
Words Ending in "IST" #2

Can you guess these vocabulary words that end in the letters -ist?
For example, one who sells flowers is a florist
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: August 27, 2018
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First submittedJune 8, 2010
Times taken41,876
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One who...
Is a...
Paints or sculpts
Paints using small dots of color
Casts out demons
Makes things appear to disappear
Eschews clothing
Makes cocktails
Enjoys feeling pain
Believes in free markets
Pursues pleasure above all else
Writes the words for songs
One who...
Is a...
Studies birds
Has a positive life outlook
Hates women
Cuts hair
Advances to the final four
Passes off another's work as one's own
Is paid to influence government officials
Rides a two-wheeled vehicle
Doesn't believe in government or laws
Draws blood
Level 78
Apr 23, 2013
Don't impressionists paint with small dots of color as well? I learned that pointilism and impressionism were the same thing. Except that pointilism was what the French called it.
Level 53
Apr 23, 2013
Pointillism is a branch of impressionism
Level 68
Jul 10, 2016
Not necessarily. You could certainly have a photorealistic pointillist painting.
Level 74
Aug 4, 2022
I'd trace that photorealist's influences more in Seurat than in Ingres.

[hat tip to Brian O'Nolan, aka Flann O'Brien aka Myles na gCopaleen, an Irish novelist and humorist of the last century]

Level 87
May 17, 2014
No, no, in French, we say "impressionnisme" for the artistic movement of Monet, Pissarro and Renoir. Pointillism is a variant consisting in using small dots rather than dashes, to create color effects (similarly to color printing). It was theorized by Seurat, Signac is another example.
Level 55
Jul 4, 2015
If only Seurat had known he'd essentially invented colour television!
Level 33
Apr 23, 2013
Wish i could spell
Level 31
Apr 24, 2013
Same. If I could spell the words I was thinking, I'd have performed well. Of course it doesn't help that I've got some alcohol in me.
Level 15
Apr 24, 2013
Damn I kept putting quarter-finallist.
Level 72
Sep 15, 2019
same finalist and quarter finalist, several times... (even with weird spelling I was pretty sure wasnt correct, but I didnt get why the right spelling wasnt accepted...)
Level 33
Apr 29, 2013
I don't think the capitalist answer is correct. A capitalist is a wealthy person who invests money for profit. Actually one of the major preoccupations of capitalists is to create monopolies and trade cartels, thereby reducing competition and increasing profit.
Level 92
Jul 27, 2013
That's your politically-motivated interpretation of the word, not its definition.
Level 51
May 4, 2015
Thank you for correcting that, tschutzer. I can't believe how many people don't know what capitalism really is. They hate capitalism, but the truth is that most societies have never seen it--or at least, they don't currently see it.
Level 80
Jul 30, 2023
Could you enlighten us as to what capitalism "really is"? A lot of people also hate socialism, but it seems to me that most societies have never seen what it "really is."
Level 76
Jan 5, 2016
I agree with tschutzer that monopoly creation is a side-effect, rather than a part of the definition. But I wouldn't agree that Ozchris's comment is "politically motivated". People of all political hues can see for themselves that trying to create monopolies is a common behavior of capitalists, especially those who are solely motivated by profit, regardless of the harm that motivation can cause.
Level 68
Jul 10, 2016
Ozchris's "definition" – and yours too, jerry928 – is dripping with value judgement.
Level 69
Apr 6, 2024
Who cares.
Level 65
Oct 24, 2018
The Webster Definition of capitalism is, "an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market."

Your definition is the left-wing view of capitalism. It is used by democrat lawmakers to villainize wealthy private owners of successful companies.

Level 71
Apr 21, 2020
ctleng: your definition of capitalism is the "Webster Definition", as you say. In my Chambers, the definition of "capitalist" is simply "one who derives income and power from capital". Therefore I agree with Ozchris that a capitalist is not necessarily one who believes in free markets, and I also don't see that what he said is necessarily Left-wing. It seems to me that it may be ctleng who has a biased view.
Level 53
May 6, 2022
He gave the Webster's definition, how is that biased?
Level 79
Aug 4, 2022
Maybe Webster is a noted capitalist. After all, he does sell dictionaries… for profit!
Level 79
Aug 4, 2022
Seriously though, the issue here is merely semantics. A capitalist is either a person who invests capital into a economic system, OR a person who believes in the socioeconomic system of free market capitalism (not mutually exclusive, of course). It’s like how you could say a communist who lives on a commune doesn’t necessarily have to believe in communism. Yeah, it’s an archaic use, but it’s the best analogy I could think of…
Level 65
Aug 9, 2022
FadKrashmor, it's interesting how you added the word "power" into your definition. That is obviously how you see capitalism.

I agree that some capitalists are motivated by power, but that isn't the definition of a capitalist. The real issue here is the notion that we can each have our own definition of a word based on our own beliefs. When that happens, words lose their meaning and value in communication altogether. How can any of us understand words spoken if we keep changing the meaning to suit our own beliefs?

Level 78
Aug 30, 2023
Capitalism is an economy in which the means of production are privately owned, in contrast to socialism, where they are owned by the state. A free market economy is one were the state does not interfere with the market. Obviously, capitalism is a necessary condition for a free market (the former is needed for the latter), but that does not mean that it is a sufficient condition (the former always leads to the latter).

A capitalist is someone who promotes capitalism (and may or may not also promote free markets) or someone who engages in capitalism, i.e. owns some means of production and uses them to generate profit. A capitalist does not necessarily believe in free markets.

