Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Once known as "The Great War" | World War I | 99%
Battle where Napoleon was defeated for good | Waterloo | 94%
Nixon's big political scandal | Watergate | 87%
Inventors of the airplane | Wright Brothers | 87%
City with the first Covid-19 outbreak | Wuhan | 87%
City whose Jewish ghetto was razed in 1943 | Warsaw | 85%
U.S. President during the above | Woodrow Wilson | 85%
Norman who conquered England in 1066 | William the Conqueror | 83%
German Kaiser during that same war | Wilhelm II | 80%
Name of the British royal family, since 1917 | House of {Windsor} | 78%
Place where English monarchs are crowned and buried | Westminster Abbey | 77%
Beverage whose origin can be traced to Georgia c. 6000 BC | Wine | 75%
Germany, from 1919–1933 | {Weimar} Republic | 70%
Country conquered by Edward Longshanks in 1282 | Wales | 64%
City burned by British troops in 1814 | Washington D.C. | 63%
Former liberal political party of the U.S. and Great Britain | Whig | 63%
German who composed "The Ring", a cycle of four operas | Richard Wagner | 62%
Scottish patriot drawn and quartered in 1305 | William Wallace | 60%
Irish writer who was jailed for having gay sex | Oscar Wilde | 57%
Lord Chancellor to King Henry VIII | Cardinal {Wolsey} | 33%
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