Close, but the 12-year molars are the second set of molars, that usually come in around age 12 (shocking, I know). Wisdom Teeth are the third set of molars, which come in usually between ages 16-22.
And, in rare cases such as mine, twelve years old. And if you're going to be that odd, why not go even further and add another rare case, such as mine, with seven wisdom teeth!
Apparently, malocclusion is a result of the soft food in many contemporary diets -- it changes our face/jaw as we grow and so as adults we don't have room for wisdom teeth.
I only remember it because I did my 7th grade science fair project on it. My teacher suggested I portray it as a bowl of gelatin. The judges were not impressed.
Should be Original Fantastic 4 as there have been quite a lot over the year including for example Spiderman, Storm, Ant Man, Luke Cage, Black Panther, and She Hulk.
the chinese didn't invent printing it was in europe that the printing press was made they only used ink blocks in china, porcelain should take its spot
The invention of the printing press was not the invention of printing. That's like saying music was created in 1700 because that's when the piano was invented. Movable type printing was invented in China more than 400 years before Gutenberg, and woodblock printing another 800 years before than (also in China).
Sure, but the civilian identities might be shorter. And really, of all the superhero teams they're the ones that go by their civilian identities the most. I mean, how often does Sue Storm actually go by "Invisible Woman" anymore? When's the last time you really heard Reed Richards called "Mister Fantastic"?
Though while we're at it, could we also take "Ben Grimm" and "Reed Richards"? And maybe "Sue Storm," since she goes by that at least as often as "Susan"?
Would you be so kind as to cite your source for the staple crop answer? I was shocked not to see soybeans, and five minutes of Googling later, I've seen sources that variously put it, sugar cane, and barley in the top 5, so now I am totally confused. Thanks if you can! I like to be edified from these quizzes :-)
There have been several modern states of matter discovered but to my understanding they do not exist in natural conditions so the four listed remain the classical or natural states.
Couldn't spell Slytherin, if my life depended on it. (My first try was Slyzerin.) That I got from only watching the Harry Potter movies and not reading any of the books...
Can you write "states of matter" instead of "phases of matter"?
With the word phase I think of something that has to go through 4 different stages in a specific order. With states of matter you are suggesting the different states in which matter exists.
Though while we're at it, could we also take "Ben Grimm" and "Reed Richards"? And maybe "Sue Storm," since she goes by that at least as often as "Susan"?
With the word phase I think of something that has to go through 4 different stages in a specific order. With states of matter you are suggesting the different states in which matter exists.