
K Vocabulary Words Quiz #2

Guess these vocabulary words that start with the letter K.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: September 5, 2018
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First submittedOctober 24, 2012
Times taken52,186
Average score70.0%
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Medieval warrior
10th Greek letter
Beer storage container
Australian animal that eats eucalyptus
Synthetic fiber used in bulletproof vests
Turkish dish of skewered meat
Martial art developed in Okinawa
Baseball pitch with no spin
Organ that filters blood
Measure of temperature based
on absolute zero
Ornamental carp
To abduct a person
Another word for Jack, in cards
Type of Japanese theater
Small pieces of wood, used to light a fire
British word for women's underwear
Yiddish word for a clumsy person
Dull yellow-brown color often used
in military uniforms
Type of canoe
Level 28
Oct 23, 2012
I started to correct the Quizmaster on three things, but I Googled them first and he was right on all three.

I bow to your incomparable research skills, Quizmaster.

Level ∞
Oct 23, 2012
Haha. Thanks for Googling first. I wish other people would do that too! (Although I do make plenty of mistakes )
Level 72
May 5, 2019
Very curious which
Level 67
May 5, 2019
I'm going to guess 1) that khaki is a material, not a color; 2) that karate was not developed in Okinawa; and 3) and that kebab does not need to be skewered.
Level 72
Feb 5, 2020
Khaki a material? That seems like an odd thought.
Level 80
Feb 2, 2024
There is such a thing as "khaki pants (or trousers)" which are made in a heavier cotton (but lighter than denim), have a looser cut than formal pants, and usually come in muted earth tones, such as brown, beige, or, well, khaki color. But it refers to the style of the pants rather than the fabric or the color.
Level 63
Oct 23, 2012
Only missed three and hadn't heard of two of those so all in all not bad. Thanks I like these quizzes,
Level 61
Oct 23, 2012
Kabob is not acceptable for kebab?
Level ∞
Oct 24, 2012
Okay, that will work now.
Level 55
Sep 3, 2015
I was like, "Oh, kebab. Better spell it the American way to get it right" and put kabob. But the answer was spelt right!
Level 72
May 5, 2019
Bob? They skewered bob?
Level 92
Oct 23, 2012
I wonder if one of the things aertzc looked up was knotweed? It's also an asian plant that's invasive in the US, but I guess it wouldn't be strictly defined as a vine.
Level 35
Jan 1, 2018
Yeah I tried knotweed too. Only thing I could think of but I guess it's not really a vine, maybe more grass?
Level 57
Oct 23, 2012
i thought koi was a fish
Level 43
Oct 23, 2012
Koi is a fish. It is a carp.
Level 19
Oct 24, 2012
more time more time more time
Level 38
Jun 13, 2014
Never heard of a knuckleball but I guess that's because I'm from Australia~ Good quiz! :)
Level 70
Dec 1, 2014
Me too, it sounds like a fight at a dance!
Level 50
Feb 18, 2015
Didn't get that one as I was thinking of "pitch" as being the playing field-it never dawned on me it meant the type of delivery.
Level 73
Aug 21, 2018
Nor me and I'm British. Baseball has very little presence in Britain so virtually no chance of me knowing anything beyond the very very basics of it.

I'd love to see how our American cousins would do if every question about Baseball (or Basketball and NFL for that matter) were replaced with questions about Cricket, Rugby or Kabaddi lol.

Level 90
May 5, 2019
I go right past soccer questions and don't look back.
Level 51
Apr 30, 2015
I'm American and I don't think I've ever heard of it, either. I'm not exactly into sports, though. I only know general knowledge of them.
Level 70
May 5, 2019
Even if you're not into baseball, the knuckleball is a cool pitch to learn about.

It's a totally unconventional approach to the throwing a baseball. Every other pitch is intended to impart some spin on the ball to make it break, or curve, or sink, or even to simply arrive as fast as possible. The ideal knuckleball doesn't spin and it's speed is significantly slower.

A ball that's slower and doesn't spin sounds like it should be way easier to hit, but even the guys who have contracts in the hundreds of millions of dollars because of their prodigious batting abilities have serious trouble tracking the knuckleball as it comes to the plate. The fluid dynamics at play make the ball flit and move randomly from moment to moment. It's totally unpredictable... even for the pitcher.

