
History of Egypt

Can you answer these questions about the history of Egypt?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: January 1, 2020
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First submittedJuly 25, 2017
Times taken21,703
Average score70.0%
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What paper-like substance was used to make scrolls?
What city was founded by Alexander the Great?
Who was Egypt's last active pharaoh and also one of its rare female pharaohs?
What empire conquered Egypt in 30 BC?
What square in Cairo was the site of massive protests during the Arab Spring?
Tahrir Square
Who was the President that was overthrown in 2011?
Hosni Mubarak
What peninsula did Israel seize from Egypt in 1967 and return in 1980?
Sinai Peninsula
What President was assassinated after making peace with Israel?
Anwar Sadat
What canal did Egypt nationalize in 1956, sparking a foreign invasion?
What President decided to nationalize the canal?
Gamal Abdel Nasser
What dam was built on the Nile River during the 1960s?
Aswan Dam
What country controlled Egypt from 1914–1952?
United Kingdom
What empire controlled Egypt before that?
Ottoman Empire
Which ancient Egyptian capital shares its name with a city in Tennessee?
What German general invaded Egypt during WWII?
Erwin Rommel
What was the form of writing used in ancient Egypt?
Egyptian Hieroglyphs
What stone, found in 1799, provided the key to decipher that writing?
Rosetta Stone
What ancient goddess was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife?
What boy pharaoh's tomb was discovered in 1922?
What "great" pharaoh reigned for 66 years?
Ramses II
Level 70
Jul 26, 2017
Eras of Egyptian history- Ancient, Roman-ish, Colonial, Modern. Was there really nothing major that happened there between 30 AD and 1800? I'm being sincere, I have no idea...
Level ∞
Jul 27, 2017
We do have the question about the Ottomans :)
Level 87
Nov 2, 2017
Egypt was a rather stable country during the Middle Ages and the Ottoman era. There could be a question about the Muslim conquest in 641, and maybe something about the Crusades (Saladin, Saint Louis).
Level 64
Jul 29, 2023
could have added one question about Mamluks
Level 59
Jul 26, 2017
"Who ancient goddess..." should be 'What'
Level ∞
Jul 27, 2017
Level 83
Oct 5, 2017
I think Rome conquered Egypt in 30 BC, not 30 AD
Level 87
Nov 2, 2017
He's right : it's 30BC not 30AD.
Level ∞
Nov 2, 2017
Level 81
Nov 2, 2017
easy! Though the quiz covers many different subjects often not considered to be intersecting (ancient mythology, history of ancient civilizations, recent Middle East history, WW2 history, geography, current events)... all subjects I'm interested in.
Level 72
Nov 2, 2017
Please allow Assuan for Aswan.
Level 66
Nov 2, 2017
Nailed all the ancient Egypt answers, and then got barely any of the modern ones. Guess I need to study up a bit.
Level 62
Nov 21, 2023
i'm with ya
Level 65
Nov 2, 2017
Isn't it funny how all of the best ancient civilizations are now struggling?Egypt, Greece, Iraq...oh, how the mighty have fallen
Level 82
Oct 20, 2020
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away."

Level 59
Nov 2, 2017
Good quiz, but Ramses is often spelled Ramesses. Please fix :)

Level 81
Feb 24, 2019
This probably should at least be an acceptable type-in.
Level 84
Jul 29, 2023
Would it be possible to add this type-in?
Level ∞
Jul 29, 2023
Yes, that will work now.
Level 32
Nov 2, 2017
and i just so happened to be learning about Egypt today in social studies
Level 66
Nov 3, 2017
City that Alexander the Great founded... makes me think of Alexandria.
Level 33
Dec 27, 2017
Like the quiz! But British control over Egypt has surely either got to be 1882-1952 when the British had troops on the ground in Egypt or 1914-1922 when Egypt was officially a British protectorate, given Egypt's official independence from 1922. This is important because the Ottomans in no way 'controlled' Egypt from 1882 and indeed for decades before that, when Egypt was with difficulty restrained from annexing Syria from Constantinople.
Level 72
Dec 15, 2019
Pff, always thought it was Mumbarak
Level 82
Dec 15, 2019
Ramses usually spelt "Ramesses II" Kept typing this and it didn't work. please fix as it's the only one I missed
Level 58
Jan 25, 2020
Can you please accept desert fox for Rommel, as he was popularly known as that during WWII
Level 58
Jan 25, 2020
can you please fix the rommel question, accepting Desert Fox, and Ramses was usually spelt as Ramesses.
Level 56
Jun 25, 2022
Lovely quiz. Just a few nitpicks though

1. The Aswan dam is also called the high dam

2. Hieroglyphic was indeed the most popular language/script, but there were others like Hieratic and Demotic

Level 76
Jul 29, 2023
Why isn’t Ramesses accepted instead of Ramses? I’ve seen it spelled the first way much more often
Level 81
Jul 29, 2023
I wonder why so few people knew the Arab Spring answer, given its importance and its global news coverage only just over a decade ago. Anyone have any ideas?
Level 27
Jul 30, 2023
Israel didn't seize the Sinai in 1967. It captured it in battle after Nasser had launched a blockade of the Straits of Tiran, an act of war under International Law
Level 69
Aug 1, 2023
They didn't capture it in battle, they acquired it following an armed conflict!
Level 71
Sep 10, 2023
Could Ozymandias by accepted for Ramses ii?
Level 62
Nov 21, 2023
good quiz, but far too many 20th century questions considering Egypt's long history
Level 45
Mar 28, 2024
Should add "Anwar" and "Saddat" as choices. I typed Anwar since that is what I remembered but it was not accepted.