
Interesting Facts Quiz #5

Have you been paying attention to JetPunk's interesting facts? Prove your knowledge by filling in the blanks.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: December 28, 2023
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First submittedJanuary 2, 2021
Times taken22,846
Average score47.4%
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As of December 2023, gold is worth more than twice as much as ________
Arnold Schwarzenegger only had 17 lines of dialog in his most
famous role: ___ __________
The Terminator
Albert Einstein's _____ was secretly removed by the doctor who performed his autopsy
______ is the only country in the developed world that has a birth rate
above replacement levels
_______ is a shortening of the phrase "god be with you"
The _______ has such a large pit because it evolved to be eaten whole by large,
now extinct, creatures such as giant ground sloths
The __________ was created by accident when pomelos and oranges were
planted near each other
Alexander Graham Bell invented the _____ ________ to help find the bullet that
was trapped in President James Garfield's body
Metal detector
More than half of unsheltered homeless people in the U.S. live in __________
The number four is unlucky in China because it sounds like the word _____
A single hunter is reported to have killed over 3 million passenger _______,
thus hastening the extinction of the species
To spawn, some ______ swim as far as 1400 kilometers upriver, all the way from
the Pacific Ocean to central Idaho
The red and white striped _______ pole initially stood for blood and bandages
Until 2002, it was possible that if the Prince of ______ died without a male heir,
______ would become part of France
James Monroe was going to have a duel with Alexander Hamilton,
but _____ ____ intervened
Aaron Burr
To users in India, Google Maps draws _______ as part of India.
To users in the rest of the world, it accurately displays it as a disputed region.
In 2010, someone bought a pizza using 10,000 in _______ which, as of December 2023,
has a market value of over $400 million
According to one royal chef, ____ _________ enjoyed four stiff
alcoholic drinks every day
Queen Elizabeth
In 2021, scientists discovered the first __________ worthy of its name.
Eumillipes persephone has up to 1300 legs.
Level 71
Jan 3, 2021
Trying, tents, cars, tunnels, vans, doorways, bridges, and a whole lot more for where homeless people live. *sigh*
Level 79
Jan 3, 2021
I was trying, Chicago, Miami, Houston, Seattle etc

Makes sense though, if I was homeless I rather live somewhere warm than somewhere cold.

Level 74
Jan 4, 2021
Nah. If you were homeless, you'd rather live somewhere where they throw money and entitlements at you, and refrain from harassing you. That is why rainy, damp Portland and Seattle are nearly as overrun as Los Angeles and San Francisco, while sunny Miami and Houston are not. Culture is everything.
Level 54
Apr 13, 2024
if i was homeless i would rather live in a forest than under a bridge. its far more dignified
Level 54
Feb 23, 2021
Nice quiz, one of them is fact given by me
Level 81
Feb 23, 2021
Those barber poles mean something different in Korea.
Level 66
Feb 23, 2021
Only when theres two of them.
Level 71
Feb 23, 2021
The superstition about the number 4 can very clearly be seen in many Chinatowns. In Flushing, NY for example, most grocery stores have their cashier numbers jump from 3 to 5. I've always found this interesting--the superstition around "13" doesn't interfere much with daily life since it's an uncommon enough number, but "4" shows up just about everywhere. If you're afraid of the number 4, can you handle counting numbers in the 40s at all? or the 400s?
Level 68
Nov 1, 2023
Level 43
Feb 23, 2021
My fact is here! It's an honor have a fact in a featured quiz! Thanks QM! VERY THANKS!
Level 64
Feb 23, 2021
Could you add something to the homeless question that clarifies that it's a state, or say "not a city"? I was guessing cities the entire time.
Level 62
Feb 24, 2021
Can you add these quizzes to a series please, Quizmaster?
Level 85
Mar 8, 2022
the google maps one is missing a bit, it shows it disputed in most of the world, but in India, China and Pakistan it shows what each of those countries claim to be theirs.
Level 49
May 22, 2022
For the question where it says what does the number 4 sound like, I put die, died, dies
Level 88
Oct 3, 2022
As of 2021, there has been a "true" millipede species found with over 1000 legs :)
Level ∞
Dec 28, 2023
Level 83
Jan 7, 2023
perhaps we need to update the tense of the verb on the second to last one?
Level ∞
Dec 28, 2023
Updated :(
Level 67
Jan 30, 2023
The one about the pit was very confusing for me as I've never heard the word in the context of fruit before (to me it is a stone), only as a hole/sunken area. I could guess the meaning from the context but it slowed me down loads. I did learn something though :)
Level 71
Aug 18, 2023
Level 69
Dec 28, 2023
The answer Queen Elizabeth has been included in the question in error, which then makes it misleading.
Level ∞
Dec 28, 2023
Level 81
Mar 22, 2024
I thought they disproved the avocado one.
Level 53
Mar 22, 2024

Level 72
Mar 26, 2024
You beat me to it! I was scrolling down to mention the Hank Green YouTube. The unpalatable Osage-orange in North America totally is a tree that needed mammoths and ground sloths though. Now the fruits just pile up and rot on the ground under the trees.
Level 69
Nov 26, 2024
A single hunter has been repoted to have killed over 3 million passenger aircraft, thus hastening the extinction of the species.