, but there were twice as many results for dinosaurs as neanderthals. I wonder if the answers can be different depending on one's search history? I realize you said the results may vary, but I'm not sure where that leaves us trying to get the correct answers if they can change. I still enjoyed the quiz, though.
Level 67
Apr 19, 2018
I typed "alcohol" and "beer" like five times each because I was sure one had to be right.
Level 61
Jun 14, 2024
Me too! I sat staring at it for an extra minute trying to figure it out!
Level 60
Mar 23, 2022
I was stuck on Neanderthals too! But I finally got it.
Level 33
Mar 27, 2022
I was expecting dumb answers like dinosaurs, which is why I was surprised that I typed in preposition and it was right.
Level 55
Apr 20, 2018
I think an alternative acceptable answer to "why do men have..." is "breasts".
Level 81
Apr 22, 2018
Why? Men have pectoral muscles so that they can move their arms. They have fat encasing those muscles to afford them some protection, or because they eat too many cheeseburgers. If they have actual breast tissue then something is wrong. On the other hand all normal healthy human males have nipples, but those nipples serve no function.
Level 32
Apr 1, 2019
The fat that may surround a muscle will provide the muscle with energy to contract, rather than the fat providing protection for the muscle.
Level 81
May 19, 2020
I've heard both. But I'm not an expert on the subject.
Level 77
Mar 22, 2022
Also not an expert, but men can and do get breast cancer, so presumably do have breast tissue in some form. Having such tissue does not indicate that something is wrong.
Level 47
Aug 20, 2018
Could you accept chewing gum and bubblegum for gum? I tried both but I never call it just gum so typically didn't try it alone.
Level 94
Feb 13, 2019
the line to fit in is very short though, which should give you a clue
Level 83
Jun 15, 2019
For the 'dinosaurs' one, I tried 'Neanderthals', 'chimpanzees', 'Homo erectus', 'monkeys'... didn't even occur to me to go that far back.
Level 63
Jul 2, 2019
Dinosaurs was my first guess. Maybe I watch too many movies. But I would've never thought of Neanderthals or Homo erectus. I mean they were (archiac) humans too. How would any of these have ever met?
Level 66
Nov 16, 2021
monkeys, though?
Level 86
Mar 22, 2022
Humans and Neanderthals definitely coexisted and interbred. All non-Africans have a small proportion of Neanderthal DNA.
Level 77
Mar 22, 2022
Homo sapiens is only one species of human. Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis, and all other species of the genus Homo were also human - for the record.
Level 75
Sep 5, 2019
Seeing those answers I think some people must pass a test to use the internet.
Level 72
Dec 24, 2019
Many use internet to pass a test..
Level ∞
Dec 18, 2021
"To have the opportunity to acquire knowledge, a person must first demonstrate that they already have knowledge".

Seems like a Catch-22. It's never wrong to seek knowledge. You yourself probably have several misconceptions which could be easily corrected with the right search.

On the other hand, I would support the requirement to pass a test before being allowed to comment on the internet :P

Level 79
Dec 25, 2021
Oh dang, Quizmaster lays down his most fiery burn yet!
Level 75
Dec 18, 2021
I tried "edible" for the crayon one as a joke. Surprised it actually worked. I think that's the only one of these I've actually looked up.
Level 91
Dec 19, 2021
Last one is the best. I use DuckDuckGo never oogle.
Level 79
Dec 25, 2021
I only ever heard of Duck Duck Go from someone who worked at my local high school who believed in far right conspiracy theories and was becoming increasingly out of touch with reality. Whenever I questioned this person’s odd views, they just said I needed to use Duck Duck Go instead of Google. I think they might’ve been fired for spreading hate speech to children. Anyway, long story short, I get the impression that Duck Duck Go is probably not a great thing.
Level 69
Mar 22, 2022
G**gle, in contrast, is demonstrably benevolent...


Level 77
Mar 22, 2022
A lot of right wingers have misguided reasons for their commitment to DuckDuckGo, but mostly that's not the fault of DuckDuckGo. Your argument is sort of a guilt by association fallacy. Google does it's job pretty well, but it is also in a position to abuse it's access to information. Choose wisely, not based on a reaction to someone else's choice.
Level 57
Jul 3, 2024
duck duck go is a private search engine that does not track or sell your personal info, so it is a good thing if you value privacy
Level 65
Dec 19, 2021
Being an Aussie, we have many "venomous" creatures, to keep idiots at bay who persist in calling them "poisonous".
Level 30
Jan 17, 2022
I like you

glad I'm not the only one here

Level 63
Dec 21, 2021
Can horseshoes work for shoes?
Level ∞
Dec 21, 2021
Yes, good suggestion
Level 82
Dec 21, 2021
Kudos for the Duck Duck Go inclusion. Google's motto was once "don't be evil", and yet here we are......
Level 30
Jan 17, 2022
It's venom, not poison

We have loads of Venomous animals in Australia

Level 66
Mar 22, 2022

A journalist asked Tim Cook why iPhones are so expensive.

"Well", he said, "that's because the iPhone replaces a whole bunch of devices. A phone, a camera, a watch, a music player, a video player, a PDA, a voice recorder, a GPS navigator, a flashlight, a calculator, a portable gaming console, and many other things. Surely, a high price is worth paying to replace so many devices!"

"Then why are Androids so much cheaper?", asked the journalist.

"Because," said Tim Cook, "an Android replaces just one device. The iPhone."

Level 75
Mar 22, 2022
"Cook's total compensation for 2021 included a $3 million annual salary, $82.3 million stock award, and a $12 million cash bonus, according to company filings."


There's your answer.

Level 67
Mar 22, 2022
I prefer Tim Cook’s answer.

It’s funnier.

Level 54
Mar 22, 2022
"Why do men have nipples?" is my new favorite answer on Jetpunk.
Level 75
Mar 22, 2022
I tried so many things for "Why do I dream about losing my ..." - hair, keys, virginity, mind, phone, job, dog... Never heard of the teeth dream!
Level 86
Mar 22, 2022
Thanks for that insight into your character, lol.
Level 71
Mar 22, 2022
I got that because I thought the answer for the one about chocolate was teeth. I didn't even get around to the dream question at that point.
Level 68
Mar 22, 2022
The iPhone question is outdated. Competitors today also sell expensive smartphones.
Level 49
Mar 22, 2022
Nobody is going to talk about the Scotland one! R.I.P Scotland. Also people who want to know if Scotland is a real country... the answer is yes (in the UK, for now, lol).
Level 62
Mar 23, 2022
Not for much longer.
Level 77
Mar 23, 2022
could poisonous be an acceptable alternative to toxic for the crayon one? anyone asking the question would probably use them interchangeably
Level 57
Apr 19, 2022
The gum one now shows "semen" as the top answer.
Level 80
Jun 27, 2022
Living in Finland I was totally helpless with the root beer question, because that product is unknown to me. Like someone else said, "beer" automatically makes you think alcohol.

Also the last question was impossible, since I had never heard of "DuckDuckGo" (and I work with IT!)

Dinosaur question was simple knowing that the quiz was probably made in the US. Also the Scotland question (and no, in my thinking it is NOT a real country, because it is not a sovereing state; for a European those two words are synonymes).

Level 65
Aug 27, 2022
Dream about losing my ....

Well we all know what our first guess was!

Level 70
Dec 1, 2022
"Why is DuckDuckGo better than Google?"

Asked on Google

Level 21
Apr 20, 2023
how isnt the first one beer😭🤣
Level 60
Sep 10, 2023
How is "edible" the same as "toxic"?