
-ic Vocabulary Words

Based on the definitions, guess these vocabulary words that end in the letters "ic".
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: September 2, 2021
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First submittedOctober 12, 2010
Times taken41,580
Average score70.0%
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One who is addicted to liquor
Opposite of private
Lacking the ability to produce insulin
Person who has ESP
Faster than the speed of sound
Uncertain about the existence of God
Describes people who migrate
from place to place
A false limb
An extremely widespread disease
Like an artist who produces a
great volume of work
Completely uncivilized
Pertaining to the eye
Something that makes you need to pee
Opposite of acidic
Like the shifting plates of the Earth
Related to the stomach
The opposite of international
Describes a word, such as "thee",
which is no longer in common use
Describes music which has not been
electronically amplified
Describes things that happened before
the invention of writing
Level ∞
Apr 28, 2013
Updated and expanded!
Level 66
Jun 23, 2013
I'm ecstatic.
Level 32
Jun 23, 2013
Level 34
Sep 17, 2021
For the "Uncertain about the existence of God" I put ethnic. Would that not work?
Level 43
Jul 14, 2024
Level 49
Jun 23, 2013
Would "caustic" be to general a meaning for the opposite of acidic?
Level 78
Oct 18, 2018
Yes, because "caustic" just means "capable of burning, corroding, or destroying living tissue." Both bases and acids can be caustic if they're strong enough.
Level 48
Jun 24, 2013
Might you consider accepting "techtonic" as an alternative spelling for "tectonic"?
Level ∞
Sep 2, 2021
Eight years later... yes!
Level 96
Sep 16, 2021
I was cruising along, and threw down 'platonic' for that one. Took me a good 3 seconds of staring at it to facepalm.
Level 34
Sep 17, 2021
Lol why so late?
Level 78
Mar 24, 2014
Actually, the dictionary definition of ophthalmic is "of or pertaining to the eye". So ophthalmic certainly should be acceptable.
Level 74
Apr 24, 2017
That's the first one I tried and it fits the definition.
Level 65
Dec 24, 2015
Vote to accept ophthalmic for the eye one!
Level ∞
Sep 2, 2021
That one will work now
Level 65
Mar 8, 2016
My quiz performance was horrific.
Level 57
Nov 18, 2016
Don't know about anyone else, but "False limb" misled me, I kept thinking of limbs that don't exist. Maybe "Artificial limb" would be better?
Level 96
Jan 29, 2018
Can you please accept "caustic" for "basic?"
Level 78
Oct 18, 2018
No, because acids are also caustic.
Level 96
Sep 7, 2021
I hate English. When I received my Chemical Engineering degree we would never even consider using caustic in this fashion as it's dangerous to be imprecise in your linguistic choices, especially when dealing with chemicals! I have looked it up and you're absolutely correct, but in any industry or educational setting, I've not once come across this. I will reiterate, I hate English. :)
Level 57
Jun 25, 2018
Sceptic for unbeliever?
Level 71
Jul 24, 2018
These kinds of quizzes usually fill in the lats letters (here, -ic) for you, so you don't have to type them. So... what's up with this one? (Those precious extra tenths of a second might come in handy someday...)
Level 35
Nov 15, 2018
Person with ESP = Telepathic, telepathy would be an extrasensory power would it not?
Level 61
Dec 4, 2018
Telepathy is just a small part of ESP.
Level 76
Sep 13, 2019
Level ∞
Sep 2, 2021
Telepathic will work now
Level 77
Sep 7, 2021
It didn't work when I tried it today.
Level 89
Sep 16, 2021
Didn't work for me just now either.
Level ∞
Sep 16, 2021
Sorry about that, now fixed.
Level 59
Nov 17, 2020
I literally spend a minute and a half trying to spell "psychic." Still not sure I spelled it right.
Level 93
Sep 2, 2021
Prolific was just sitting there right behind my ability to produce the word. I knew what I wanted started with a "P", but just couldn't get my brain to recall it. Had almost 2 minutes straight of just being frozen by that one word.

Taking these quizzes (many of them multiple times) it is fascinating how sometimes I can recall these things instantly, sometimes after a little bit and sometimes it just won't come before the time ends. And it varies from day to day, topic to topic.

Long story short, our brains are simply an enigma.

Level 96
Sep 2, 2021
Can you allow peripatetic instead of nomadic?
Level 88
Sep 2, 2021
I second @Scottie777’s suggestion that “peripatetic” be accepted as an alternative answer to “nomadic” for “People that migrate from place to place”.
Level 85
Sep 5, 2021
I thought of peripatetic and struggled to get nomadic, so I agree also.
Level ∞
Sep 5, 2021
Okay, that will work now.
Level 85
Sep 2, 2021
An agnostic is not uncertain about the existence of God. Agnostics are certain that the existence of God is unknowable. Science uses the laws of the natural world to create tests with repeatable results. By definition, supernatural things are not bound by the laws of the natural world, so there is no way to force supernatural things to reveal themselves. Their existence is untestable and, therefore, undisprovable, so agnosticism is the only logical position for a scientist. To be convinced of the non-existence of something that can't be disproved is as unscientific as being convinced of something that can't be proved. Since God can neither be proved nor disproved, atheism and faith are equally ridiculous; science can't have a position. Saying that agnostics are uncertain about the existence of God makes it sound like we're on the fence or hedging when, in fact, we've taken the only logical position. The truth is unknowable, hence a (not) + gnostikos (having knowledge).
Level 85
Sep 2, 2021
When I say that I'm agnostic, I don't mean that I don't personally know if God exists. I mean that I don't know, you don't know, and nobody knows, because nobody can know. It's not saying that I don't have an opinion because I don't care enough to form one. I devoted the first few decades of my life to finding the truth and determined that it was unknowable. A correct definition for agnostic is "Belief that the existence of God is unknowable".
Level 85
Sep 4, 2021
I'm just telling you (and Quizmaster) what agnostic means.

