Minor points: The queen is known as Elizabeth I now that here have been two Elizabeths ruling Britain; also accept "Franz Josef"? (Franz Josef Glacier was named by a German, after the emperor Franz Joseph)
Please correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure Harod the Great ruled UNDERNEATH the Roman empire. Wasn't he just a puppet king? Thanks for the quiz!
Puppet king is still a king (: Officially, he was an "ally and friend of the people of Rome", which in practice means that he was indeed a vassal, obliged to pay taxes and obey the Roman government whenever it wanted to interfere, and liable to be replaced if he ceased to please, but technically he was a sovereign monarch.
??? To me she's been one of the best humanitarians of the century so far. A breath of fresh air in this World where petty nationalism and xenophobia seem to be gaining the upper hand.
I've had a few answers wrong and I started blaming on the author, but after seeing the answers I realized they were correct. Not only that, those are also some really cool people, not the ones you get asked in every quiz. Very cool work
Shouldn't it be Cleopatra VII instead of just Cleopatra, considering how six other female Ptolemaic Egyptian rulers were named Cleopatra (including her mother, Cleopatra V)?
Mao led China since 1949. 1945-49 China, including both Mainland and Taiwan, was officially Republic of China, which still rules Taiwan today, led by Chiang Kai Shek!
It's a bit like asking "who lead greece between 98 and 117BC" and expect "Trajan" for an answer...
Still got it at the end...
I've had a few answers wrong and I started blaming on the author, but after seeing the answers I realized they were correct. Not only that, those are also some really cool people, not the ones you get asked in every quiz. Very cool work