
Groups of Four Quiz #1

Name the members of these famous foursomes.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: September 3, 2018
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First submittedFebruary 16, 2011
Times taken230,225
Average score65.6%
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Playing Cards Suits
Tennis Majors
Australian Open
French Open
US Open
U.S. States that
Border Mexico
New Mexico
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
United Kingdom Countries
Northern Ireland
The Beatles
George Harrison
John Lennon
Paul McCartney
Ringo Starr
Orchestra Stringed
Double Bass
Japanese Islands
Indiana Jones Movies
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Temple of Doom
Last Crusade
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Large Moons of Jupiter
Countries that Start
With V
Vatican City
Classical Elements
Gospels of the Bible
Horn of Africa Countries
Throwing Events at
the Olympics
Hammer Throw
Shot Put
122 Recent Comments
Level 19
Jan 11, 2014
UK Countries? UK is a country.. I don't know what you call the 4 things inside of it, but those are not countries. Territories? Providences? Not sure. Sad it didn't accept Ireland for Northern Ireland though. ;(
Level 72
Feb 23, 2014
They are actually called countries, even though that's kinda stupid since they're not independent countries.
Level 36
Dec 14, 2017
There are many countries which are not sovereign nations in their own right.
Level 45
Nov 12, 2020
northern ireland is not a country, this is incorrect
Level 57
Jun 21, 2022
You are the one that's "kinda stupid" by conflating the term "country" with "sovereign nation". They do not mean the same thing. Not all countries are sovereign nations. Cook Islands, Niue, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten and many others are a example of that.
Level 32
Sep 25, 2024
Greenland and Faeroe Islands are not countries though.

It is a funky word in English language as for many languages country is a sovereign entity vs for the English it's something much more flexible.

Level 41
May 31, 2015
They are countries, each with its own customs, and apart from England, languages. We "other" countris within the UK strongly object to being referred to as English, by the way.
Level 51
Sep 30, 2015
England does have its own language. English. It's just spoken more widely. And don't forget Cornish.
Level 48
Feb 6, 2016
I almost typed "Sweden", then hit myself.
Level 21
May 27, 2016
Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland are all countries. They are all together as one country but separated by administrative division.
Level 31
Aug 26, 2018
This is basically correct. However, Northern Ireland is technically not a country. It's a province. Everyone from Northern Ireland, including myself, would argue that we are a country but if we have to be technical about it then we are wrong...

Wales used to be considered a principality until December 2011 when the ISO updated itself and recognised it. But it hadn't been treated as a principality for centuries.

Level 75
Feb 11, 2021
Northern Ireland has essentially the same status as Scotland and Wales in the UK, so if you call them countries then you can go ahead and call NI a country.

"Province" isn't used in any official way at all, it only comes about because:

1. There is no Northern Irish ethnic group or language, unlike Scotland and Wales;

2. Northern Ireland has never been an independent country in the past, unlike Scotland and Wales.

Some people think NI falls even shorter than Scotland and Wales in terms of being a country, so they use a lesser title for it - usually province. It's not officially or technically a province though, it's up to you and your politics/biases/judgement/instinct/whatever.

Level 36
Nov 3, 2017
They are countries, just not sovereign ones. Just like the Bahamas, Barbados, St.Kitts, St. Lucia, etc., are countries but still owe allegiance to the British Crown.
Level 72
May 8, 2018
Bahamas, St Kitts and St Lucia are sovereign states, even though they have the Queen as their head of state (just like Canada). But you're right about England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland not being sovereign states.
Level 35
May 8, 2018
they are sovereign nations! NOT countries in their own rights, though we do often call ourselves individual countries, we are not.

Also, Ireland IS NOT northern Ireland. they are a part of the EU, use the Euro and not the Pound / Sterling and are the republic of Ireland, not Northern. hope that helps clear it up!!

