Having never read the books or seen the films, I should not have gotten 20/24 right. But the characters are mentioned enough on teh internets that most of them have managed to seep into my brain. Pretty fascinating, really.
I got half, nothing of the last row. But was nearly there for remius, tried lupus lupes lupis (and maybe more). Not being a potter fanatic, I have only read/seen a few I think I did allright. (plus for the books a lot of names were different in my language)
Maybe a little less time to make it a challenge? I finished in less than a minute. Or maybe add more people? Like the rest of the founders, teacher, etc.
I suspect the inspiration for the name Minerva McGonagall came from the notoriously bad Scottish poet William McGonagall. See the 'Tay Bridge Disaster'...
Just a petition NOT to tag all the Harry Potter quizzes as "United Kingdom".
Half the UK-tagged quizzes seem to be Potter-related.
I doubt people looking for Potter quizzes will search for "United Kingdom", and I doubt people searching for "United Kingdom" are looking for Potter quizzes.
An annoying reporter in the series who constantly spread misinformation about harry, especially in the fifth book/movie. First appeared in the fourth book/movie I believe (although not sure on the movie front, as I know the books better)
22, not super hip to all the lore, I've never been a huge fan but been rewatching some of them recently. Missed Viktor cuz I tried Kram instead of Krum and missed Rita
I am a potter fan tho.
Time taken to correctly spell Mcgonagal- 1 minute.
Thanks for giving extra time on the quiz. If nothing else, needed it for just the spelling.
Eg. Draco Malfoy, everyone just calls him Malfoy same with Sirius Black, Snape, Hagrid, Krum, Granger
although not that much Granger people can't be bothered to call her that 24/7
Half the UK-tagged quizzes seem to be Potter-related.
I doubt people looking for Potter quizzes will search for "United Kingdom", and I doubt people searching for "United Kingdom" are looking for Potter quizzes.
Great quiz!!
37.4% of test takers also scored 100%
The average score is 19
Your high score is 24
Your fastest time is 1:03
Being a potter head finally paying off lol