One who ... | Is a ... | % Correct |
Rejects the belief in gods | {Ath}eist | 97%
Plays music alone | {Solo}ist | 87%
Discriminates based on gender | {Sex}ist | 84%
Dispenses medication | {Pharm}acist | 82%
Predicts the weather | {Meteor}ologist | 81%
Makes a puppet appear to speak | {Ventrilo}quist | 79%
Is opposed to violence, and won't fight | {Pacif}ist | 73%
Enjoys causing pain | {Sad}ist | 73%
Takes and interprets X-Rays | {Radio}logist | 69%
Studies animals | {Zoolog}ist | 67%
Earns gold, silver, or bronze | {Medal}ist | 66%
Stuffs animals | {Taxiderm}ist | 66%
Wants to end slavery | {Abolition}ist | 64%
Sings | {Vocal}ist | 59%
Transmutes base metals into gold | {Alchem}ist | 58%
Makes charitable donations | {Philanthrop}ist | 52%
Drives a car or truck | {Motor}ist | 43%
Believes in nothing | {Nihil}ist | 37%
Travels for pleasure | {Tour}ist | 36%
Fights with their fists | {Pugil}ist | 34%
Writes plays | {Drama}tist | 18%
Believes the external world is imaginary | {Solip}sist | 7%
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