Level 70
Jun 22, 2018
Do you know what "sovereign nation" means? Also Northern Ireland is, along with the rest of the UK, still in the EU but scheduled to leave in March 2019.
Level 74
Aug 7, 2018
Ireland properly refers to the island as a whole, which does contain Northern Ireland, whose residents can choose to identify as Irish or British. Confused?
Level 81
Aug 13, 2018
They are countries in the same way that U.S. states are states. In traditional parlance they are referred to this way even though technically they have lost the characteristics that would make it make sense to refer to them as such a long time ago.
Level 68
Aug 24, 2018
The category should be changed to United Kingdom Nations, not Countries
Level 31
Aug 26, 2018
I feel like that would make it more confusing
Level 72
Dec 10, 2018
everyone knows them as countries. well apparently some dont
Level 74
Jul 31, 2019
Why is it sad that they don't accept just Ireland? Ireland is a country all by itself, only northern Ireland is part of the UK
Level 66
Apr 22, 2022
Ireland and Northern Ireland are very different things (politically at least) it would be absolutely wrong to accept one for the other
Level 47
Sep 5, 2023
Providences? (no offense I just noticed it lol)
Level 17
Apr 27, 2014
For the Beatles I kept thinking of Andrew McCarthy the actor and missed Paul McCartney. D'oh!
Level 66
Oct 4, 2014
'Violoncello' should work for 'cello'. After all, it is the full word
Level 94
Jan 27, 2019
and that was your first guess?
Level 69
Aug 23, 2021
Doesn't matter whether it's the most likely guess, it should be accepted, because it's correct (and technically more correct than the displayed answer).

Similarly, "The Championships" (the actual name of the UK's tennis grand slam event) should be accepted as well as Wimbledon, the place that The Championships are played.

The quiz accepts both Roland Garros and French Open.

Level 32
Nov 7, 2014
How do you make the sub-titles like that? (As in Beatles, Countries that start with V, etc.)
Level 75
Feb 11, 2021


Level ∞

Apr 12, 2019

In Step 2 put the group name in the first column. Then in Step 4, choose "Manual" for Design Mode. Then, on the right side of the screen, click "Advanced" and look for "Format as Groups of Things". Hope this helps!

Level 63
Jun 1, 2015
How do you format the quiz in this way?
Level 62
Jan 7, 2025
A decade late, but you can copy the quiz into your editor!
Level 39
Oct 1, 2015
Nice quiz. Spelling got me on a couple of them though, or I would have done even better.
Level 51
Oct 2, 2015
I got all of Jupiter's moons but missed hockey...smh
Level 45
Nov 12, 2020

and i got all the moons cuz im an astronomy nerd

Level 33
May 28, 2016
If you guys like the Groups of Things category and the anime, One Piece, then check out my quiz. Its called "Groups of Things - One Piece"
Level 45
Oct 19, 2016
This needs to be changed. I put Spade, heart, club and nothing worked. Why do we have to add an S at the end of each word??
Level 76
May 8, 2018
So it is your fault I have to delete an S after each suit I type. They are called spades, hearts, clubs and diamonds, the S is part of it, nobody ever calls them "spade" etc.
Level 70
May 8, 2018
I concur. Even when referring to a single card, it's the "Ace of Spades" or "Seven of Diamonds."


Level 63
Aug 12, 2018
Ah, but if you refer to a non specific single card you would say it without the s.
Level 72
Dec 10, 2018
I so agree with those. Often people complain about the type-ins. BUt never really mattered to me. But on tis occassion I found it very annoying to keep ending with an s in my box...

It isnt a hard word to spell or something

Level 75
Feb 11, 2021
Why was this ridiculous type-in accepted??? The suits are:





This is genuinely one of the most annoying type-in examples I've come across! Please change it back.

