
Horse Vocabulary

Based on the definitions, name these words related to horses and horse riding.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: April 1, 2022
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First submittedFebruary 7, 2014
Times taken21,223
Average score72.7%
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Building where horses are kept
Metal bar placed in a horse's mouth
Sport of "horse dancing"
Unit in which a horse's height is measured
Metal boot attachment used
to "encourage" a horse
Riding whip
Rider in a horse race
Seat on which a rider sits
Sound made by a horse
Loops for the rider's feet
Fastest gait of a horse
Horse/donkey hybrid
Uncastrated adult male horse
Adult female
Uncastrated young male
Young female
Very young horse of either gender
Male horse used for breeding
Castrated male
Feral horse of the American West
Feral horse of Australia
Level 47
Apr 19, 2014
20/22. Not bad for someone who hates horses.
Level 59
Jul 30, 2017
Wonder what there is to hate about horses?!
Level 82
Jul 31, 2017
A woman in the French countryside told me "the horse brings the flies." This seemed to be her source of hatred.
Level 91
May 7, 2022
Maybe they had a traumatic incident in their past that involved horses.
Level 57
May 2, 2014
only missed brumby. Never heard of it!
Level 51
May 3, 2014
Now you know how we Aussies feel when trying to answer your US centric quizzes!
Level 57
May 5, 2014
Bunnies, Underground Mutton, Pest, Delicious
Level 76
Oct 13, 2014
I remember it from the movie "Australia" with Kidman and Jackman. Only I tried to spell it "Bramby" :(
Level 86
Jun 24, 2015
Knew it, thanks to the Man from Snowy River! (the movie)
Level 74
Jul 29, 2017
Same here. I love that movie.
Level 64
Sep 25, 2020
100% with 2:36 to spare, could you make it any harder please?
Level 66
May 7, 2022
Love how bits of trivia get stuck in the back corners of the brain. Haven't seen Man from Snowy River in many years.
Level 73
May 8, 2022
I can make it harder: Put your hands inside some oven-mitts and try it again.
Level 70
Jun 28, 2017
To watch two brumby stallions fighting at sunset swirled in red dust is a great sight.
Level 51
Aug 3, 2015
I missed gallop because I forgot to scroll down and see if I'd seen the bottom question. *facepalm* I also missed a few others I didn't know.
Level 87
Sep 20, 2016
Thank you, "Man from Snowy River" for the brumby answer!
Level 32
Oct 30, 2016
the spur question doesn't make much sense, I thought it was referring something attached to the horses feet
Level 87
Apr 29, 2017
Do horses wear boots?
Level 61
Feb 27, 2018
Yes, I've always called the leg protections used in jumping and such "horse boots". There's also shoe/boot things that go around the hooves for riding in rough terrain, which I've heard of but never seen in person.
Level 45
May 1, 2017
Yes- Some horses wear boots... Google it :)
Level 64
Sep 25, 2020
they are called bell boots
Level 35
Sep 30, 2024
There are also splint boots, jumping boots, etc. But we just call it "boots".
Level 49
Jul 29, 2017
A quirt is also a riding whip.
Level 61
Jul 29, 2017
I didn't even know horses could take.
Level 74
Jul 29, 2017
All I could think of for the other sound was "whicker", which is what our filly does after she's done something horribly naughty.
Level 68
Jul 31, 2017
Easily got brumby. Mustang...not. Southern hemisphere for you.
Level 57
Jul 31, 2017
In North America, we also use the term "barn" as a building for horses, though it's a more general term, as other farm animals can also live inside of barns, like cows, sheep, etc.
Level 36
Apr 22, 2018
Cows and sheep live in barns. Horses live in stables, even in North America.
Level 72
Jun 28, 2018
I got the answer - stable, but I live near Louisville and Lexington, KY and there are a few horses around here. Most everyone that I know in the breeding, racing fields, and people in general call them barns - even at Churchill Downs and Keeneland Race Tracks (both of which have been visited by Queen Elizabeth, several Saudi Princes, and people from all around the world). I think if you know "barn" it isn't too much of a stretch to come up with "stable" if the first one doesn't work. And Diva, most of the stables that I have visited have cats living there, too. So what would you call them?
Level 57
Jun 12, 2018
Only did not get brumby, I knew it began with a B but could not drag it out of my brain!
Level 72
Jun 12, 2018
Sound made by a horse: clip-clop?
Level 90
Feb 29, 2020
Ironically the first JetPunk quiz without a nag.
Level 71
Apr 21, 2020
I got some of these for very different reasons.
Level 37
May 5, 2021
Bray acceptable for whinny?
Level ∞
Apr 1, 2022
Bray will work now
Level 62
May 7, 2022
This is the only quiz where you can't say, "22/22 and im a 2 day old horse!!!"
Level 67
Dec 18, 2022
Can you accept hinny for the donkey/horse offspring question please

A mule is the offspring of a male donkey and

a female horse. And a hinny is vise-versa.

Level 47
Jan 10, 2023
great quiz brumby