I saw the newest one yesterday. This the first full Saw installment I have seen in its entirety and I would actually recommend it. It's a great film tbh and the plot twist at the end was worth it. I think it harks back to the golden era of the first 3 films, where the suspense was the key factor and not just killing off one dummy character after the other in the most gruesome way imaginable. Also it's kind of a prequel more than a sequel, but I don't wanna give anything away!
Note to QM: I think that clue should be updated to 8 installments.
This... is not a great quiz. "related to the supernatural"? that could be magic, paranormal, eldritch... there's like dozens of words that could be. And people aren't even buried in a tomb! Usually the coffin sits above ground! And werewolves are also vulnerable to wolfsbane, and vampires can also be killed with silver bullets. And you can find mummies in mexico. The theme is cute, but there are a bunch of problems with this.
At this time, only 39% of people answered the question about The Thing! WATCH IT RIGHT NOW, FOOLS! It is the best horror movie there is, according to tons of horror fans.
I'd vote for "The Thing From Another World," the original with only rudimentary special effects but more memorable dialogue. But it takes place in the Arctic circle, not Antarctica, so it's not the answer to this clue.
The old joke (used repeatedly by the Three Stooges): when asked "How would you rather be executed--be burned alive or have your head cut off," Curly invariably said "I'd rather have a hot steak than a cold chop."
Note to QM: I think that clue should be updated to 8 installments.