
Interesting Facts Quiz #7

Have you been paying attention to JetPunk's interesting facts? Prove your knowledge by filling in the blanks.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: January 22, 2023
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First submittedJanuary 22, 2023
Times taken33,847
Average score60.0%
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Coca-Cola used to contain _______
_____ burns more coal than the rest of the world combined
About one in every 5000 ______s is a four-leaf ______
Lake ______ contains about 22% of all the fresh surface water in the world
There are 277 known meteorites on Earth that originally came from ____ but none
that came from Venus
The space _______ cost about $1 billion for every time it was launched
In 1979–1980, the Hunt brothers from Texas tried to corner the ______ market
by buying all the ______ in the world
Thomas Edison built houses which were made entirely from one single pour of ________
Eight of nine sitting U.S. Supreme Court justices studied law at either Harvard or ____
The legend of the ______ may have arisen when people discovered skeletons
of woolly mammoths, which appear to have one giant eye socket in the middle of the face
In the early 1900s, only 1% of Americans were _____. Today, it's around 36%.
Major American ballet companies generate around 40% of their annual ticket revenues
from performances of The __________
Hawaiian _____ was invented in Canada
Before _______ was added to salt, it was common for people from inland areas to have goiters
Ferrari is the third most common family name in Italy. It's the Italian equivalent of _____.
About 35% of marriages in Afghanistan are between first _______
What a difference a century makes. Between 1919–2019, the number of marriages in England
and Wales declined by 40%, but the number of ________ increased by 6,400%.
Saint Lucia is the only country named after a _____
The word _______ comes from films being measured in feet in early filmmaking
Over a fifth of the calories consumed by humans are from ____
Level 77
Jan 24, 2023
First. I know, it's quite the accomplishment.
Level 91
Jan 24, 2023
I tried "Feeture" for the second-to-last one...
Level 65
Jan 24, 2023
Needs more time
Level 80
Jan 25, 2023
Certainly does
Level 62
Jan 25, 2023
The Ferrari question is a bit american-centered. I got it right, but maybe the word american could be added
Level 69
Jan 25, 2023
I'm not exactly sure what you mean. Ferrari comes from the noun "ferraio" which literally means "(black)smith", it's an occupational last name that's the exact analog of the English language last name "Smith".
Level 86
Jan 25, 2023
Also, as written the question could be interpreted as 'what's the third most common name in the US?'
Level 67
May 3, 2024
That's how I read it. Smith is the most common last name in the US, so it threw me, but after Williams, Wilson, Jones, and Johnson didn't work, I typed it in. Voila.
Level 66
Jan 25, 2023
There is nothing American about the clue.
Level 80
Jan 26, 2023
The US is not the only country that speaks English. Your comment here disregards other English-speaking countries way more than the quiz itself does.
Level 71
Jan 25, 2023
Level 73
Jan 26, 2023
So, out of pure desperation I tried "fat" for the very last clue and got the one about the 1% of the Americans instead. :D
Level 75
May 3, 2024
I also tried fats for the last one.
Level 77
May 3, 2024
I tried literate, and then laughed when I realised that I guessed that 36% of Americans were literate today.
Level 70
Jan 30, 2023
St Lucia is the only country that's named after a *real-life* woman. Ireland (known as "Éire" in Irish) is named after the fictional goddess Ériu.
Level 78
Feb 1, 2023
The calories question is a bit misleading since it's not true for any human but presumably for all humans combined. Isn't then a lot also from corn and/or wheat?
Level 65
Feb 1, 2023
Given the massive population of Asia, I assume rice is the most consumed.
Level 67
Feb 1, 2023
Corn is an American thing and not a big part of diets globally
Level 68
Feb 3, 2023
Over 70% of the worlds population is Asian and they eat loads of rice
Level 66
Mar 4, 2024
Thought it could be sugar
Level 55
Feb 1, 2023
why isn't female a correct answear in saint lucia question?
Level ∞
Feb 1, 2023
That will work now.
Level 54
Feb 1, 2023
"lady" should be accepted too
Level 54
Feb 1, 2023
would be better if fact no. is also given
Level 41
Feb 1, 2023
I typed "fat" for the calorie one but I answered the obesity question
Level 67
Feb 1, 2023
Me too!

I feel the calorie question could be worded better as it's not necessarily clear. Maybe something along the lines of, "Over a fifth of the world's total calorie consumption comes from ___"

Level 47
May 29, 2024
Level 62
Feb 1, 2023
It’s awesome to see that some of my proposed facts are showing up here
Level 62
Feb 1, 2023
You had an entire page almost filled with your facts haha
Level 54
Feb 1, 2023
Cyclops aren't legends, they're myths.
Level 85
Feb 3, 2023
The Hunt brothers drove the price of silver up to over $50/oz in ~1980. You could sell a silver quarter to a coin dealer/jeweler for $4.50; Franklin or Walking Liberty half dollars would get you $9.00 apiece; and silver dollars started at $22.00, regardless of condition or mintage.
Level 70
Feb 4, 2023
I couldn't get past the Hunt brothers maybe had something to do with ketchup as in Hunt's. I kept trying variations of tomatoes or spices. I would have guessed a long time before I tried silver!
Level 69
Sep 29, 2023
I puzzled for SO long on the 1% / 36% one. I knew it would be obvious when it appeared, but I was guessing things all over the place. If someone wants to do one of those funky sociology experiments where they ask random people to fill in the blanks on this one, it would probably be fascinating.
Level 65
Feb 12, 2024
The Hunt brothers didn't try to buy up all the silver in the world. That's obviously impossible. They bought enough so that they could control the market. Apparently at most they had about one third of the supply not held by governments
Level 62
Aug 24, 2024
Shouldn't carbs work for the last one?
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