Hint | Answer | % Correct |
What groundhogs do in the winter | Hibernate | 95%
Countries in which groundhogs can be found in the wild | United States | 95%
Countries in which groundhogs can be found in the wild | Canada | 94%
What happens if the groundhog sees its shadow on Groundhog Day | Six more weeks of {winter} | 92%
Another name for a groundhog | Wood{chuck} | 86%
Term for the place where a groundhog lives (starts with B) | Burrow | 83%
State in which you'd find the city of Punxsutawney | Pennsylvania | 76%
Star of the 1993 movie "Groundhog Day" | Bill Murray | 74%
Most famous groundhog in the world | Punxsutawney {Phil} | 73%
Order of animals that groundhogs belong to | Rodentia | 70%
Another name for a groundhog | Whistle {pig} | 43%
Traditional Christian holiday celebrated on February 2nd | {Candle}mas | 24%
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