
Job Titles Quiz #1

Name the occupation shared by each group of three people.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: March 1, 2019
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First submittedSeptember 4, 2012
Times taken72,899
Average score70.0%
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Pablo Picasso, Frida Kahlo, Vincent Van Gogh
Charles Dickens, Steven King, J.K. Rowling
Ludwig van Beethoven, Frédéric Chopin, Igor Stravinsky
Harry Houdini, David Copperfield, David Blaine
Bill Watterson, Charles Schulz, Gary Larson
H. L. Mencken, Bob Woodward, Walter Bagehot
Clarence Darrow, Johnny Cochran, Alan Dershowitz
Amelia Earhart, Charles Lindbergh, Chuck Yeager
Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali, Floyd Mayweather
Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, Eminem
Auguste Rodin, Dale Chihuly, Praxiteles
Booker T. Washington, Anne Sullivan, John T. Scopes
Jerry Seinfeld, Louis C.K., John Cleese
Pelé, Marta, David Beckham
Soccer Player
Sofia Coppola, David Lynch, Alfred Hitchcock
Florence Nightingale, Clara Barton, Mary Seacole
Ray Charles, Glenn Gould, Lang Lang
Billy Graham, Martin Luther King Jr., Billy Sunday
Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, John Gotti
Vera Wang, Ralph Lauren, Valentino
Fashion Designer
Level 60
Sep 2, 2012
You should really accept "Football player" for Pelé, Ronaldo, and David Beckham; otherwise non-Americans will be supremely irritated.
Level ∞
Sep 2, 2012
Added that. Thanks!
Level 38
Aug 8, 2017
actors too
Level 76
Aug 8, 2017
Well said.
Level 92
Sep 2, 2012
Athlete should work as well. Every other one has a one-word answer that will work. Soccer player sticks out like a sore thumb.
Level 56
Aug 10, 2017
fashion designer?
Level 90
Apr 10, 2019
Designer works.
Level 72
Jun 19, 2019
footballer too
Level 72
Sep 2, 2012
Why doesn't priest or pastor work for Martin Luther King Jr. etc?
Level ∞
Sep 4, 2012
Added pastor
Level 44
Feb 4, 2015
reverend worked. I mean I guess those are preachers too :)
Level 59
Aug 8, 2017
I tried evangelist first...
Level 72
May 16, 2020
I tried every churchy word I could think of besides pope, I knew that wasnt it. I have no clue about the terms in my own language let alone in English. Now and again you hear the terms, but usually just to refer to someone and not with background info.

I tried deacon, dean, priest, bishop, vicar, I think pastor too.

Didn't think of cardinal but wouldn't have tried that though. (and coming across chaplain now, wouldn't have tried that either cause I knew it was a more common/often used word)

Level 69
Sep 2, 2012
I tried crime boss, mafia, godfather, etc for Capone, but couldn't get it, arghh.
Level ∞
Sep 4, 2012
Haha. There were about 10 different accepted answers for that one. I added a few more.
Level 44
Feb 4, 2015
lol Ganster, mobster.. etc I am sure. I just said mobster ;)
Level 43
Mar 10, 2015
Mine was Mafia don lol

