
How Do You Like Them Apples?

Can you answer these questions pertaining to apples?
Quiz idea: Ariane5
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: November 12, 2018
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First submittedNovember 12, 2018
Times taken21,697
Average score53.3%
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Who ate an apple after being tempted by a serpent?
What city is nicknamed "The Big Apple"?
New York City
Who, according to legend, discovered the laws of gravity after being
struck on the head by a falling apple?
Isaac Newton
Who fell into a coma after taking a bite of a poisoned apple?
Snow White
What Greek goddess caused havoc by tossing an apple into a party
inscribed "to the fairest"?
Who used a crossbow to shoot an apple off his son's head?
William Tell
Who led Apple Computer until his death in 2011?
Steve Jobs
What apple cultivar is named after an Asian mountain?
What is the best-selling cultivar of green apples?
Granny Smith
What American folk hero is famous for planting apple trees?
Johnny Appleseed
What actor delivered the line "I got her number. How d'ya like them apples"?
Matt Damon
What rock band founded Apple Records?
The Beatles
What mythological figure stole golden apples from Hera's orchard?
Which U.S. state grows the most apples?
On what Jewish holiday do people eat apples and honey?
Rosh Hashanah
Level 80
Nov 12, 2018
Great quiz, well done
Level 60
Nov 12, 2018
Allow more leniance on Rosh Hashanah please. Allow Rosh Ashana, Rosh Ashauna, and some others. In Hebrew the way it is spelled makes perfect sense, but I have only heard the name and never seen it written, which could be true for others also.
Level 75
Nov 12, 2018
Yes, please.
Level 58
Nov 13, 2018
Maybe now's a good time to learn the correct spelling?
Level 62
Oct 21, 2022
I was trying “New Year”. It seemed the most correct form, we don’t call the Chinese New Year by its Chinese name, for example.
Level 86
Nov 13, 2018
It should be Heracles that stole golden apples from Hera's orchard; it would be Hercules if it was Juno's orchard.
Level 66
Nov 13, 2018
The forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden was never identified. European painters in the renaissance era began the trend of depicting an apple (which is native to Kazakhstan and nowhere near the Middle East). Yes I know the story symbolic, etc.
Level 67
Nov 13, 2018
Level 70
Nov 13, 2018
Tradition holds it to be an apple, and what it says in Genesis is only one version or part of the myth. It's like how Cinderella can be said to have worn a glass slipper even if that wasn't in the original version of the story.
Level 43
Dec 3, 2024
As of how I remember this, the whole misunderstanding comes from the fact that, while translating the bible into multiple western languages, the word "mala" (evil) was often getting confused with "malum" (apple). Yes, the funny thing is the forbidden fruit was just called "evil". Some speculate that, regarding the types of plants growing in the Middle East, the fruit could actually have been a pomegrenate.
Level 90
Nov 13, 2018
Anyone else just start typing apple cliches?
Level 78
Nov 14, 2018
Ah, frig. Eris, of course. The goddess of discord. Should've gotten that one.
Level 44
Nov 14, 2018
Spelling is the big problem here. I can't spell anything right.
Level 24
Jan 3, 2019
Could you also accept Heracles, it being the Greek version of Hercules?
Level 81
Jan 14, 2019
John Chapman should be accepted as Johnny Appleseed was his nick name.
Level 67
Jan 14, 2019
Please accept "Jonny Appleseed".
Level 74
Jan 15, 2019
Appleseed worked for me.
Level 81
Jan 14, 2019
I think I misspelled both the goddess and the holiday.
Level 67
Jan 15, 2019
Maybe you shouldn't refer to the company as "Apple Computer", and just use "Apple", as most people know it by.
Level 78
Oct 21, 2022
Apple Computers is not the only company named "Apple." Yes, it's certainly the largest and most well known, but why introduce unnecessary ambiguity?
Level 78
Aug 11, 2020
I'm surprised that Hercules is so low, I figured that a lot of people would at least guess him. If a Greek mythological figure is doing something, there's a pretty good chance it's Hercules. The guy got around.
Level 91
Oct 21, 2022
I think that's how I guessed him. If it's not him, then I usually just guess Perseus or give up trying to answer that question.
Level 28
Feb 15, 2021
eros shouldn't be accepted for eris. Eros was the god of love and Eris was the goddess of discord (unless there are two versions of the myth)
Level 61
Mar 15, 2021
HERACLES! Hera is the greek version so use Heracles.
Level 43
Apr 23, 2021
Lol, I typed "Adam" to the first one and it was accepted.
Level 50
Oct 15, 2022
the forbidden fruit was not actually specified to be an apple
Level 71
Oct 21, 2022
Guessed Alan Turing for the poisoned apple question, but I suppose he went one step beyond falling into a coma.
Level 81
Oct 21, 2022
Why do you use the word mythological to describe Hera's orchard, but omit it when describing the tempting serpent?
Level 65
Oct 21, 2022
Mythological is modifying the creature, not Hera's orchard. That's basic English.

As for the serpent question, stating that the answer is mythological would probably throw people off, as there's a slight difference between mythology and religion

Level 61
Oct 21, 2022
I recommend accepting Discord or Discordia too.
Level 75
Feb 15, 2023
Not bad, I scored 12/15. Thanks for the quiz!
Level 69
Jun 3, 2023
Wouldn't it be Heracles, because this is a Greek tale?
Level 78
Sep 30, 2023
I am not sure if the Beatles can be described as a rock band.
Level 69
Feb 15, 2025
What is wrong with you? They helped define the genre.
Level 43
Oct 12, 2023
Love all the people on their high horse correcting the quiz author by saying that it's "technically Heracles," and then completely missing that he actually got Atlas to do it, and never stepped into Hera's garden himself.