I know the answer is phylum, but what about branch? Is it a synonym or is it more general in english? (In french, we usually say "embranchement" for that level, but sometimes phylum as well)
Even then I've never seen anyone use that as the pronoun, "youse own it, it's yours" not "yous own it, it's youse". Maybe if you really push it some would say "it's youses"?
I think Albania could be dropped from the Warsaw Pact answer. They withdrew and became hostile to the USSR sometime in the Sixties and spent less time in the Pact than they did out of it during the existence of the Pact. Or reword the question to "Original Members of the Warsaw Pact."
Why specify yellow cake? Not only did I at first try uranium because I thought it was going to be a trick question, but also to make a cake yellow you would need to include some food coloring, otherwise it would be a white cake.
Vanilla does not colour things yellow. Real vanilla adds tiny black spots, but does not colour. Vanilla flavoured things are often either coloured yellow or as in ice cream from real ingredients, egg yolks and rich cream provides some yellow to it. Common misconception.
Those aren't pronouns. Pronouns are used in place of a noun, mostly to avoid repetition. My, your, or her would all have to be followed by a noun in order to make sense. Mine, yours, or hers all replace the noun. Example: Her phone is white, mine is black. Phone is the noun, mine replaces "my phone".
Baking is a science. As already stated above, baking powder is a combination of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and cream of tartar (potassium bitartrate). Baking soda requires an acid for the proper chemical leavening reaction, which cream of tartar provides. If one used only baking soda one would have to add additional acid - cream of tartar, lemon juice, etc. There are a few cake recipes which call for baking soda, including sour cream pound cake, but in that one the sour cream provides the acid instead of cream of tartar. The standard yellow cake recipe calls for baking powder.
I wasnt sure exactly what it meant either. I did know it had something to do with classifying of the living kingdom. So instead of saying the term order, class families, etc I tried the major groups. so divison of plants, animals etc. When that didnt take, I went to the next division, like birds, fish.
Now I see what they mean I would ve gotten most. Havent heard of phylum though (maybe I know it in my own language) And pretty sure I wouldnt have thought of domain.
They did not teach "domain" when I was in High School. I think it was proposed in 1990, it hadn't hit the school books by the time I graduated. Now I know.
Well, I think MY pattern matching is accurate when I say that the possessive pronouns ARE intended to be in alphabetical order, and so (important in this #MeToo era) "hers" should therefore precede "his".
I'm not sure what your source for international tourists is, but every list I can find includes San Diego. And usually very near the top because of its proximity to Mexico.
I think if "one's" is accepted as a possessive pronoun, then so should be "nobody's". Which means that entire list would have to move to the Groups of Nine Quiz. :)
57/72. I remember typing Romania but not getting anything. Got everything from Star Wars, Persian Gulf, US states, and taxonomy. Feel good for paying attention in Bio recently.
There are 17 (well, even 18 now with bridgerweight) weight classes in pro boxing. The clue should be "First 8 professional boxing weight classes" or "UFC weight classes".
Given the different organisations (not just the various professional boxing bodies but the Olympics too) have different classes, I think the "original eight" clarification makes sense.
You'd never hear a conversation like
- Whose is that coat?
- Oh, it's one's.
Now I see what they mean I would ve gotten most. Havent heard of phylum though (maybe I know it in my own language) And pretty sure I wouldnt have thought of domain.
Also is there not a 'cruiser' weight in boxing? As well as 'light-welter weight' etc? I'm not a boxing fan so happy to be corrected.
2. Bacteria - 3. Eukaryote
To combat the nerdery, I will tell you that I typed in paper-weight for a boxing category
This cake is mine.
This cake is hers.
This cake is nobody's.
This cake is one's.
So you could just replace "one's" with "nobody's" and it would all be fine? As long as no-one mentions "no-one's".