and it worked :D

Level 56
Mar 14, 2015
I tried legitimate businessman, just for a laugh! Pity it didn't work. Mob boss did though.
Level 76
Mar 18, 2015
Wasn't he actually selling furniture or something?
Level 59
Aug 21, 2017
I tried mafioso. ..
Level 75
Feb 23, 2022
Haha, "legitimate businessman" (if the quotation marks had to be included) would be a fun type-in! Pity I don't think Jetpunk can insist on punctuation marks...
Level 90
Apr 10, 2019
For Billy Graham and Billy Sunday too? I couldn't figure how on Earth MLK tied in with them.
Level 25
Sep 2, 2012
I was supremely happy to see Praxiteles' name here. My minor in art history is finally useful for something!
Level 36
Sep 3, 2012
Tried sculpturer for Rodin et al. but it didn't work. Is that not the same as sculptor?
Level 90
Apr 10, 2019
Sculptor is good English, so no.
Level 54
Sep 3, 2012
Level 34
Apr 9, 2021
wow congrats
Level 86
Sep 4, 2012
Not that it's a big deal, but Billy Graham and Billy Sunday weren't really pastors. Both Graham and Sunday were on the circuit and weren't dedicated to one body congregation like a pastor would be.
Level 65
Sep 6, 2012
Billy Graham was a pastor of a church early on. Read the wiki.
Level 64
Sep 28, 2017
Billy Sunday was one of the great defensive outfielders of his day.
Level ∞
Feb 28, 2019
Unlike Moonlight Graham who only had one major league appearance with no at bats.
Level 20
Sep 4, 2012
I knew who Bill Watterson was for the entire time, but couldn't think of what you would call someone who writes cartoons. Now, I feel silly.
Level 48
Jun 1, 2014
I think evangelist should be accepted for preacher....
Level 65
Mar 10, 2015
MLK = not precisely an evangelist.
Level 28
Mar 10, 2015
I tried evangelist too
Level 81
Mar 10, 2015
Only missed one (the last). For the rest, only had to read past the first clue twice. Pretty easy quiz.
Level 28
Mar 10, 2015
accept 'filmmaker' for director
Level 36
Feb 2, 2017
No, a producer is also a film maker. Specificity is important in a quiz such as this.
Level 64
May 16, 2020
All three of those people have directed and produced films. Wikipedia describes all three of them as "filmmakers" in the first paragraph of their articles.

Also "director" is pretty vague. I have a friend who's the director of a childcare center.

Level 79
Apr 15, 2021
Yeah, because people get really confused when you say Spielberg has a new director gig. Is he doing another movie or is he looking after kids? Maybe he's in charge of a hedge fund. It's too vague!
Level 68
Mar 10, 2015
Nice to see Mencken on the list of reporters, he really was something special.
Level 39
Mar 10, 2015
Tried boss and don, didn't really think of mobster
Level 47
Mar 13, 2015
I think of Ray Charles as a singer, not a pianist.
Level 70
Sep 12, 2015
That's why you are given 3 characters, it's what they have in common that counts (I've never heard Lang Lang sing, although he may)
Level 45
Jun 20, 2016
How about novelist for "author"?
Level ∞
Jun 3, 2017
That will work now
Level 81
Oct 4, 2016
Conjurer for magician?
Level 76
Jun 3, 2017
Too easy! Average score is 100%. I don't remember ever seeing that before.
Level 85
Jun 7, 2017
Why won't you accept "pugilist" for Tyson, Ali and Mayweather??!!! (he said, feigning pedanticism)
Level 70
Aug 8, 2017
DonTheLamplighter wins the 'Golden Nitpicker's Medal' for Jun. 2017....... congratulations.
Level 63
Sep 12, 2019
I started typing in 'box..', then thought "no wait, let me just try 'pugilist'...": Quizmaster 1, kiwirage 0.
Level 64
Jul 26, 2017
Not sure what to call Mencken, et al.
Level 70
Aug 8, 2017
Got them all except for the 3 I've never heard of :H. L. Mencken, Seymour Hersh, Bob Woodward ..... whoever they are.
Level 74
Aug 8, 2017
Difficult one for non-Americans. Watch the movie, "All the President's Men" if you want to know who Bob Woodward is. He and Carl Bernstein are the Washington Post reporters who pushed the Watergate scandal that brought down President Nixon. Mencken was a reporter in the first half of the 20th century and was probably best known for his reporting of the Scopes trial. I never heard of Seymour Hersh, but according to Wikipedia he is the reporter who exposed the My Lai massacre and coverup during the Vietnam war, and is also the one who reported on the US military's torture of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison.
Level 70
Jan 24, 2020
Should have been called 'Seymour Hurts'
Level 82
Aug 12, 2020
Bob Woodward is famous in any part of the English-speaking world.
Level 69
Mar 1, 2021
I've never heard of him (or any of the others) so no.
Level 93
Aug 8, 2017
Pugilist for boxer
Level 68
Aug 8, 2017
Anne Sullivan, one of my heroes. Only ones I missed were journalists and lawyers.
Level 67
Aug 8, 2017
Some of these are a bit US-centric don't you think?
Level 91
Aug 8, 2017
Nah, they're too job-centric.
Level 76
Aug 8, 2017
What else do you expect from an American?
Level ∞
Feb 28, 2019
Yeah, it's a little U.S. centric, but there's probably no way to make this not U.S. centric without having it be too hard for the average user of our site. I'm sure there are some famous Belgian teachers. But I can't name any.
Level 72
Jan 24, 2020
I think most people call things us-centric, when the answers are things (generally) only known by Americans/hard to know or have heard of outside America. Not that the answers refer to something American.

