It's usually very obvious to which clue the photo pertains, but with this quiz I am at a loss. I almost expected to find "hitless" as one of the answers. Anyone?
I was completely puzzled by rustproof and safe, yet I could just feel that those hd to be something really obvious... I wanted to beat myself when I saw stainless and harmless.
If this is "the most the moralizing" quiz you have EVER taken, you haven't taken enough quizzes on JetPunk, let alone all those ones you can find about sex in Cosmopolitan, Penthouse, and other adult periodicals. P.S. I too wonder what Heather did to so deeply offend the commenter!
What I find offensive is goons who sit on here for years, but never bother to contribute even one quiz themselves and then make silly comments about others work.
Anarchy doesn't mean lawless. It means leaderless -- literally. At the very least please accept leaderless as well.
These are great! You could add more. Timeless, homeless, fearless, thoughtless, boneless, useless, hapless, penniless, careless, blameless, helpless...
Technically heathens aren't godless at all. Just different gods. But not gonna mark this as a suggestion, cause obviously through time it has been used for anyone outside the christian faith.(or sometimes within, when people did things they didnt agree with. Hanging your laundry on sunday, godless! wearing a bathing suit that is above your knee, godless!)
It's interesting how people who don't believe in a religion have a term applied to them (faithless; godless). Couldn't religious people have a "-less" term applied to them?
The fact that you used "unbeliever" and "heather" is quite offensive really.