
Iraq Country Quiz

Can you guess these facts about the country of Iraq?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: May 16, 2020
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First submittedJanuary 24, 2017
Times taken35,970
Average score66.7%
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Capital city
Country invaded by Iraq in 1990
Official languages
Most populous city in Southern Iraq
Ocean gulf that Iraq borders
Persian Gulf
Two main rivers
Ancient name for the region between these two rivers
"Caliphate" that operated in Iraq in the 2010s but is mostly defeated now
Dictator of Iraq, 1979–2003
Saddam Hussein
Political party of the above
Country that Iraq fought a war against from 1980–1988
Foreign invaders who sacked the capital city in 1258 AD, ending the Islamic Golden Age
The Mongols
Ancient capital where the Great Ziggurat was located
King of the above city whose code of laws called for "an eye for an eye"
Legendary sailor of the seven seas who was said to live in Iraq
Former U.S. prison where detainees were abused
Abu Ghraib
Two words, meaning "God is the Greatest", which are written on the flag
Allahu Akbar
Biblical patriarch who was born in the city of Ur
Name of Iraq's currency
Iraqi Dinar
Level 84
Jan 24, 2017
Quite easy. Just basic info and stuff that got lots of media attention. It's ok but a second part would be nice, with some less well known stuff. E.g. Najaf and Karbala as holy places, Asian cup victory during the war
Level 67
Mar 31, 2017
I was expecting a question on Nebuchadnezzar.
Level 82
Mar 31, 2017
I tried that first for the Babylon king clue, but then saw the part about the eye for an eye and got the correct answer.
Level 76
Jan 24, 2017
Also allow "akhbar"? A google search on that spelling variant throws up lots of answers.
Level ∞
Jan 25, 2017
Level 56
Aug 11, 2022
Why is this allowed? That's a completely different word
Level 74
Mar 31, 2017
Its really annoying that there's no universally standard method to transliterate Arabic into English. By most conventions though, when we use 'kh' together in a word it stands for the letter خ or "Khaa", which sounds like the noise you make when gathering up phlegm before spitting (seriously) and has no equivalent in English. Its not the same as "Kaf" which is your normal 'K' sound. So I dont know how that spelling of Allahu Akbar came about, but if we use the usual convention then Allahu Akhbar could be translated as 'God knows more' or 'God knows best'. So it becomes a completely different phrase.
Level 68
Mar 31, 2017
I'd like to upvote this comment - then I realized this isn't Reddit or Imgur lol
Level 81
Apr 2, 2017
I was told it means "god news" if pronounced incorrectly.
Level 74
Apr 22, 2017
@kalbahamut Yeah it can mean that too, if the second 'a' in Akhbar is stressed, i.e. if it is a long vowel rather than a short one. The short vowel is like the 'a' in 'mustard', but the long vowel is like the 'a' in 'car'. Again, having no standard transliteration symbology means It's hard to distinguish between them in English without any context.
Level 62
Aug 6, 2020
@larrylevine Fear No More! You can upvote comments now.
Level 91
Aug 6, 2020
Well, maybe not "upvote" necessarily, but giving a comment a like. But same thing, really.
Level 66
Jan 24, 2017
I couldn't figure the second official language other than Arabic, I tried Persian, Boom! Persian Gulf pops up. Couldn't figure out what country Iraq had a war with, tries Is, for Israel, Boom! ISIS pops up. I'm thinking, "Man I am great at this quiz!"
Level 60
Mar 31, 2017
For the sailor you should probably also mention his work in Necessary Roughness.
Level 82
Mar 31, 2017
That comment just happened! Yes!
Level 76
Feb 27, 2018
Good quiz! A few variations on the spelling of Allahu akbar would be nice. I tried Allahu akbah and from there every variation I could think of except the right one with an R at the end
Level 60
Aug 6, 2020
I don't think so. Either learn to pronounce Arabic or just live with it. Why should wrong answers be accepted?
Level 67
Aug 6, 2020
Well, according to @HatemAli above “Allahu Akbar” isn’t correct either.
Level 36
Apr 1, 2018
Excellent quiz! - Always misspell Mesopotamia as Mesopotania; don;t know why..
Level 87
Jan 31, 2019
Probably because a lot more countries/regions end in "-ania" than "-amia."
Level 74
Aug 7, 2020
John Stewart used to spell it "mess o' potamia".
Level 66
Feb 16, 2021
I do the same thing
Level 86
Apr 29, 2018
Might want to update the quiz. Happily I think ISIS has been kicked out of Iraq.
Level ∞
May 16, 2020
Level 61
Jul 26, 2018
Level 60
Aug 6, 2020
How about another quiz without the usual war stuff?
Level 46
Aug 6, 2020
Could "Abram" possibly be allowed as a type-in for "Abraham"? Of course anyone who knows the former will know the latter, and I managed to type the more common version after a brain stutter, but seeing "Ur" got me stuck on the older name for second.
Level 68
Aug 6, 2020
Got the top 10 and that's it. No points. Need to study more about Iraq.
Level 57
Aug 6, 2020
Will you please accept Ibrahim for Abraham?
Level 81
Aug 7, 2020
this is the common Arabic spelling, if QM is unaware.
Level 73
Aug 10, 2020
Was just about to comment this. Feels odd that for the country quiz of a country that speaks Arabic the Arabic pronunciation of one of the answers isn't accepted
Level 61
Mar 28, 2021
I only tried Ibrahim for this exact reason
Level ∞
Jan 31, 2023
Ibrahim will work now
Level 61
Sep 14, 2020
"Arab Gulf" really should be accepted in place of "Persian Gulf" on this and similar quizzes.
Level 59
Oct 28, 2020
Maybe make 'Akbar' an acceptable answer?
Level 70
Jan 27, 2021
Level 62
Feb 10, 2023
19/21 spelling strikes once again
Level 62
Feb 13, 2023
"Great Ziggurat" is much more closely associated with Ur than Babylon - I don't actually see anything listed on Google as referred to as the "Great Ziggurat of Babylon" so this question is basically incorrect as written.
Level 66
Feb 14, 2023
Wasn't there also abuse at Guantanamo Bay Cuba aka Gitmo. I should get some credit, because that is what I typed :D
Level 77
Apr 30, 2023
yeah man, the famous Iraqi prison of Guantanamo Bay
Level 69
Sep 13, 2024
Didnt realize Iraq invaded Cuba
Level 59
Oct 9, 2024
Was confused that my answer for the 'eye for an eye' king wasn't being accepted, turned out I was putting in the name of a gorilla from Cincinnati! smh.
Level 67
Jan 25, 2025
and iraq just legalized child marriage. disgusting.