It's really not fair that "Kuwait" is accepted and "Panama" isn't. Should consistently require "city" at least in the same quiz if not across the site. Miss one because of that now.
I don't know but maybe it's because Haiti is drier due to the mountains blocking the rains from the east. Haiti has also been deforested which might make a difference.
Not that surprising that most would be - Asia is a lot bigger than any other continent, firstly. Beyond that Europe is waaaay too far north for its cities to make it, most of North America is taken up by just three countries and the only one with a sufficiently tropical capital has that capital sitting at over 2000 metres elevation. Much of the Caribbean is too small to make the list. Most of South America's capitals are either outside the tropics or located high in the Andes. Other than that most Oceanic countries are too small, Australia's capital gets quite hot, but also can get get down to -10, which balances it out. With Africa excluded by default, that pretty much leaves the Middle East, South Asia and Southeast Asia to rule supreme.
No matter how many times I see it, I will never remember the name of Burma’s capital. Of course it would help if they’d stop changing it just for the hell of it.
Given Delhi's AVERAGE summer high is about 40 degrees Celsius, I wouldn't be too sad you missed it. We only get occasional 40 degree days here in Brisbane and I'm not at all fond of them.
So, I'm supposed to believe that nearly half the quiz takers KNEW Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte? Didn't just come up with Sri Lanka and google the answer, but knew this as the capital? Sorry. I simply don't believe it.
Thanks! I didn't realize there were acceptable shortcuts. I've skipped over this one because of the time constraints on various quizzes and concentrated on the ones I can quickly type.
Most regulars on this site absolutely know Sri Jayawardenapure Kotte is the capital of Sri Lanka, just like we know Bandar Seri Begawan is the capital of Brunei or Ulaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia. We also know shortcuts to type like SJK or Kotte to get credit for that knowledge. Why, at level 41, would that surprise you?
The Atacama Desert is a mild desert because of the cold Humboldt current coming from Antarctica. Lima is probably the coolest climate in the world at 12 degrees from the equator and sea level while also being very dry and cloudy: