
Is That Really in the Bible?

Try to guess whether these things appear in the Bible or don't.
Nitpickers who don't provide exact Biblical citations may experience wailing and gnashing of teeth
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: August 6, 2023
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First submittedAugust 6, 2023
Times taken15,646
Average score73.3%
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1. The angel Lucifer is cast out of heaven for the sin of pride
In the Bible
While Lucifer (the morning star) is mentioned once in the Bible (Isaiah 14:12), the rest of the story is fanciful interpretation
2. God makes the walls of Jericho fall after people march around it blowing trumpets
In the Bible
3. Jewish people should not eat pork
In the Bible
Leviticus 11:7-8
4. Jesus brings Lazarus back from the dead
In the Bible
John 11
5. People who die will have their souls cleansed in purgatory before ascending to heaven
In the Bible
6. Adam and Eve are kicked out of the Garden of Eden after eating the forbidden fruit
In the Bible
7. The baby Jesus is visited by three wise men whose names are Balthazar, Caspar, and Melchior
In the Bible
The names of the three wise men are never mentioned
8. Lot's wife is turned into a pillar of salt
In the Bible
Genesis 19:26
9. The unicorn becomes extinct after failing to make it onto Noah's ark
In the Bible
Unicorns do not appear in the Bible, although Daniel 8:5 mentions a curious goat with a horn between its eyes
10. Adam has a first wife named Lilith
In the Bible
11. After wrestling with a mysterious person, Jacob becomes known as Israel, meaning "he who struggles with God"
In the Bible
12. If a person commits one of the seven deadly sins, he must confess them or risk being sent to hell
In the Bible
13. Ham sees his father Noah naked and passed out drunk. When Ham doesn't avert his eyes, Noah curses his family line.
In the Bible
14. St. Peter sits at the "pearly gates" of heaven
In the Bible
15. Jesus befriends Mary Magdalene, a former prostitute
In the Bible
Nowhere does it say that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, although she did have demons cast out of her
Level 63
Aug 8, 2023
It would be nice to have some more wee mini-explanations, eg that Purgatory is a part of Roman Catholicism but not in the Bible.
Level 71
Aug 8, 2023
Would be nice to do so because apparently it is a common mistake to believe Hell/Purgatory comes from the Bible and not from the Middle Ages Catholic culture.
Level 77
Aug 8, 2023
Hell is indeed mentioned in the Bible, though not to the exact degree of the Hell everyone's familiar with. Jesus definitely warns of it, though.

Purgatory, however, has almost no basis in the Bible. The single verse that "supports" it, 2 Maccabees 12:45, isn't even found in most translations.

Level 82
Aug 8, 2023
Yeah, it's in no Protestant translation, except for some which include a separate section for "Apocrypha" chapters. The difference arises between what is in the Hebrew translation of the Old Testament vs what's in the Greek. Luther, Calvin, et al agreed that if Scripture is the inerrant word of God (it is), any material which cannot be traced back to the original language ought to be omitted.

But to view it from the Catholic perspective, I still think they get it wrong. Maccabees occurs roughly 200 years before Christ. Dead believers had not yet been absolved of their sins through His work. It is a prayer for the Redeemer, not something we are to continue doing after the arrival of same.

Level 74
Aug 20, 2023
" if Scripture is the inerrant word of God (it is), any material which cannot be traced back to the original language ought to be omitted."

Ah yes, the innerant word of an omnipotent being, that still needs to be edited by humans to be correct.

Level 34
May 8, 2024
It's correct without us. We're the ones who make the mistakes.
Level 79
Aug 8, 2023
Hell does come from the bible, from the gospels, to be precise. Jesus warns numerous times. Purgatory is in fact a catholic doctrine.
Level 82
Aug 8, 2023
The Catholic doctrine of purgatory is a creation of the Middle Ages. It begins with a faulty premise of being able to lose one's salvation despite numerous passages assuring believers that once chosen, they are sealed until the end of the age.

