That makes me think of the M*A*S*H scene where Klinger comes in with a wild outfit and B.J. asks, "Klinger, do you know how many zoots had to be killed to make that suit?"
Both Ziegfled and Zola had films made about them that won the Best Picture Oscar, both longer than they needed to be but very interesting all the same!
I have something in common with Zebulon Pike. When I was young my parents took us to Colorado and we were going to drive to the top of Pike's Peak. Unfortunately there had been a storm which led to a bus accident that day on the road to the top and the road was closed. So, like Zebulon, I never made it to the top of the mountain, either.
Got everything but the gulag inmate within 30 seconds. Spent the rest of the time typing za-with every letter of the alphabet, then ze-with every letter - got it! Don't think I'll forget zek now.
just wasted so many seconds trying to spell zeigfreid . run out of time and find out its Ziegfeld . so it seems I've been wrongly calling it ziegfreid follies for years. doh.
History by Letter - X