A song taught to me in grade school music class in the USA in the 1960s went like this, "In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. He sailed, and sailed, and sailed, and sailed, to find this land for me and you. He sailed, and sailed, and sailed, and sailed, in the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Marie, until at last he found this land, he found this land for you and me." There was another poem with different lyrics set to music, also, but this is the one that echoes in the deep recesses of my mind - unfortunately.
Yes, noodles, it's totally appropriate for you to to yell at *us*, since the U.S. government has actually put American Jetpunk users in charge of switching the entire country over to the Metric System, therefore the holdup is entirely our fault. We apologize profusely for our delay.
Actually about 1 in 3 people drive on the left of the road globally, it's not a "British" thing.
In theory it's safer if you presume most people are right-handed, but anyway, it would be nice if this quiz went with the popular opinion and removed reference to old-world measurement systems.
Am I the only one that takes issue with the "syllables" in a haiku? They are not syllables, but *on*, sometimes equaling greater or fewer than 17 syllables, but always 17 *on*. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiku
Why don't you include 36,7 and 0 for degrees? The hints don't say anything about Fahrenheit or Celsius. I'm not American so I have a hard time figuring these things out.
Interesting quiz but it bothers me a little how US centric it is. Most countries don't use Fahrenheit or pounds and ounces. And I don't think that song about Columbus or the address of the White House are commonly known around the world :/
If the overwhelming majority of the world uses Celsius, then surely Fahrenheit should be specified or the clue changed to 98.6 = B T in D F (degrees Fahrenheit).
There's a few Quizmaster quizzes like this, where a large number are virtually USA-only.
I counted 8 that relate specifically to the USA (or Liberia), and while I got one or two correct, it feels a bit like the other 190+ countries are not considered...
I appreciate the long timer though, it was very satisfying to solve "17 S in an H".
please accept "7 deadly sins"... i know the instructions say only to guess what the letters stand for, but all the rest accept the answers with numbers included, so this really threw me off
P.S. I guess that 13yearoldguy is now a 22yearoldguy...
Columbus sailed the ocean blue
I think we were taught it in history class as a mnemonic
In theory it's safer if you presume most people are right-handed, but anyway, it would be nice if this quiz went with the popular opinion and removed reference to old-world measurement systems.
451 F
Apart from that I really enjoyed the quiz!
It is kinda like saying the s s gives the 8 p question away...
I could guess that 1492 had something to do with colombus but could'nt figure the words out.
Would be cool if someone could make the same kind of quiz for both americans and non-americans.
I counted 8 that relate specifically to the USA (or Liberia), and while I got one or two correct, it feels a bit like the other 190+ countries are not considered...
I appreciate the long timer though, it was very satisfying to solve "17 S in an H".