Fascists like Hitler and Mussolini, and many other non-socialist dictators, were capitalists, but did not promote free markets. They allowed the means of production to stay in private hands, but of course those of their cronies. The nazis were no socialists (despite the name) but certainly also no free marketeers.

Level 92
Jul 27, 2013
Hematologist should work for "draws blood" as well.
Level 74
Aug 25, 2014
A hematologist studies blood, the phlebotomist draws the blood to be studied.
Level 71
Jul 6, 2018
Pretty sure hematologists also draw blood. As do lots of doctors with different specialties.
Level 65
Oct 24, 2018
@TheCrusher, you are correct, although the clue is about the specific practice of drawing blood. Phlebotomist is the correct answer.
Level 46
Mar 23, 2014
Do you think you could accept "impressionist"? Since pointillism is a type of impressionism.
Level 72
Sep 15, 2019
but impressionism does not need to be dots..
Level 91
May 11, 2014
cosmetologist should work for stylist
Level 43
Jun 9, 2014
Level ∞
Oct 11, 2015
Cosmetologist will work now
Level 71
Nov 20, 2014
Level 51
May 4, 2015
For the one who draws blood, I tried vampirist. :P
Level 28
Jan 5, 2016
Mixicologist should work.

Certainly the title on enough bar manuals.

Level 82
Mar 13, 2018
But of course it does work.
Level 68
Jan 5, 2016
100% here! Fun quiz with good variety.
Level 70
Jan 5, 2016
I still continue to learn new words in English... Really love JetPunk
Level 42
May 14, 2016
Socialist in addition to capitalist?
Level 68
Jul 10, 2016
The definition is "Believes in free markets". You should probably Google the definition of socialism w.r.t. free markets.
Level 69
Aug 4, 2022
It's a bad definition. I've never met anyone serious who "believes" in free markets, not in any sense of the term. Everybody knows that free markets don't exist and have never existed, and that they wouldn't work. The disagreement between capitalists and socialists is on the degree of regulation, and who it should benefit.
Level 80
Jul 30, 2023
I agree, your comment is measured compared to some of the others regarding the capitalist clue. I also don't understand what 'belief' has to do with it and the overemphasis on personal beliefs seems to be a by-product of the Protestantism that shaped American 'free-market' capitalism. In a sense, all Americans are capitalists regardless of whether or not we believe in the system.
Level 92
May 23, 2017
I would think that chauvinist would be an acceptable answer for someone who hates women. Even though it can be hate to other groups, 96% of the time (that's the exact percentage trust me) it's used it's in a gender related cannotation.
Level 58
May 23, 2017
Except that a chauvinist just has a strong sense of superiority, and views others as inferior; it has nothing to do with hate.
Level 81
May 23, 2017
A male chauvinist is one who views women as inferior. If they use the term chauvinist by itself they are using a shortcut. Chauvinism, could, for example, apply to Europeans who believe they are more cultured, civilized, sophisticated, educated, intelligent, etc. than others.
Level ∞
Feb 16, 2018
Huh, never seen one of those. ;)
Level 71
Apr 21, 2020
Indeed, once more from my dictionary: chauvinism; " absurdly extravagant pride in one's country, with corresponding contempt for foreign nations..". Now where have you seen that kind of thing?
Level 65
Aug 9, 2022
Wow, I think that's the first time I have ever seen chauvinism used to exclusively describe political beliefs. What dictionary are you using? Kalbahamut's answer is correct.
Level 65
Oct 24, 2018
Hates women could also be a sexist...though not as specific as misogynist, based on the wording of the question it is not technically incorrect. I am not sure how you could alter the question to avoid that, so I would suggest adding sexist as an acceptable answer.
Level 70
Oct 26, 2018
It is possible to be sexist without being misogynistic. Sexism just means some form of prejudice or discrimination relating to sex or gender. Accepting it would be like accepting "artist" for pointillist.
Level 72
Sep 15, 2019
Somehow this makes it sound like racists dont hate the other races, just think that they are inferior. But usually it comes down to the same thing.
Level 70
Oct 25, 2018
Definitely some spelling challenges for me here.
Level 66
Nov 15, 2019
No - mixologist is not a thing.
Level 79
May 27, 2021
Level 47
May 9, 2022
I think it should be "styles hair" for stylist. I don't think a hair stylist necessarily cuts hair as much as they, well, style it. As in doing plaits/braids or curls or waves, perhaps temporary colour or intricate hair art. I think if it's someone who cuts hair it's a hairdresser or barber. I think not all hair stylists are qualified to cut hair, but many hair dressers or barbers are can both cut the hair and then style it after. But stylist is not necessarily the same thing as a barber or hairdresser. Also "stylist" is very general in itself, it doesn't have to be hair. A stylist could also be someone who picks out fashionable clothes/fashionable looks in general. So "hair stylist" would be more specific
Level 79
Aug 4, 2022
Kinda defeats the purpose of the quiz if you put the entire answer in the clue.
Level 76
Jul 22, 2022
Tried every incorrect spelling of misogynist. Boo
Level 82
Aug 4, 2022
phlebmo-- phlebol-- phlambo-- phlebote-- dang that's a hard word to spell
Level 69
Aug 5, 2022
Agreed with above, capitalist is not necessarily a good match for a person who believes in a free market. A capitalist is just somebody who invests capital.
Level 65
Aug 9, 2022
The Webster definition I included which mentions the words "free market" are not in the context of a capitalist, but rather capitalism. What I said above is exactly the same thing you just said here in your comment.
Level 51
Aug 6, 2022
POV: You were absolutely sure "masochist" was "mastochist".
Level 74
Jan 29, 2023
The clue for semi-finalist is reasonably vague - in speed skating the final four 4 are finalists.