Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Sea which God parted to let the Jews escape from Egypt | Red Sea | 96%
Form that God took when he first appeared to Moses | Burning {Bush} | 93%
What was written on those tablets | Ten Commandments | 92%
River in which Moses was hidden as a baby | Nile River | 87%
Moses is first mentioned in this book of the Bible | Exodus | 86%
The 8th Plague of the Egyptians, involving insects | Plague of {Locusts} | 84%
What the Jews put above their doors to be spared the 10th Plague | Lamb's Blood | 81%
Holiday which celebrates the Jews being spared from that plague | Passover | 79%
Container for the tablets which God told Moses how to build. Current location: unknown. | Ark of the Covenant | 77%
Length of time that the Jews wandered in the desert | 40 Years | 76%
Idol that the Jews worshiped in Moses's absence | Golden {Calf} | 76%
Mountain where Moses received stone tablets | Mount Sinai | 76%
Heavenly food that God gave them to eat | Manna | 73%
Moses died before crossing this river into the Promised Land | River Jordan | 69%
Brother of Moses who acted as his "spokesman" | Aaron | 67%
Prophet who followed after Moses and famously destroyed Jericho | Joshua | 49%
Sister of Moses (hint: starts with M) | Miriam | 44%
House of worship which God told Moses how to build (hint: starts with T, not temple) | Tabernacle | 42%
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