Level 46
Mar 26, 2017
Level 71
Jul 16, 2017
When I saw this quiz I just knew Beatles would be on there.
Level 35
Dec 14, 2017
Please accept 'Wind' as an alternative answer to 'Air'
Level 72
Dec 10, 2018
That is not really an element is it. It would be like typhoon or waterfall or rain for water. WInd is moving air (yes undoubtedly there is a much more technical way to define wind, with pressure areas and thermic/thermal whatever things)
Level 34
Mar 18, 2018
Beat 94.4% of y'all!!! This quiz boosted my self-confidence :) thx bois
Level 73
May 8, 2018
While it's hilarious to think of "water" as a throwing event at the Olympics, alas it is not. And last I checked, Discus is not an element.
Level 78
May 8, 2018
Is there a record for throwing water? Haha
Level ∞
May 8, 2018
Level 89
May 8, 2018
Water throwing is just an exhibition event - it's not an official Olympic event at this time.
Level 59
May 10, 2018
Could you please also accept autumm and contrabass as type ins?
Level 68
May 10, 2018
Could you accept disc for discus?
Level 58
Aug 24, 2018
It's not and never has been known as the disc - why accept something that's wrong as an alternative?
Level 72
Dec 10, 2018
that is what I tried first aswell, it is a disc that is thrown. But when that wasnt accepted I did think of trying discus (something else in between but cant remember, maybe disk)
Level 29
May 10, 2018
I use "But can you name the four countries that comprise the Horn of Africa" as an icebreaker for so many conversations. Now I was finally able to put to use what I was trained for. Woohoo!
Level 75
Feb 11, 2021
As an icebreaker? Sounds like the sort of question that could restore the Arctic's sea-ice to its full extent almost immediately...
Level 71
Jun 19, 2018
Ganymead as an alternate spelling?
Level 58
Aug 24, 2018
Learn to spell the moon correctly as an alternative...? It's not as if you only get one chance to input answers.
Level 59
Oct 13, 2020
Mead is an alcoholic drink.
Level 86
Jul 12, 2018
Grandmother always used to tell me that the four seasons around here are: Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter, and Road Construction. Can you accept those please.
Level 74
Aug 24, 2018
In southern Missouri they are Tornado, Mosquito, Deer Hunting, and Hurry to the Store for Bread and Milk.
Level 74
Aug 7, 2018
Could you accept just "Shot" for one of the throwing events? It is commonly abbreviated thus
Level 63
Aug 12, 2018
Summoning Captain Planet: Earth, Fire, WIND, Water, heart.
Level 38
Aug 24, 2018
Richard Starkey should also be accepted as Beatle.
Level 65
Aug 24, 2018
And Pete Best.
Level 91
Aug 24, 2018
And Stuart Sutcliffe.
Level 71
Aug 24, 2018
omg my (real) name is in this quiz
Level 85
Oct 31, 2019
Hammer Throw, is that you??!!
Level 59
Jun 7, 2020
I thought that was Discus...?
Level 78
Aug 24, 2018
I can understand not accepting the first names of John, Paul, or George, but c'mon. Who else could we mean when we say "Ringo?"
Level 59
Oct 13, 2020
He was a star!
Level 75
Feb 11, 2021
I typed 'John' for the Beatles and it disappeared so I assumed it was OK, then was very confused when I looked up and I had paulgeorgeringo in the answer box! The evangelists gave me false hope...! After typing mccartney and harrison I was sure it would accept ringo, but I s'pose they had to be consistent...
Level 68
Aug 25, 2018
I spent about 45 seconds trying to name the Four Seasons. After trying variants of "Frankie Valli" a few times, I had a facepalm moment. Oh ... the four seasons ... duh.
Level 67
Aug 26, 2018
please accept just the word "ringo"
Level 24
Sep 12, 2018
How did you get the groups of boxes to sit below each other?
Level 41
Oct 12, 2018
Interesting that I never heard of the hammer throw but I got the other 3 right away. I wonder how I missed that, it’s kind of odd.

This might sound ignorant, but I honestly don’t know, do they do the hammer throw in the olympics? If they do it’s even weirder that I never heard of it.

Level 69
Aug 23, 2021
You probably did the other three at school, but I don't know of any high school (around here, anyway) that thinks that letting teenagers loose on the hammer throw is a good idea!
Level 41
Oct 12, 2018
Ok, looking back at the category, obviously it’s in the olympics!
Level 61
Apr 11, 2019
Hey, Quizmaster. Great quiz. I am trying to make a "groups" quiz but I can't figure it out. What's the best way to have several groups of things on one page without having formatting problems?
Level ∞
Apr 12, 2019
In Step 2 put the group name in the first column. Then in Step 4, choose "Manual" for Design Mode. Then, on the right side of the screen, click "Advanced" and look for "Format as Groups of Things". Hope this helps!
Level 41
Apr 16, 2019
Very nearly got Callisto and Calypso mixed up...
Level 34
Nov 14, 2019
'Classical Elements' needs rewording. Pretty unclear as to what that actually means.
Level 41
Nov 18, 2019
The Indiana Jones question is incorrect; I refuse to acknowledge the existance of a 4th film.
Level 91
Jun 17, 2020
Your refusal has been noted. We will be transferring this to the JetPunk complaints office:
Level 80
May 15, 2021
You're literally treating Stevie's refusal as refuse!
Level 83
May 20, 2022
I feel you man. I felt dirty typing it in
Level 68
Feb 13, 2024
There are actually five Indiana Jones films now. 2023 added "Dial of Destiny"
Level 56
Apr 8, 2024
Yes. Please notice this!
Level 30
Jan 18, 2020
Can you please accept the correct names for the Gospels of the Bible instead of only the US translations? Incredibly US-centric...
Level 88
Feb 16, 2020
How about you say: Base Elements as opposed to classical elements.

