
Life of Jesus

Can you guess these facts about the life of Jesus according to the New Testament?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: April 16, 2017
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First submittedFebruary 1, 2017
Times taken34,830
Average score72.7%
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City which Jesus was born in
City in which he was raised
His mother
His earthly father
Profession of the above
This Judean king tried to kill the baby Jesus
Jesus most likely spoke this language
Person who baptized Jesus
John the Baptist
Jesus saw the Holy Spirit in the form of this animal
Sermon where he said "blessed are the meek"
Sermon on the Mount
Four of the twelve apostles were of this profession
Jesus turned water into this
Holiday which celebrates Jesus's arrival in Jerusalem riding a donkey
Palm Sunday
Jesus threw this group of people out of the temple
Moneychangers (and merchants)
He raised this person from the dead
Lazarus (and two others)
The name for his final meal with his apostles which was famously
painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
The Last Supper
Apostle who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver
Judas Iscariot
Roman leader who reluctantly sentenced Jesus to death
Pontius Pilate
What Jesus's crown was made of
Hill he was crucified on
Holiday that celebrates his resurrection
Apostle who doubted his resurrection
Level 96
Feb 1, 2017
Thank you for this quiz. Might I suggest you include Golgotha and Gagulta as acceptable answers to the question regarding the hill upon which Jesus was crucified?
Level 27
May 24, 2019
cool right
Level 86
Feb 1, 2017
Golgotha gets a lot more Google hits than Golgatha. If you accept the latter, maybe you should accept the former. (Plus, that's the way it's spelled in the KJV.)
Level ∞
Feb 1, 2017
More spellings of Golgotha will work now...
Level 67
Feb 1, 2017
Struggled with Golgotah as well, which is what I've always heard it called in my language, until I remembered seing "calvary" used in another quiz a few days ago. Wasn't able to figure out "aramaic" though, even after trying every variation of what "arraméen" might be like in English that I could think of..
Level 84
Feb 1, 2017
Again confusion between the definition of apostle and disciple. Disciples are followers, which the 12 were during Jesus' time of ministry. They became apostles when Jesus died and they went from being followers to leaders spreading the message. Judas was never an apostle, he was dead before anyone became an apostle.
Level ∞
Feb 2, 2017
According to Wikipedia, the terms are synonymous:

Level 67
Nov 27, 2023
Well, you can't believe everything you see on the internet.

Apostle was used for the teachers of the Gospel after the resurrection, and Disciple was used for the twelve who followed Jesus in his lifetime.

Level 75
Feb 2, 2017
Could you change the wording of the final meal a bit? I realise I was being dim but I thought it was asking for what they ate so was trying bread and wine and figured that must have been the menu for some other meal when it wasn't accepted
Level ∞
Feb 2, 2017
Sure. I added Leonardo da Vinci to the clue to make it more obvious.
Level 78
Feb 9, 2017
QM Throwing Shade..."more obvious." Like was obvious's DaVinci to make it MORE obvious. I'm sure not the intent, but still funny.
Level ∞
Feb 9, 2017
Haha. Not the intent. But I can see how you could read it that way.
Level 76
Feb 2, 2017
Any chance you could remove "pilat" as an answer option? I cannot find Pilate's name spelt that way in any language, and it'll save people like me looking up at my next answer seeing it appear as "ethorns" and not be accepted ("ethorns" unfortunately isn't a type-in for "thorns")
Level 83
Feb 2, 2017
It's Pilat in all Slavic languages.
Level 67
Dec 26, 2023
Or just add ethorns as a typein
Level 83
Feb 2, 2017
Very easy quiz if you went to R.E.
Level 59
Feb 4, 2017
Brought up as a christian and I get 14. Sigh :-(
Level 66
Feb 11, 2017
Should say "Leonardo da Vinci"
Level ∞
Apr 16, 2017
Removed the extraneous space
Level 60
Apr 17, 2017
Please accept "Pascha" as an alternative answer for "Easter." Eastern Orthodox Christians most commonly refer to the day of Christ's resurrection as Pascha.
Level 60
Apr 17, 2017
Also, Eastern Orthodox Christians often call Palm Sunday "Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem" or something similar.
Level 83
Apr 18, 2017
There are many other names, in Catholic Eastern Europe it's mostly Flower Sunday.
Level 90
Aug 13, 2018
Yeah, we want to type "Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem or something similar" instead of "Palm Sunday", please.
Level 65
Apr 17, 2017
Comment completely unrelated to the quiz: My pet annoyance (#312) is the people who call horse soldiers the "calvary".
Level 57
Jul 18, 2024
Yeah, that's a really weird way to spell "centaurs."
Level 60
Apr 17, 2017
What did Jesus tell the disciples at the Last Supper? "Sit on this side if you want to be in the picture"
Level 68
Apr 18, 2017
Level 39
Apr 18, 2017
All correct, not bad for a Jewish boy :)
Level 68
Apr 18, 2017
To be fair Jesus was also a Jewish Boy
Level 47
Dec 11, 2017
[facepalm] Being Jewish, I would hope you would get a good score.
Level 70
Apr 18, 2017
I believe there are parts of the Bible where Jesus speaks in Hebrew, so I struggled with the language clue... Guessed Hebrew, Latin, Arabic and even English.
Level 69
Dec 25, 2023
If anything, it would have been Koine Greek, which was the lingua franca at the time. That's why the New Testament was written in Greek.
Level 71
Apr 19, 2017
"Merchant" (without an s) doesn't work. Shouldn't it? (Although I admit I was trying it for the apostles' profession!)
Level 36
Dec 19, 2017
No, it should not. He did not throw out just one person.
Level 53
Feb 16, 2018
I wrote crown of thorns and thorn crown
Level 68
Mar 31, 2018
Any chance of adding other options for the moneychangers / merchant answer? I tried a heap of things that wouldn’t work, for example ‘traders’.
Level 81
Apr 1, 2018
money lenders works
Level 73
May 24, 2018
I enjoyed this quiz. Thank you. I love all the Bible quizzes on here.