So it is less of a subject thing and more of a level playing field. People wont mind if it was presidents or famous singers, actors etc. But a local weatherman for instance, how would the rest of the world know.

This goes for every country btw DaVinci is a fair question, but the local butcher in the same city wouldnt be, because the rest of the world wont know about it.

Level 72
Jan 24, 2020
Perhaps from now on we should adept the phrase "too local knowledge orientated" because that is the main reason most complain.

Though admittedly there is also a portion that doés complain about the subject matter (like on a writers quiz where most answers are american). But I would say just disregard those people. If the balance is right. So no american answers non american have no chance of knowing, and inclusion of non american answers with the same rule; that there is a chance of people outside that country to know the answer. There might be great Moldovian or East-Timorese writers, but not many world reknown ones).

Level 79
Apr 15, 2021
If you want to add a non-American to the teachers category, add Maria Montessori. Super obvious clue that many people would know. She even moved to the Netherlands later in life, which is close to Belgium!
Level 65
Aug 9, 2017
While Ray Charles was a pianist, he was more famously known as a jazz musician/artist. This clue threw me off. I guess if I knew the other two pianists, I would have gotten the correct answer.
Level ∞
Aug 9, 2017
Glenn Gould and Lang Lang are classical musicians. Ray Charles is a jazz-influenced pop musician who also made a country album. What connects all three people? The piano.
Level 36
Jul 5, 2018
I've never seen Ray Charles sing except while he was playing the piano, so that should have clued you in. Great quiz, by the way.
Level 61
Aug 9, 2017
I tried several things for Eminem etc - including rap artist - wouldn't that do?
Level 66
Aug 9, 2017
I think you should also accept "comic" for "comedian."
Level ∞
Aug 10, 2017
Level 64
Sep 28, 2017
Mencken, et al: Not newspaper columnist, social commentator, newspaper writer?
Level 48
Jan 31, 2018
Level 72
May 16, 2020
shouting isn't going to help, and they are people, not a game
Level 58
Jun 11, 2018
All credit to the quizmaster for adding many alternate answers, but I couldn't help but laugh as the quiz kept being a contrarian. Even when I tried to guess the correct word against my initial thoughts.
Level 90
Apr 10, 2019
Whew! That one clue started off with Sofia Coppola and I thought I was going to have to lie and say actress.
Level 36
Aug 24, 2019
^ Totally agree. Though she is a talented director, she was an abysmal actress. She and Fonda should have switched roles in Godfather III. Yes, I realize that Fonda was a blonde, but so was her "mother", Diane Keaton; it would have worked.
Level 72
Jun 19, 2019
Not mafioso or maffiaman? I eventually came up with mobster.
Level 60
Sep 12, 2019
I put criminal lol
Level 49
Jan 24, 2020
Level 44
Jan 24, 2020
veri ez
Level 65
Jan 26, 2020
MLK really skews ones' perception of that question. I have never heard of the other two, so I just kept putting "activist" and other things like it.
Level 72
May 16, 2020
ditto I started with activist and then remembered he did something to do with religon (weird sentence but don't know how else to put it..) but didn't know the exact term in english
Level 72
Aug 12, 2020
Accept priest for pastor.
Level 75
Dec 11, 2020
Please accept mafioso for mobster
Level 48
Jul 8, 2021
Pretty sure "Johnny Cochran" is spelled "Johnnie Cochran"
Level 46
Dec 27, 2021
Filmmaker should work for director too... it took me ages to realise
Level 71
Apr 18, 2022
16/20, missed cartoonist, lawyer, sculptor and journalist
Level 52
Oct 3, 2022
Can you accept filmmaker for hitchcock?
Level 80
Jul 22, 2024
It should be Stephen King with a "ph".