An unofficial teaching, related to thoughts on Catholic theology, Limbo (Latin limbus, edge or boundary, referring to the "edge" of Hell) is a speculative idea about the afterlife condition of those who die in original sin without being assigned to the Hell of the Damned.
Some wires in my brain are apparently crossed this morning. I read "Mediterranean nation" as "Caribbean island," which made the answer difficult to guess.
"Where the women are strong, the men are good looking, and all the children are above average". It's the little mantra that follows each monologue about the news from Lake Wobegon.
Nailed Lake Wobegon! (currently only 11%) I always found Keillor's story-telling ability amazing. Used to catch Prairie Home Companion on Public Radio occasionally on Saturday nights until GK retired. Does PHC still air? Not even sure.
I used to have a bunch of the Lake Wobegon compilations on cassette tape. Great bedtime listening to fall asleep too. Very peaceful. My favorite was the one where the tractor hauling the septic tank ended up in the middle of the fourth of July parade by accident.