Prequels AREN'T Star Wars. I suspect the moderators on here won't let me use the language I want to describe them but let's just say they are abominations.
If you think that about the Prequels, imagine what I think of the sequels. Those are ACTUALLY NOT Star Wars. They're worse to me than the prequels are to you, that's for sure.
Although Phantom Menace is an abomination, but Attack of the Clones could be worse, and Revenge of the Sith is a good movie. Besides, none of them are as bad as the sequels.
It's really weird that these 5-7 year olds (the only people who liked the prequels when they were released, probably the only people who could) are now adults and insisting due to nostalgia that they are actually good movies... I see them popping up online more and more.
I'm 45 and saw the originals in the theater. Star Wars had a huge hand in who I am today. The prequels are far from perfect, but nowhere near the abominations that many from my generation make them out to be. There's issues, but Episode 3 especially is a pretty good movie.
I don't know man, I've seen the prequels recently, and they are far from the abomination people try to make them be. The Force Awakens, on the other hand, is an abomination, and the way it looks, so will the Last Jedi be.
There were parts of Return of the Jedi that were as goofy as anything in the prequels, but it was still a much better movie overall. I saw all of the prequels in the theater, multiple times. I never said that they were "abominations"... but they are not good movies. They are, however, superior in many ways to The Force Awakens, (arguably) Rogue One, and (especially) The Last Jedi. The Last Jedi was indeed an abomination. I didn't grow up watching the original trilogy as a child. My cousins were big fans but I wasn't really properly exposed to A New Hope myself until I was in high school so I think I can fairly say it's not just nostalgia.
I don't see Episode 3 as really that different qualitatively than the other 2. Yeah, there was more action, less Jar Jar, a little less cheese... but very similar in terms of the writing, acting,
trifles. this wasn't a quiz. it was a statement. if you don't see that...well...I don't blame's a bit obscure...still...look closer...honestly though...all the movies are a little childish...except Rogue One...that sh*t was a little darker...and much better for it....also....i think that Kessel run issue is still up for grabs...I'll never forgive Lucas for it though...bend space however you's still sounds f**ky.
In the Star Wars fan fiction that takes place years, and even decades after the battle of Endor, Leia and Han are married. She is Reffered to as Leia Organa Solo. They also had more kids together. Along with Ben they had a set of twins, Jaina and Jacen. Although, in the fan fiction it is not named Ben but Anakin.
That's not fanfiction. That's official 80's-era expanded universe novels. I grew up reading them, the public library was full of them. Lucas himself didn't write them, but they were all approved to be published and until the prequels and Episode 7 came out more recently, it was canon for hardcore Star Wars fans.
That kind of is. It isn't canon. In fact, Kylo is a character in the EU but is actually Luke's son. Just goes to show why I never read extended universe, unless it is about stuff before the Phantom Menace.
Someone actually needed those little talks in 5th grade health class? You see, when a man loves (will take any willing) woman and she loves (gives in to) him, the man puts his...
Heh, I was thinking of the Expanded Universe novels and said "Jacen Solo" for Han's son who turned evil. Maybe update the description to specify that this quiz only includes the movies. :D
The Prequel TRILOGY is absolute trash. A try-hard storyline made worse by some of the most appalling and cringe-worthy acting in modern times. Rogue One is a separate standalone prequel. It was good. The two are hardly in the same category
eh... "good" is a pretty big stretch. I encourage you to watch some of the critical analysis of Rogue One online. The story is so full of plot holes it's absurd. But that 30 second scene at the end with Vader... that was the best thing to come out of Star Wars since Return of the Jedi, I'll give them that. Rest of the movie was at times boring and at other times nonsensical but leagues better than The Last Jedi.
I never understood why Han and Leia would name their son "Ben". Han never became that close to Obi-Wan and Leia never even met him. But then again, Force Awakens was riddled with flaws like that.
He served her father in the Clone Wars. He was her only hope. Why not name her son after an old army buddy of her dad's whom she thought could save the universe?
Force Awakens was overproduced fan fiction. If you think it's strange that Han and Leia would name their kid after someone that they barely knew but that audiences obviously loved, try to wrap your head around how Han and Finn could have an inside joke about trash compactors.... it's like both of them watched the original movie together.
I don't consider Kylo Ren Han's son, since I don't consider the sequels legitimate. All they were was an easy (and frankly pathetic) cash grab for corrupt Disney.
Jeez reading these comments reminds me why it sometimes hurts to be a Star Wars fan. If most of the movies are disliked by most of the fandom, or even the general public, then it just sounds like the franchise isn’t even that good. Either that or people are overreacting.
direction and overall film quality.
Clean cut. Start over. Nuke the expanded universe and make something original since the ep.V.
let the riot start ...
a new hope: good
empire strikes back: good
return of the jedi: my personal favorite
phantom menace: underrated
attack of the clones: adequate
revenge of the sith: very good
force awakens: very good
last jedi: good
rise of skywalker: adequate