Where it gets nigh on heretical is that it challenges the very nature of Christ's sacrifice and God's holy justice. The purpose of Christ's work was to pay the price for sinners who could not live up to divine standards on their own. To then make those sinners pay AGAIN for something Christ already paid for amounts to a form of double jeopardy. God's just nature precludes unjust actions. Forcing a penalty to be paid twice (i.e. by Jesus and then again by you or me) is necessarily unjust and beneath God. Purgatory is bunkum.

Level 75
Aug 8, 2023
It's less about paying or being penalized and more about preparing a soul to be in full communion with God. One way to understand it is that unless you're an incredibly holy person, you aren't quite ready to see God face-to-face. In this sense, purgatory is a 'time' of purification.

As someone already mentioned, the concept of praying for the dead is present in 2 Maccabees. Whether you recognize this book as being part of Sacred Scripture, this still demonstrates that the concept of purgatory existed, though unnamed, far before the Middle Ages.

God bless :)

Level 82
Aug 9, 2023
Multiple punishments for the same crime is beneath God. And, as I pointed out, even using Macabees, it's wrong. The need to pray for the dead would cease after the coming of Christ. It's one of those things, like temple sacrifice, that we no longer need to do because He made it unnecessary.
Level 75
Aug 9, 2023
Hi again. I wasn't trying to convince you whether it was right or wrong, just stating that your claim of how it's a creation of the Middle Ages is historically false.
Level 75
Aug 8, 2023
Fun quiz! Can’t believe I thought the three wise men were indeed named in the Bible 😖
Level 76
Dec 13, 2023
The bible doesn't even mention how many wise men there were, it only mentions that there are wise men who bring three gifts
Level 78
Aug 8, 2023
The names of the wise men are not mentioned, and the number of them actually isn't either. Three gifts are mentioned, which is where the number comes from, but there's no clear statement of there being three wise men.
Level 79
Aug 8, 2023
Reminds me of a nice joke: I can believe in the son of God becoming a human baby. But finding three wise men?
Level 77
Aug 8, 2023
Why couldn't Jesus have been born in Texas?

Because they wouldn't be able to find three wise men and a virgin.

Level 66
Aug 8, 2023
Noah didn't curse Ham, he cursed Ham's son Canaan (Genesis 9:25 &
Level ∞
Aug 9, 2023
Fixed the question.
Level 78
Aug 8, 2023
7/15 lol, what an absurd book
Level 79
Aug 8, 2023
what a COOL book
Level 77
Aug 8, 2023
He's conquered sin. He's conquered death. And he's coming back to judge the living and the dead. His name… is the Christ Jesus.

Whether or not you believe it, you must admit it is indeed very cool.

Level 78
Aug 9, 2023
coming to a theater near you this summer...
Level 77
Aug 8, 2023
#1, #5, and #15 are great questions. Good quiz.
Level 71
Aug 8, 2023
I beg to differ on question #11. The chapter (Genesis 32) in which the wrestling match occurs never explicitly states that Jacob wrestled with God, only that he wrestled with a "man" who refused to identify himself and that the man blessed him. Other parts of the Bible refer to the being as an angel. This question falls in the same camp as the one about the Magi IMO: if making assumptions is considered false here, then the question should either be marked false or replaced.
Level 77
Aug 8, 2023
I originally posted a comment arguing in favor of the question, but after reading more, I believe it's too ambiguous to leave in.
Level ∞
Aug 9, 2023
Changed the question.
Level 82
Aug 8, 2023
I feel like the seven deadly sins one is a trick question. The seven deadly sins are not mentioned in the Bible, but if you commit sin in general (including things like pride, greed, wrath, envy, etc) and you have to confess them and ask for forgiveness through Jesus (1 John 1:9, Acts 3:19) or risk being sent to hell (Rev 21:8).
Level ∞
Aug 9, 2023
On this, I'm going to have to disagree. As you correctly point out, the seven deadly sins aren't mentioned in the Bible.
Level 82
Aug 9, 2023
All sins are worthy of damnation if they are not repented of. Only believers repent.

