
Groups of Six #2

Can you name the members of these groups of six?
A megacity is an urban agglomeration with a population over 10 million
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: February 13, 2021
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First submittedSeptember 29, 2011
Times taken96,364
Average score62.5%
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States of Australia
New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia
Longest river by
Mississippi / Missouri
Official U.N. languages
U.S. states in the
Rocky Mountains
New Mexico
Wives of Henry VIII
Catherine of Aragon
Anne Boleyn
Jane Seymour
Anne of Cleves
Catherine Howard
Catherine Parr
Suspects in the board
game Clue
Mr. Green
Colonel Mustard
Mrs. Peacock
Professor Plum
Miss Scarlet
Mrs. White
Megacities in India
Countries bordering
South Africa
Level 49
Nov 2, 2013
Ehm, I think you forgot about Northern Territory
Level 86
Nov 2, 2013
It's a territory, not a state. Different things.
Level 32
Nov 2, 2013
Ehm, Northern Territory is a territory and not an official state, same as the ACT. There are only 6 states.
Level 76
Jul 2, 2014
The names of the characters are the same in Clue (the US version) and Cluedo (the version everywhere else). (I wonder why the name difference - copyright wrangles perhaps?). The only difference between the versions is the victim's name, which doesn't matter a whole lot since they, being dead, don't get to do anything.
Level 45
Jul 20, 2014
Plus the US version is funnier. John Boddy, get it?
Level 85
Sep 15, 2019
Also, Mr Green in Clue is Reverend Green in Cluedo. Apparently the makers thought Americans wouldn't be happy about a parson being a murder suspect.
Level 74
Sep 30, 2019
Cluedo is not the version "everywhere else", I do not live in the U.S and grew up with clue.
Level 88
Feb 13, 2021
Actually, another major difference is that Miss Scarlet is Miss Scarlett outside the US.
Level 59
Feb 25, 2021
That certainly is a major difference
Level 83
Jun 8, 2021
Cluedo was invented in the UK and was originally called that as a play on the popular game Ludo. I think it was renamed Clue for the American market as the name "Ludo" is very much a British thing, so the pun didn't make any sense elsewhere.
Level 50
Dec 7, 2014
I'm pretty sure Sergeant Gray and Miss Peach are characters in Clue
Level 80
Jan 4, 2016
I'm pretty sure that they aren't in any game of Clue/Cluedo that I've ever seen (just saying)
Level 89
Feb 13, 2021
I hadn't heard of them before, but according to this Wikipedia article they were introduced as additional suspects by Parker Bros in the 1980s.
Level 82
Feb 14, 2021
We just got a new version that leaves out Mrs. White and subs in "Dr. Orchid"
Level 46
Feb 29, 2024
Me who named my SCP OC "Dr Orchid" ._.

(I completely forgot that was a character in Clue)

Level 81
Jun 11, 2016
Interestingly (to me) I missed a bunch, but my knowledge seems to align perfectly with the common man's on this one as I got everything currently guessed above 40%, and missed those under.
Level 54
Jun 12, 2016
Haha oops I said "Anne of Chives" instead of Cleves. Close but still not correct.
Level 72
Feb 17, 2021
No, Anne of Chives is the wife of Mr. Potatohead.
Level 33
Jun 15, 2016
Divorced, beheaded, died,

Divorced, beheaded, survived

Level 83
Feb 15, 2021
I'm Henry the eighth, I had six sorry wives. Some might say I ruined their lives...
Level 71
Jul 8, 2021
My favorite is Anne of Cleves: Henry thought she was ugly, so he never consummated the marriage with her. At the same time, he really liked her (even being called Henry's "Beloved Sister" at one point), and so she escaped the unfortunate fates that befell some of his other wives.
Level 30
May 8, 2024
"Yes of course you can marry my daughter! You've only gone through 5 wives so far so I'm sure she'll be fine!"
Level 20
Jun 18, 2016
Technically there are 10 Australian states, the 4 that you forgot were Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory, Norfolk Island, and Lord Howe Island
Level 74
Sep 26, 2019
NT and ACT are territories, Norfolk is an external territory, and Lord Howe is part of NSW. There are 6 states, "technical" or otherwise.
Level 80
Feb 14, 2021
You don't know what you are talking about, technically or otherwise.
Level 73
Aug 28, 2021
There are only two Australian states: drunk and sleeping.
Level 81
Apr 8, 2017
3 suggested changes re Australian answers:

