Limbo is not an official Christine doctrine. It was made up by some probably good-intentioned pious Christians, but ones who, in my opinion, lacked a great deal of knowledge about the mercy of God, and how His mercy much greater than His justice.
Here, here! Much of the pop culture of the afterlife was popularized by Dante in his afterlife trilogy. There are a handful of possible mentions of Hell in the Bible, and they're not very descriptive. Theologians living at the time of Dante Alighieri loved Inferno because it made Hell so much scarier. And I don't think there are any Limbo mentions at all in the Bible. And didn't the Catholic church abandon it in Vatican II?
@PrinceEric: Since the Catholic Church never preached Limbo as a matter of doctrine, much less dogma (it was more of a lay superstition/devotional thing, if you will), it was never officially a part of Catholic beliefs, and therefore couldn't really be "abandoned" after Vatican II. However, you're right in that they did at that time actively try to dissuade people from promoting the belief any further, taking an official stance against the affirmation of such a concept (see CCC 1261). So, it was nipped in the bud (mostly).
Tried to respond to a comment directly below but couldn't get it to work. The Catholic Church abandoned "Limbo" for unbaptized infants about two - three years ago.
How do they abandon something like this given their belief system? So at one point in time they were under the belief they went to limbo; then at a later time, they decided they didnt like that idea so it suddenly didnt happen anymore? Is this mystical (and never before seen) place called limbo directly controlled by the humans that made this decision? Under their belief system isnt this type of thing their gods will? Or is it all simply made up to control people...