This quiz has one of the biggest gaps between "easy" answers and "hard" answers that I've ever seen (I got all 7 easy ones and none of the hards). Good for 3 points :)
Not just could but it should be accepted. It's actually name is probably Dolok or Pulau Dolok (I'm not an Indonesian) and was renamed Yos Sudorso to honour him who was killed at the Battle of Arafura Sea. Wikipedia states Local and alternative names of the island as Dolok, Kimaam and Kolepom.
Not so fun fact. Although New Guinea is larger than Borneo, the Indonesian portion of Borneo is larger than the country's portion of New Guinea (Western New Guinea), with the former being more than 500,000 square km (193,000 square miles) large , while the latter being around 415,000 square km (~160,000 square miles) large.
Also, people in Indonesia refers to the whole new guinea island as 'papua'. And the country East of our border as 'Papua nugini'
Papua should be a type-in at least, like Kalimantan!