Just out of curiosity, though, how do you propose to determine if God exists? I'll grant that supernatural beings could hypothetically choose to reveal themselves but, if they don't, how can we make them?

Level 73
Sep 5, 2021
Atheism is just another faith, which is why agnosticism is the more logical position.
Level 77
Sep 16, 2021
atheism is not just another faith, it is the lack thereof. i dislike when people describe themselves as agnostic rather than atheist as they’re not alternatives, they’re two different axes on the plane, one describing knowledge and one describing belief. since scientifically speaking, you can never know anything for certain, everyone is an agnostic to some degree so it’s a meaningless distinction. however until you believe a god exists you are an atheist, so if you don’t know then you are an atheist. everyone who describes themselves as an agnostic is not wrong but needs to recognise their position on the theism axis as well as the gnosticism axis - and i suspect most ‘agnostics’ might put themselves at the atheist end, since if you’re not sure then you probably don’t believe.
Level 73
Sep 17, 2021
I'm an atheist, which means I lack belief in gods. I don't believe in unicorns either, but that doesn't make me illogical. If I encountered irrefutable evidence e.g. repeatable phenomena like we all start seeing and recording unicorns -- not blurs -- and find unicorn skeletons etc., then I would happily change my mind. Until then, I'm happily aunicorn, and still an atheist, until I encounter evidence to the contrary.
Level ∞
Sep 5, 2021

"Doubtful or uncertain about the existence or demonstrability of God or other deity"

Level 85
Sep 9, 2021
Two can play that game.

"Agnosticism is the view that the existence of God, the divine, or the supernatural is not known or knowable with any certainty."

Level ∞
Sep 10, 2021
Both definitions are valid. The quiz is correct. It is as if you said “an orange isn’t a fruit it’s a color”.
Level 91
Sep 3, 2021
Did you hear the one about the dyslexic insomniac agnostic?

He stays up all night, wondering if there’s a dog…

Level 83
Sep 7, 2021
couldn't endemic also be the opposite of international?
Level 88
Sep 8, 2021
Really, more people knew diuretic than archaic or prehistoric?
Level 67
Sep 8, 2021
I'd be willing to guess that prehistoric and archaic are both more recognizable or commonly known terms. But (a) they were both toward the very end of the quiz whereas diuretic was just past the half-way point, so people going slow or getting distracted and not finishing is a factor; and (b) just because a word is more recognizable or commonly known does not mean it will be more frequently recalled from a definition - particularly so when time crunch might have been more at play for the lesser frequently guessed two.
Level 73
Sep 16, 2021
I'd guess it's an indication of how many people are coffee lovers :)
Level 80
Sep 8, 2021
Tried "epic" for the question about prolific. Thought it was a pretty good alternative, because sometimes epic means "great" rather than very long.
Level 58
Sep 16, 2021
Anybody else type unacidic? :D
Level 81
Sep 16, 2021
I've read the other comments. That's not what agnostic means. It's an ignorant layperson's definition of the word. We can do better.
Level 49
Sep 16, 2021
Couldn't get past "seismic" for a long time on the shifting plates of the earth one. Got there in the end though.
Level 58
Sep 16, 2021
Opthalmic needs to be added as an acceptable answer for "eye"
Level 60
Sep 16, 2021
Ah tell thee lad, the word thee is still in common use in Yorkshire.
Level 68
Sep 16, 2021
I thought that the ‘false limb’ question is referring to a phantom limb.
Level 54
Sep 16, 2021
Level 64
Sep 16, 2021
Bubonic should totally be an option for "extremely widespread disease"

I know it's not current, but I thought of it before the correct answer

Level 58
Feb 9, 2022
Bubonic refers to part of the symptoms, not because the disease was widespread
Level 47
Sep 16, 2021
add alkali to acidic coz im british and i didnt realise it
Level 78
May 14, 2023
"Alkali" doesn't end in -ic.
Level 77
Sep 16, 2021
please allow all answers without ‘ic’ on the end, like in other suffix quizzes
Level 81
Sep 16, 2021
First tried peptic for stomach question.
Level 61
Sep 17, 2021
me, staring into space for thirty seconds: god... what's a word for a prolific artist???
Level 17
Nov 7, 2021
what abt toxic?
Level 78
May 14, 2023
What about it?
Level 81
Mar 8, 2023
What about peptic for stomach, and diasporic for migrating?
Level 72
Apr 3, 2024
I tried peptic too first, and then I thought or maybe it is pepsic?...
Level 72
Apr 3, 2024
I tried endemic and nationalistic for the opposite of international. I can see nationalistic is a differnt type of word, national would be an exact opposite, but aren´t there sentences where it could work? (Not an english speaker, so I can't be certain).

For endemic I think it is a narrower definition but could still be substituted in certain cases.

Anyway they are just suggestions.

Level 82
Aug 12, 2024
Would anachronistic work as an alternative to archaic?
Level 81
Dec 30, 2024
I had same question. Should accept anachronistic.
Level 58
Jan 8, 2025
Great quiz!

I tried "hypersonic" instead of supersonic. Shouldn't that count as well?

Level 60
Jan 19, 2025
I strongly (how do you get bold or italics in comments?) disagree with 'prehistoric' - hieroglyphics describe things that happened before the invention of writing. There are all kinds of publications that describe 'prehistoric' events in written form. Also is heriatic and demotic.