Synonyms | Idiom | % Correct |
Satan's lawyer | Devil's advocate | 86%
Perspiring ammunition | Sweating bullets | 81%
Cubic zirconia are eternal | Diamonds are forever | 76%
Smooch and blab | Kiss and tell | 76%
Rap on timber | Knock on wood | 75%
Purchase the ranch | Buy the farm | 74%
Whip a deceased nag | Flog a dead horse | 74%
Albino pachyderm | White elephant | 67%
Scarlet kipper | Red herring | 66%
Content as a mollusc | Happy as a clam | 65%
Ingesting raven | Eating crow | 62%
Wallaby tribunal | Kangaroo court | 62%
Wager your lowest peso | Bet your bottom dollar | 57%
Simian commerce | Monkey business | 56%
Scatter the legumes | Spill the beans | 56%
Spark in the skillet | Flash in the pan | 45%
Callowness is elation | Ignorance is bliss | 42%
Slice vertices | Cut corners | 41%
Cyclone in a samovar | Tempest in a teapot | 41%
Torrid tuber | Hot potato | 39%
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