@malbaby you can when you stand on your hands. Whether you do a handstand, or just lower you hands and lift your feet so your ass is a right above the ground
(then something else then pee again, another thing and pee again. All in the same second though haha, then tried to think what we reallly are unable to do)
technically the only ferral breed of horse in the world are the rare przewalski horses, and mustang is not a breed, it is a term for any horse that is semi- feral.
Only if you're foolish enough to get too close to one that you don't know their temperament - sorta like people. And I agree, there is nothing in the world more naturally beautiful or graceful than a horse.
I am inclined to lean more to the original comment. I dont hate them, but yea no fuzzy feeling at all. Not because they are scary or anything but yea never been my cup of tea at all.
I do like videos of them playing though (horsing around ;) ) that is really cool to look at!! If you would see that more in real life (instead of a glare/glassy stare) I would like them a whole lot better)
Other than that yea no, I have never gotten a pleasant feeling around them personally and dont see why people praise them so much (out of proportion I mean, it is like some infatuation. I can see the core of truth in the comments but yea if compared to how people talk about other animals it is kind of strange.
And how come a donkey doesnt get equally as much praise? they look much sweeter/friendlier and more cuddly imo.
(I guess for girls it is sort of a childhood dream tending for a horse, dont ask me why, and guys see the power in it? )
Omg I did well on a horse quiz! I thought I would get like 10% max but I got them all! It is arguably the animal I know least about haha, well atleast compared to all the other common animals (pets & livestock/barnyard). I got 100% ! Ow wait I did not, I failed gallop, but I did write it, twice (atleast) actually but apparenly misspelled it every time.
You could take a Thoroughbred to a barrel racing contest they have the speed, though probaly not the agility, but if you worked with it it could enter, though a Quarter horse is more that speed.
Pretty sure there's a typo in this clue: "U.S. state home which has the most horses". I assume it was supposed to be "...home to the most horses" or "...state which has the most horses".
Great quiz, but I would have like to see more questions about Gelding, Stallion, Colt, Broodmare, Filly, Yearling and Foal. (Because those are the ones, I practiced for. ;D)
What's crazy about zebras is that horses evolved in the Americas and zebras' ancestors migrated all the way to Africa, whereas hippos and elephants and things all evolved right there.
(then something else then pee again, another thing and pee again. All in the same second though haha, then tried to think what we reallly are unable to do)
You're thinking of "wild" horses..
I do like videos of them playing though (horsing around ;) ) that is really cool to look at!! If you would see that more in real life (instead of a glare/glassy stare) I would like them a whole lot better)
Other than that yea no, I have never gotten a pleasant feeling around them personally and dont see why people praise them so much (out of proportion I mean, it is like some infatuation. I can see the core of truth in the comments but yea if compared to how people talk about other animals it is kind of strange.
And how come a donkey doesnt get equally as much praise? they look much sweeter/friendlier and more cuddly imo.
(I guess for girls it is sort of a childhood dream tending for a horse, dont ask me why, and guys see the power in it? )