"The seven deadly sins" is an explicitly Catholic doctrine which holds that certain sins can cause the revocation of salvation until and unless penance is done. Any sin not on this list falls into the venal sin category which they believe send you to purgatory if you die without doing your penance for.

Protestants argue that God does not take away something once given. That would make Him either capricious or capable of error, neither of which is true.

Level 58
Aug 18, 2023
"There is no redemption, any fool can regret yesterday" (the Holy Bible).

Enjoyed the quiz, though.

Level 85
Aug 8, 2023
"The names of the three wise men are never mentioned"

Not only that, but it doesn't say that there were three wise men! There were three types of gift (gold, frankincense, and myrrh). The idea that there were three wise men is derived from that.

Since the Bible doesn't say otherwise, I choose to believe that there were three wise men who each gave a gift of gold, seven wise men who each gave a gift of frankincense, and nine wise men who each gave a gift of myrrh. Three gifts of gold from the wise men under the sky, seven gifts of frankincense from the wise men in their halls of stone, nine gifts of myrrh from the wise men doomed to die. One type of gift to rule them all, one type of gift to find them, one type of gift to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

Level 85
Aug 18, 2023
The one gift was socks.
Level 71
Aug 9, 2023
13/15, just missed the first 2
Level 81
Aug 9, 2023
I took the pork question as if the word pork was in the bible. I should have went with the spirit of the question, instead of the letter.
Level 78
Aug 9, 2023
I breezed through this question with no issues...i always had a good understanding about what was in the bible versus what was added after by catholic doctrine...then there's the Mary Madeline question. Looks like i'm not the only one that missed this one. Can someone please explain which part is not in the Bible?
Level 76
Aug 9, 2023
Mary Magdalene is not the same person as the adulterous woman/prostitute found elsewhere in the gospels.
Level 77
Aug 9, 2023
Indeed, the confusion arises because the Catholic Church held them to be the same person for over a thousand years.
Level 76
Aug 9, 2023
Nitpickers will nitpick but I really like and appreciate this quiz
Level 76
Aug 10, 2023
I laughed when I started to read "Nitpickers who don't provide exact Biblical citations...", but was surprised when the sentence didn't end with "... will go to hell". I'm sure that's somewhere in the good book, at Hostetler 3:15-17, I think.
Level 76
Aug 18, 2023
There's a simple smell test: Christian concepts which are openly manipulative and abusive are probably later religious doctrines, while that which is merely ridiculous is more likely to actually be in the Bible.
Level 85
Aug 21, 2023
Translation for people who aren't dripping with contempt for Christianity:

Formal rules that implement basic teachings are likely to be developed by people. Narratives are likely to be from the book itself.

Level 54
Aug 18, 2023
Being a muslim, scored 10. Although I've never read Bible
Level 67
Aug 18, 2023
Misleading questions. E.g. question 15. Did Jesus befriend Mary Magdalene? Yes he did. Was she a prostitute? No she wasn’t. It’s basically two questions in one. Same with the wise men question.

Questions could be worded much better so it’s clear what you’re after and you’re actually testing knowledge, rather than trying to catch people out.

Level 73
Aug 21, 2023
Yes, that was the only question I got wrong and as you point out it's because it's a compound question. "Mary Magdalene, companion of Jesus, was a repentant prostitute" would be much better.
Level 72
May 21, 2024
That is such odd thing to say. Would you have the same complaint about the statement "Sweden is a country in the Southern hemisphere". Would you call that misleading too? Because; is Sweden a country? Yes it is. Is it in the Southern hemisphere, no it isn't.

Or is a pig an animal that can fly? Misleading! because it is an animal! But it just can't fly (on its own, without being tossed or put on a plane...)

