
History General Knowledge #7

Can you answer these random history questions?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: November 1, 2020
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First submittedJanuary 9, 2015
Times taken66,670
Average score60.0%
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What fleet of warships did Spain launch against England in 1588?
Spanish Armada
What started on October 29, 1929 and lasted for about a decade?
Great Depression
What "M" word refers to the ancient region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers?
On what Pacific island did islanders build giant statues called moai?
Easter Island
Who was the personification of the American female factory worker in WWII?
Rosie the Riveter
Whose "little red book" of quotations has been printed billions of times?
Mao Zedong
What fermented food product was called "liberty cabbage" by the Allies during WWI?
What figurative barrier separated democratic and communist Europe?
Iron Curtain
What country was once led by military leaders called shoguns?
In which modern-day country was the Anglo-Boer war fought?
South Africa
What insecticide was banned in part due to Rachel Carson's book "Silent Spring"?
Which British monarch held the title "Empress of India"?
Queen Victoria
What country was ruled by "Papa Doc" and "Baby Doc" Duvalier?
What modern-day country was once the largest and most profitable Dutch colony?
What did Karl Marx and the Unabomber both write?
What Mexican general defeated the Texans at the Alamo?
Antonio López de
Santa Anna
What 1950s scenesters were famous for wearing berets, playing bongos, and snapping?
Who famously lived at Robben Island prison from 1964–1982?
Nelson Mandela
What was the tallest man-made structure in the world in the year 1900?
Eiffel Tower
What group of French-speaking people settled in Louisiana after being forced out
of Eastern Canada?
Level 76
Jan 11, 2015
Liberty cabbage, freedom fries ...
Level 76
Jan 15, 2015
Although Detroiters and Vermonters seemed happy with their French names...
Level 83
Oct 29, 2023
Well... given they both have mangled pronunciations compared with the original French, not exactly
Level 78
Jul 2, 2015
Mandela was on Robben island until 1982, he was then moved to another prison not on Robben island (see
Level ∞
Feb 16, 2017
Level 77
Jul 2, 2015
Acadians, huh? What's the difference between an Acadian and a Cajun? I've only ever heard of the latter.
Level 74
Jul 2, 2015
I tried Cajun first, which is a corruption of the word Acadian, but it's commonly used. Accept it?
Level 70
May 4, 2016
Clue's wording is precise. Refers to settlers who started out in Acadia and settled in Louisiana. It's the descendants who are Cajun.
Level 68
May 22, 2016
If the QM had worded it as the people who LEFT Eastern Canada, then the answer "Acadian" makes sense, but since it refers to the people who *settled* there – and I understood "people" to mean people in the general sense, such as "the Columbian people" or "We the people" or "People of the Book" as opposed to only the actual people who arrived at the time of the migration – then I feel the answer is more appropriately "Cajun". It makes sense to accept both, no?
Level ∞
Nov 1, 2020
Cajun will be accepted now.
Level 87
Jul 13, 2015
agree with ander217 but for slightly different reason Cajun is the more common way to refer to the ethnic group that exists today in Louisiana. here is a possible resource

please consider accepting. otherwise nice quiz that I could score 100% on with that answer.

Level 36
Nov 24, 2017
As the QM explained previously, Cajuns are the DESCENDANTS of the Acadians who migrated to Louisiana.
Level 77
Dec 29, 2017
Level 46
Dec 18, 2018
When they lived in Acadia, they were Acadians. They left.
Level 54
Mar 12, 2021
Yeh, like when I go to Greece for two weeks, I'm Greek.
Level 81
Oct 14, 2017
Liberty Cabbage is great with a side of Freedom Fries.
Level 69
Sep 1, 2023
I get the point you're making, but that sounds disgusting. Ew.
Level 72
Dec 29, 2017
Great quiz, thank you. I thought the answer was 'The Great Depression' but, whatever I typed in, it wouldn't work. Perhaps I was typing too fast and made a typo, but I thought I would mention it, in case a greater number of possible type-ins could help help future players. Thanks again.
Level 74
Mar 12, 2021
Probably should accept "depression" on its own
Level 41
Jan 24, 2018
Saying that the division was between democratic and communists states is not the most accurate. First because `democracy` has more than one meaning depending to who you ask. Democracy does not necessarily mean free elections. Not to say that Spain and Portugal were dictatorships during a part of the cold war
Level 69
Mar 12, 2021
A agree. Whatever your definition of democracy is, it surely cannot include Spain under Franco and Portugal under Salazar!
Level 79
Mar 12, 2021
The question accurately reflects Churchill's Sinews of Peace speech, where he coined the term (in terms of the Cold War, he more or less coined it). He specifically said that the Soviet sphere of influence had led to totalitarian police states east of the curtain (except Greece). He also pointed out that the democratic countries of Europe, who had free elections, were west of the curtain (note that he never claimed ALL countries of western Europe were democratic).

There was a clear distinction between the western democracies and the Russian sphere of influence in terms of both humans rights and democratic rights. I don't think there's much of a case to be made against this concept, honestly.

Level 72
Jan 25, 2018
The real Rosie the Riveter just died a couple of days ago, aged 96. Her name was Naomi Parker Fraley.
Level 73
Jun 7, 2018
Good quiz. I got 16 straight off and then sat and stared blankly at the last four.
Level 72
Jan 6, 2019
I typed dtp for the insecticide. Close enough! I guess there was a trace of it (the answer, not the insecticide...) somewhere in my brain, wherever it came from... it is too close to be random...
Level 69
Oct 4, 2020
I keep forgetting the Alamo! Something should be done about that.
Level 80
Dec 18, 2020
I tried 'Lopez' for the Mexican general. Is there any chance of that getting accepted?
Level 62
Mar 14, 2021
As far as I am aware, he is never referred to as "Lopez" so I don't think that should be acceptable.
Level 67
Aug 16, 2023
What is he referred to? Antonio Anna? I was just guessing common names in Mexico. Did the same thing for the Riveter and it worked!

Also I got my DHT and my DDT confused lol

Level 71
Apr 25, 2023
Missed Mao, DDT, and Santa Anna
Level 69
Jul 1, 2023
why does the quiz have the picture of queen Elizabeth?
Level 79
Sep 1, 2023
It relates to the Spanish fleet question. There is a famous speech that she is said to have given to the troops preparing to defend England from the attack.
Level 63
Sep 1, 2023
Misspelt Mesopotamia dammit
Level 65
Sep 1, 2023
Can you accept Choucrout for Sauerkraut? Might be a stretch, given that English uses the German word, but alas, I could only recall the French version.
Level 65
Sep 1, 2023
The first answer is commonly referred to as "la Armada Invencible" in Spanish history. It is fun because it turned out to be not that invicible, after all.

I see that English Wikipedia also gives the alternative name of "the Invincible Armada".

It would be a nice touch to accept this alternative name.

Level 66
Sep 4, 2023
Zedong is one of the worst transliterations of names in the English language. Probably only "Genghis Khan" is worse.
Level ∞
Sep 4, 2023
Confucius is up there.