Eras of Egyptian history- Ancient, Roman-ish, Colonial, Modern. Was there really nothing major that happened there between 30 AD and 1800? I'm being sincere, I have no idea...
Egypt was a rather stable country during the Middle Ages and the Ottoman era. There could be a question about the Muslim conquest in 641, and maybe something about the Crusades (Saladin, Saint Louis).
easy! Though the quiz covers many different subjects often not considered to be intersecting (ancient mythology, history of ancient civilizations, recent Middle East history, WW2 history, geography, current events)... all subjects I'm interested in.
Like the quiz! But British control over Egypt has surely either got to be 1882-1952 when the British had troops on the ground in Egypt or 1914-1922 when Egypt was officially a British protectorate, given Egypt's official independence from 1922. This is important because the Ottomans in no way 'controlled' Egypt from 1882 and indeed for decades before that, when Egypt was with difficulty restrained from annexing Syria from Constantinople.
I wonder why so few people knew the Arab Spring answer, given its importance and its global news coverage only just over a decade ago. Anyone have any ideas?
Israel didn't seize the Sinai in 1967. It captured it in battle after Nasser had launched a blockade of the Straits of Tiran, an act of war under International Law
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."
1. The Aswan dam is also called the high dam
2. Hieroglyphic was indeed the most popular language/script, but there were others like Hieratic and Demotic