The longest river is Murray/Darling

SA as an alternative for South Australia

WA as an alternative for Western Australia

Level 71
Jul 11, 2021
Two-letter abbreviations aren't usually accepted on Jetpunk. They would give too many freebies, since a lot of words could start with, for example, SA or WA.
Level 83
Nov 10, 2017
We could have done about the Italian Renaissance, the Huguenot wars, the Protestant Reformation, even the English Reformation - but no, it was imperative to know Henry VIII's wives by heart. I always thought that part of the history curriculum was a bit pointless.
Level 22
Jul 27, 2018
It's spelt Katherine Parr
Level 83
Sep 17, 2018
Wikipedia says "Catherine Parr (alternatively spelled Katherine, Katheryn or Katharine, signed 'Katheryn the Quene KP')".
Level 85
Feb 15, 2021
It's spelled "spelled". Spelt is type of wheat. ;)
Level 83
Feb 17, 2021
'Spelt' is commonly used in non-American varieties of English, including British and Australian.
Level 71
Sep 24, 2023
Whilst we are on 16th century was pretty variable. For example Anne's surname was sometimes spelt "Bullen", or so I read somewhere.
Level 86
Feb 13, 2021
I got tripped up on the order of some categories. It seems the answers are in alphabetical order - except when they aren't! (Of course, I wouldn't expect the wives to be in anything but chronological order.)
Level 73
Feb 14, 2021
Yeah, I was wracking my brain trying to figure out another C or D megacity, which could fit between Chennai and Delhi.
Level ∞
Feb 14, 2021
Changed the order of that one.
Level 74
May 13, 2021
Yep, I got confused trying to find a country that fell alphabetically between Lesotho and Mozambique even though my instinct was that it was Eswatini
Level 80
Feb 14, 2021
Got all except for the six Clue suspects. Never played that game before.
Level 89
Jul 8, 2021
The game is just alright, but I love the movie.
Level 80
Feb 14, 2021
Why is it that we now refer to Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata instead of Bombay, Madras and Calcutta, yet we still refer to Bangalore rather than Bengaluru?
Level 71
Jul 8, 2021
Not sure, but if I can hazard a guess, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai were larger (Bangalore only surpassed Chennai in population pretty recently) and more significant historically, so when their names changed, more people caught on. Also, going from Bombay to Mumbai, or Madras to Chennai, or even Calcutta to Kolkata, is a much more significant difference than going from Bangalore to Bengaluru. Those are just guesses though.
Level 80
Jul 8, 2021
Found this answer on the internet: Bangalore officially changed to Bengaluru in 2017. Bombay became Mumbai in 1995 after a 40-year struggle; Madras changed to Chennai in 1996; Calcutta to Kolkata in 2001; Trivandrum to Thiruvananthapuram in 1991; Pondicherry to Puducherry in 2006; Poona to Pune in 2008; and Orissa to Odisha in 2011. It appears only that Bengaluru was more recent and hasn't been adopted as widely yet? Perhaps Jetpunk could/should update it's approach to this place name? It appears not to be different to the case of Nur-Sultan.
Level 74
Feb 19, 2021
I wrote Seymur instead of Seymour. D'oh!
Level 84
Mar 8, 2021
So it wasn't Anne of Green Gables?
Level 48
Jul 8, 2021
Please accept Changjiang, the Chinese pinyin for the Yangtze.
Level 70
Jul 9, 2021
there is not Mrs.White in modern clue has to be replaced with Orchid
Level 54
Dec 15, 2021
Why are California, Nevada, and Arizona not considered? Just because of the sake that we want only SIX? If so, why are only those six included, and why not anyone from the above three?

Btw a good quiz tho, it's good to see you being updated and adding HYDERABAD to the list of Indian megacities. :-)

Level 71
Feb 8, 2022
Wow wasn't expecting to get all Australian states, I know barely anything about Australian geography
Level 83
Feb 8, 2022
According to the constitution of Australia, New Zealand is also one of its states.
Level 34
Aug 22, 2023
your joking right?
Level 72
Sep 7, 2023
In Section 6 of the Australian Constitution, drafted in 1900, New Zealand was listed as a potential Australian state
Level 59
Apr 28, 2024
what the hell is the game Clue?