Level 56
Aug 18, 2023
Great quiz!

Another great one would be "God will never give you more than you can handle." Which is commonly believed to be in the Bible, but actually isn't.

(Misremembered wording of "God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear")

Level 34
May 8, 2024
Translation accounts for many instances of "Misremembered wording", and we as humans naturally simplify it for ourselves in a form we can understand.
Level 73
Aug 18, 2023
Great Quiz, I did better than I thought I would!

I laughed out loud at no. 9.! Seems like somebody watched Good Omens and appreciated that scene as much as I did.

Level 57
Aug 19, 2023
So did I!
Level 57
Aug 18, 2023
Question #1 is in the Bible. Lucifer is cast out of Heaven because of pride. Isaiah 14:12-15, especially versus 13-14.

12How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

15Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

Level 57
Aug 19, 2023
Well it seems that that may be Lucifer, but it may be not. The Bible commentary I've just picked up says it refers to the King of Babylon (as in verse 4), although as you point out the KJV does actually translate the bit about "morning star / bearer of light" as Lucifer, unlike the other translations I've picked at random. Obviously "Lucifer" does mean "bearer of light".

Yes given the ambiguity I'd personally be inclined to change the question, but from my rather cursory check on t'Intarweb it seems that the weight of scholarly opinion (including the Ampified Bible, indeed) is behind it referring to that king...

Level 88
Aug 19, 2023
That translation is not a correct translation of what is actually written in the original Hebrew and is one that is based on a christian viewpoint.

Judasim does not have a concept of heaven and hell nor do we have lucifer.

Just something for you to keep in mind.

Level ∞
Aug 20, 2023
Thank you for quoting an exact Biblical verse. However, this verse doesn't say Lucifer is an angel and it doesn't say anything about pride.
Level 73
Aug 21, 2023
I think you've really got to contort your words if you think exalting your throne above the heavens or comparing yourself to the Most High doesn't "say anything about pride."

On a quiz like this, based on interpretations (interpretations of translations, in fact, and in a context where there's not even such a thing as "The Bible"), you should probably avoid edge cases; or at least, misleading phrasing in the question. If you want to ask if "Lucifer was an angel" in the Bible, then ask that.

Level 67
Aug 19, 2023
Wow I always though Jacob and Israel were just translations of each other. God really changed that mother's name for fun lol.
Level 29
Aug 20, 2023
An anti-catholic quiz lol. Confession being a part of salvation is certainly in the Bible, and Purgatory is alluded to in Maccabees, Corinthians, and Revelations. Plus it can be easily deduced from the other soteriological truths we have from the Bible. While not explicitly outlined, it certainly has more biblical support than the protestant doctrine of immediate entry into heaven for believers which is certainly found nowhere in the Bible. It also isn't at all a medieval invention, we have attestation to it in the very early church, but we have no record of people believing immediate entry into heaven for all believers until Luther. Still got 100% on the quiz tho lol, bc I saw the slant the creator had.
Level 73
Aug 21, 2023
Yes, someone is definitely going to feel like they're on the losing end in a quiz which hinges on interpretations of the Bible. You might as well make a quiz about what is or isn't in the Bill of Rights.
Level 82
Aug 22, 2023
Luke 23:43 would be more than an allusion. "Truly I tell you that today you will be with me in paradise." Were the Catholic doctrine accurate, a thief condemned to death would require time in purgatory, as his account would have some debits on it despite his repentance.
Level 75
Aug 24, 2023
It seems you don't understand the doctrine. Purgatory is typically viewed as not necessary for one in a "state of grace", i.e., being fully contrite and having confessed his/her sins, which the thief would arguably be in after having just expressed his faith and contriteness to Jesus.

Moreover, both purgatory and paradise are outside of time, so technically after his death, which was "today" on that day, he both was in purgatory and paradise. This doesn't really make sense, but that's expected as both are outside of time.

Once again, God bless! Let's say a prayer for one another.