
Locations by Letter - K

Name these real and fictional locations that start with the letter K.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: December 17, 2019
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First submittedMarch 26, 2014
Times taken34,120
Average score65.0%
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Former capital of Japan
Superman's home planet
Offical residence of Vladimir Putin
Country invaded by Saddam
U.S. state where Dorothy Gale lives
Restaurant where SpongeBob works
Krusty Krab
Indonesian volcano
that blew its top in 1883
Capital of Nepal
Region disputed between India,
Pakistan, and China
We'll get there fast
and then we'll take it slow
Apu's convenience store
County in southeast England
Modern name of Calcutta
African country where Masai people live
Florida island where Hemingway lived
Key West
First Pokemon region
Tallest mountain in Africa
Capital of Ukraine
Russian Far East peninsula featured
in the board game Risk
Capital of Westeros
where the evil Joffrey ruled
King's Landing
Level 85
May 1, 2014
Missed four. Three were perpetual Jetpunk betes noires Pokemon, Game of Thrones and Spongebob. If none of those things existed I'd do a lot better on these quizzes.
Level 81
May 14, 2014
Don't see the bete noire plural often. Mine are Pokemon, Twilight, and Hunger Games.
Level 73
May 30, 2014
Pokémon, Twilight, Game of Thrones, The Hunger Games and America :o)
Level 58
Jan 13, 2017
Pokémon, Twilight, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, and one duck egg.
Level 85
May 15, 2017
Pokémon, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Twilight....and the capital of Assyria. :-)
Level 83
Nov 24, 2015
If the USA didn't exist I would do far better on most of the quizzes...
Level 81
Aug 29, 2016
If the USA didn't exist, this site wouldn't exist.
Level 58
Jan 13, 2017
Level 83
May 8, 2017
It was a joke... read OP's comment again.
Level 8
Dec 19, 2017
That is offensive because I live and love the USA
Level 66
Mar 14, 2017
Kanto is also the region in Japan that contains Tokyo. Pokemon regions are all based on real geographical places (though Kanto is the only one that shares the name).
Level 74
Mar 14, 2017
I missed the same three plus the Risk one, another frequent category. If the quizzes repeatedly asked about romantic literature or classical music, (or even country music or R&B) I'd do much better, although I am learning. I knew the Spongebob one had something to do with Krabby patties, I just didn't know the name. And I guessed Kingsland for Game of Thrones - so close. The other categories that get me are video games and The Simpsons.
Level 73
Nov 2, 2017
Game of thrones, Harry Potter, Baseball, Basketball, American football, and so many more lol
Level 71
Aug 19, 2014
Could you accept Kyiv for Kiev?
Level 86
Aug 19, 2014
Not enough love for the Beach Boys
Level 74
Mar 14, 2017
One of the best parts of being young in the '60s - the beach scene with Jan & Dean, The Beach Boys, Gidget & Moondoggie, Where the Boys Are, and Frankie and Annette.
Level 70
Aug 19, 2014
What's with this site's fascination with Pokemon?
Level 92
Aug 19, 2014
Agreed. Maybe it's an age-group thing, but I never have and never will consider Pokémon anything more than a cartoon and toy for little kids. I don't see pogs, cabbage patch kids, my little pony, or strawberry shortcake trivia featured heavily here, so why does Pokémon get so much love?
Level 84
Aug 19, 2014
Level 81
Aug 25, 2014
I always thought the show and games were terrible, but the head engineer where I used to work was a bit obsessed with them and he was in his 50s.
Level 56
Mar 14, 2017
Because none of them are as big as pokemon, globally
Level 48
Oct 12, 2018
and pet rocks
Level ∞
Aug 19, 2014
Before I started this site, I knew very little about Pokemon. But people seem to be obsessed with it:

Level 90
Mar 14, 2017
I think you, Quizmaster, are psychic and could see the Pokemon Go! craze coming two years before it took the world by storm! ;)
Level 74
Oct 26, 2017
I used to occasionally babysit for a boy who brought Pokemon cards along, and that was my only exposure to it - his family was originally from Colorado. I know many kids who played Magic:The Gathering, yet I never see anything pertaining to that game on this site. Maybe it's a regional thing here in the Upper South.
Level 48
Oct 12, 2018
magic was big here in Australia... my son must have spent hundreds of dollars on those cards
Level 47
Sep 11, 2014
The Pokemon, Lord of The Rings, Twilight and Spongebob questions are getting old.
Level 70
Apr 20, 2015
And they are not places, just made up names.
Level 85
May 15, 2017
Couldn't agree more. I feel like "learning" Pokémon, Lord of the Rings, etc. trivia actually makes you dumber.
Level 36
Jan 29, 2018
Are you one of those people that thinks art isn't important? Spongebob is maybe the exception, but fiction is not stupid. Fantasy is not stupid. And learning anything cannot make one dumber.
Level 79
Oct 2, 2018
I'm trying hard to do jetpunk quizzes without using up my scarce brain cells by remembering trivial bits of information like Spongebob, pokemon, American convenience stores and pop music, obscure childrens' stories etc. So far I'm doing pretty well, but my scores are not so great!
Level 63
Jan 19, 2016
Couln't figure out how to write Kwik-E-Mart. I tried Kwikee but that only seems to work with Mart. Should've added Mart to my guess.
Level 81
Mar 14, 2017
hm... I missed King's Landing... even though I've been to the real world version of it.. Dubrovnik. darn.
Level 78
Mar 14, 2017
For Kokomo, maybe you could add that it's also a city in Indiana? (I'm a geography nerd, not a popular music connoisseur.)
Level 60
Mar 14, 2017
That's not where I'd want to go.
Level 55
Mar 14, 2017
But everybody doesn't know about that Kokomo.
Level 73
Nov 2, 2017
I have no idea what the clue is about. Even after the seeing the answer I don't know what it relates to. Song, place, saying, something else?
Level 48
Oct 12, 2018
a song... but the place name is all that i recall of it..
Level 68
Mar 15, 2017
Level 23
Mar 15, 2017
Damn. I couldn't spell Krakatoa.
Level 65
Sep 10, 2017
Pokemon is literally targetted to Under 10s - yet for some reason it takes up an extraordinary amount of quiz questions FOR ADULTS.
Level ∞
Sep 26, 2017
Every adult was a child once.
Level 36
Jan 23, 2018
Because Pokémon is incredibly popular among many age groups and is actually a good game series.
Level 86
Sep 23, 2017
Can we make the last question past tense? Joffrey ruled. **Spoiler Alert** He's dead.
Level ∞
Sep 25, 2017
Level 49
Dec 31, 2018
official is spelled offical in the quiz
Level 61
Aug 12, 2024
How offal! :)