I think 4 base elements: Air, Fire, Water, Earth

4 Classical Elements: Beat, Rhythm, Bach, Beethoven, Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Gold etc..

Level 45
Nov 12, 2020
excuse me what??

their are no such thing as the 4 base elements in the periodic table, and even if they were, no gas would be, the gases in the periodic table were some of the latest discovered elements, lead, gold, iron, and copper would be closer than whatever the heck that is,

also beat, rhythm, bach and beethoven???

beat and rhythm are the same thing in all practical sense, and bach and beethoven were dudes.

Level 43
Jun 21, 2020
Just going to be 'that guy' who points out that the shot put is not a throwing event. Athletes are specifically not allowed to "throw", only "put". Great quiz though.
Level 45
Nov 12, 2020
you literally throw the ball, throwing is the act of releasing an object into the air at some velocity not enacted by gravity, ie, exactly what shotput is.
Level 65
Aug 21, 2020
Please add Clover as a type-in for Clubs!
Level 45
Nov 12, 2020
w a t
Level 66
Jan 15, 2021
I agree
Level 46
Sep 29, 2020
Could you please add "contrabass" as a type-in for "double bass"?
Level 28
Feb 18, 2021
no contrabass is a woodwind. how did u not know that? look it up
Level 59
May 13, 2021
A contrabass in a musical definition, is just any instrument that can play a full octave lower than the bass range of pitch. It isn't exclusive to only woodwinds. In fact when you search up contrabass, a double bass or a similar instrument pops up. Performers also just call the instrument contrabass sometimes.
Level 38
Nov 14, 2020
I had no idea what the tennis question was asking lol I felt so dumb. I was thinking major like a college major, then I thought maybe it was positions but tennis has no positions.Then I was thinking maybe the most important people in tennis or most famous? Never would have guessed the quiz meant events. I was string at it for awhile too like what does this MEAN
Level 28
Feb 18, 2021


You scored 30/64 = 47%

This beats or equals 16.7% of test takers

The average score is 43

Your high score is 30

Level 71
Apr 12, 2021




Level 57
Apr 29, 2021
Is the harp not a string instrument in an orchestra? I always learnt that it was.
Level 71
Jun 15, 2021
Level 73
Jun 24, 2021
Surprised that most were bad at Jupiter's moons, it seems pretty general knowledge to me. (Then again, I did miss one...)
Level 65
Jun 29, 2021
The only answers I didn't get were the two fuddy-duddies of that really old rock group that people under the age of 40 haven't heard of.
Level 57
Jul 15, 2021
Had a brain fart on the seasons and tried to enter Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons for half of the time
Level 58
Aug 16, 2021
You might as well accept "Raffaello" together with "Raphael" for the fourth Ninja Turtle. All the other three are in Italian, you could take the fourth one, too.
Level 74
Sep 19, 2021
I enjoyed this quiz a lot. Surprised at how low the four Japanese islands have scored compared to some of the categories here! But a nice quiz to do on a Sunday evening. Thanks.
Level 81
Feb 21, 2022
Very fun. The shotput is often just called the shot.
Level 88
Mar 15, 2022
I didt
Level 66
Aug 4, 2022
So, I began by typing the Beatles' first names. I started with Ringo, and typed the rest without looking, only to discover that the first names were not enough. I began again. I typed Ringo Starr, but the answer was accepted after the first r. Go figure.
Level 94
Dec 7, 2022
You'll have to change the Indiana Jones question soon. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is coming out in 2023.
Level 56
Mar 8, 2023
Please change "Tennis Majors" to "Tennis Grand Slams" :) It's easier to identify for many people including me
Level 82
Aug 11, 2023
Indiana Jones movies are not a foursome anymore.
Level 82
Aug 17, 2023
this needs an update, as there are now five Indiana Jones movies!
Level 61
Dec 22, 2023
Isn't basketball a throwing sport?
Level 56
Mar 3, 2024
Should remove Indiana jones question, there is now a fifth one.
Level 62
Jan 7, 2025
Came to say the same thing.
Level 55
Jul 9, 2024
Could you accept 'contrabass' for 'Double Bass'?
Level 43
Feb 5, 2025
There are only three Indiana Jones movies.

There is no 4th.

There definitely isn't a 5th.

Just 3.