I thought of a relevant Bible verse for a quiz about the life of Jesus and indeed about our trying to remember things about Him: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)

Level 39
Apr 9, 2020
Before I even looked at the comments I knew that @kalbahamut would get triggered at this quiz haha
Level 91
Jun 1, 2020
Ha ha! Kalbahamut is triggered! It's now official! Our strategy of just insulting him for not being a Christian has worked! Why bother having a calm, rational discussion over the existence of God and/or Jesus and think to ourselves that maybe not everything we've been told is true, when we can just hurl insults at people who've made us angry and try to make them get angry? That's the way to win! Works every time!

Wait a minute...

Level 81
Jun 14, 2020
Where was I triggered?
Level 82
Jul 22, 2020
You're letting him live rent-free in your head. Plus, he's correct. All religions are human creations. That being said, if it makes you feel a little less insecure about the big, scary universe, have at it.
Level 68
Aug 21, 2020
Hi, new to JetPunk and very much enjoying it.

Please could you tell me though, what defines a 'holiday' in the US? Palm Sunday is described as a holiday in this particular quiz and Guy Fawkes night was, in another quiz. In the UK we would probably refer to these as celebrations or festivals, as a holiday for us usually means much of the population gets a day off work.


Level 73
Dec 27, 2023
It's used in different ways in different contexts. It's true that we use "holiday" to mean all of those things, but we don't (usually) use it to mean a vacation (we say someone who is out of the office is "on vacation" not "on holiday", for example). A "festival" is more likely to refer to a specific thing, like "The 33rd Annual Vegan Hot Dog Eating Contest in Perapsyapuke, Vermont", and not "Christmas" or "Labor Day."

We'd say "Official Holiday" or something similar when we mean specifically a day recognized by an authority that generally excuses work or school. It's not universal, but federal holidays are influential--but each employer will have its holidays (or not) and generally isn't required to give people time off for holidays, official or not (but it's common).

But it really depends on context. If I say "Is Palm Sunday a holiday?" I'm usually asking "Do you (or I) get it off work?" But I won't blink an eye at, say, Rosh Hoshannah being described as a holiday.

Level 60
Oct 11, 2020
i clicked random and i got this, however, i am a jew so i know nothing about jesus other than he died.
Level 78
Dec 10, 2020
yeah if jesus was a real person i don't think that's what he looked like lol
Level 59
Dec 24, 2020
you know there are lighter skinned people in the Levant right
Level 69
Dec 25, 2023
I agree. Virgin birth, resurrection, walking on water, turning water into wine, those all seem very plausible, but I DRAW THE LINE AT SOME DUDE HAVING A DIFFERENT SHADE THAN OTHERS.
Level 79
Oct 19, 2021
"The thing about atheists is that they always choose a specific god to not believe in." - Norm Macdonald (paraphrased)
Level 81
Sep 22, 2022
huh? I've never been a fan of Norm, so I don't know if the context would help this joke make any more sense than it does here, but out of context... wha?? Atheists believe in no gods. When they respond to theists, then the conversation becomes about specific gods. Maybe he should have said the problem with theists is that when they talk to anyone with beliefs different from their own they always have to make everything about themselves and their own specific beliefs? ...that would make sense.
Level 69
Dec 25, 2023
Yeah, I agree that that quote makes no sense.
Level 72
Dec 24, 2023
Tried st john the baptist, saint john the baptist and saint-john-the-baptist and couldnt figure it out
Level 86
Dec 24, 2023
"John" worked fine for me.
Level 85
Dec 24, 2023
Keep it simple. You almost never have to include titles on this site.
Level 81
Dec 24, 2023
Ahhh, the thumbnail. That's probably what Jesus looked like.
Level 73
Dec 26, 2023
Riding a donkey? And it's not "Ass Wednesday"? I've been robbed.
Level 58
Dec 27, 2023
I assume a good %age of people on this are Christian, probably in excess of 80% based on language use? It's quite terrible that the average score is only 16... these are soooo easy.
Level 73
Dec 27, 2023
Maybe not quite that high; though Jews, atheists and agnostics tend to score better on Christian trivia than Christians, anyway. The U.S. population is about 70% Christian.

I disagree that all of the questions are very easy, 16/22 doesn't surprise me. There are several specific place- and person-names that would escape a non-enthusiast's memory, I think, even if they're substantially familiar with the story.

Level 52
Jul 23, 2024
He raised many people from the dead.