If you get a chance, check it out on YouTube.

Level 78
Jun 21, 2020
Thanks for the explanation. I'm sure these kinds of comments will make people remember knuckleball much better in future. By my origin, I'm not well-versed in either baseball or cricket, but I still got the answer right, just by doing many quizzes on here.
Level 67
Aug 13, 2020
In Australia we have knuckleballs in cricket.
Level 80
Sep 3, 2015
And kwala is typically spelled, well, like that.
Level 73
Sep 3, 2015
No, no it isn't.
Level 68
Jun 9, 2016
Maybe in "Hookah'd on Phonics", but not in the regular world it's not.
Level 65
Sep 3, 2015
Is the knight picture John Cleese? Just curious.
Level 55
Sep 3, 2015
No, because his beard is grey, and I'm pretty sure that after wrapping Holy Grail (when he didn't have a beard anyway, but it would have been black if he had one) John Cleese vowed never to put on stage armour ever again!
Level 65
Mar 17, 2024
What gave it away for me was that it looks nothing like John Cleese.
Level 60
May 5, 2019
That's his cousin Don
Level 55
Sep 4, 2015
Oh, THAT kind of sharp. I was like, knife? Knives? Kniferous?? I should go to bed.
Level 68
Jun 9, 2016
I like your thinking on adjective formation. I myself tried "knifey", despite my suspicion it was not going to work...
Level 85
Aug 22, 2018
Haha you beat me to "knifey"
Level 81
May 9, 2019
Yes, I tried knifelike as well
Level 72
Jun 21, 2020
I tried knifely ;) and then thinking it might be about being smart/quickwitted the best I could come up with was knowledgeable. I think that might perhaps be an acceptable answer. Also thought about sharp in music but couldnt think of an option there
Level 78
Jun 21, 2020
It doesn't have to be an adjective. A sharp can also be a noun.
Level 81
Mar 11, 2017
Not many people know this, but the correct pronunciation of knight is actually "kaniggit" and is an abbreviation for "can you dig it?"
Level 87
Aug 19, 2018
Because they had to spend so much time digging ditches for the trench warfare that was prevalent in the middle ages.
Level 72
Feb 5, 2020
Knight comes from Dutch knecht meaning servant. In old English it was indeed pronounced with a k, though written with a c (cniht/cneht/cneoht depending on region, Anglian or West Saxon)
Level 68
Aug 20, 2018
How about "knuckler" for the baseball term?
Level 52
Aug 21, 2018
Level 92
Aug 22, 2018
Kempo is an alternate term for the martial art developed in Okinawa and also starts with K.
Level 78
Aug 25, 2018
We need a "like" button on some of these responses.
Level 96
Aug 27, 2018
Could we get some love for Kyogen as a type of Japanese theater?
Level 73
Jun 10, 2019
Ugh I tried kakhi and kahki but didn't think to try khaki...
Level 62
Jul 1, 2019
How about "knowledgeable" for 'sharp'? Not sure if that 100% works but I'd like your take on it!
Level 87
Aug 17, 2019
You ought to accept "knuckler" as well.
Level 65
Nov 22, 2019
Kyogen is also a type of Japanese theater. thanks
Level 81
Feb 6, 2020
A knife would be called a sharp in a hospital or by waste management.
Level 78
Jun 21, 2020
Level 80
Apr 1, 2020
I don't think I've ever heard the word 'kindling' before.
Level 71
Jun 5, 2021
For sharp I was like "knife"
Level 82
Jan 5, 2022
Could you add something to the "sharp" clue to make it clear what it's talking about? I was one of the people who kept trying "knife"
Level 71
Jan 25, 2022
I got it right, but I always see khaki as a shade of green. As my husband and I sometimes disagree about the colour of things, I'm now doubting my colour vision! Tell me I'm not wrong. The uniforms in "M*A*S*H" for example - they are khaki green, not khaki yellowy-brown, aren't they?
Level 80
Sep 26, 2022
Please accept "kebap" for the Turkish dish.