
Locations by Letter - M

Name these real and fictional locations that start with the letter M.
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: December 22, 2019
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First submittedMarch 26, 2014
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Our galaxy
Milky Way
Where Superman lives
Smallest planet in the Solar System
City where Bollywood films are made
Seaside city where Mel Gibson and
other stars have homes
Genghis's country
Thomas Jefferson's estate
Spaceport where Han shot Greedo;
"a wretched hive of scum and villainy"
Mos Eisley
Land ruled by Princess Peach
(and sometimes Bowser)
The Red Planet
Central borough of NYC
The northeast part of China
Where Jimmy Buffet searched for his
lost shaker of salt
Homer Simpson's favorite bar
Moe's Tavern
Famous city of the Incas
Machu Picchu
City of "Neighbours"
"Andy Griffith Show" city
Site of the 1976 Summer Olympics
One does not simply walk into
this land of Sauron
Level 51
Aug 4, 2014
I missed Mars. I hate using this website before breakfast...
Level 81
Sep 15, 2014
I missed Margaritaville. I hate using this website before my frat bros and I have had our weekly kegger.
Level 59
Sep 15, 2014
Only 29% for Mayberry?! Seriously?
Level 82
Sep 15, 2014
Well, you can be heartened that it's still more than the Star Wars question.
Level 56
Oct 27, 2014
That show has been off the air not only since before I was born, but when my parents were 5 and 8.
Level 74
Jun 5, 2018
It lives forever in syndication. (54 years and counting.)
Level 72
Aug 3, 2018
Oh, now you're just bragging. Didn't anyone ever tell you children should be seen and not heard? I remember watching the premier. Yes, I'm older than dirt.
Level 72
Feb 10, 2015
The whole world doesn't watch old American sitcoms.
Level 38
Jul 10, 2015
Hahahahahaha make that 26% now
Level 20
Mar 11, 2016
Never heard of it... :-)
Level 73
Jul 1, 2017
Nor me.
Level 77
Apr 24, 2017
I don't think it's famous outside America. I've only vaguely heard of the Andy Griffith show.
Level 91
Apr 24, 2017
I remember it only because my band director used to play episodes of the show whenever he had nothing else planned for class.
Level 58
Apr 24, 2017
The Andy Griffith Show isn't shown all around the world, and there are plenty of non-US people on this site. Loads of people just won't get the reference.
Level 73
Apr 24, 2017
Yeah, well I don't live on Mordor either, but I got that one. By the way, ain't no way Mayberry was a "city".
Level 74
Jun 5, 2018
This American has never heard of "Neighbours" either, but I'm not whining about it. Instead I looked it up and learned something new.
Level 53
Jun 25, 2019
@fitheach simply replied to the original comment (which questioned why Mayberry wasn't guessed by a lot of people) by explaining why many people wouldn't get it. Not sure why you guys both responded so negatively. Just because someone acknowledges a non-American perspective doesn't mean they are complaining.
Level 72
Oct 22, 2019
@rgc1600 by that logic you must know he street I live in and the city my parents were born. If it is not something wellknown people wont know about it. You come across lord of the rings reference all the time, besides the bible, star wars and harry potter, I actually cant think of anything you come across more often. The above show is not only not aired here, unlike lotr which has been available all over the world. But it simply is not a part of pop culture, so no way to know about it. Just like you won't be able to know the street I live on.

Do I attack you for not knowing the place I live in? No Because there is no way you could know unless you live there too or know me personally..

Level 67
Jun 5, 2018
Yeah, really. What the hell is The Andy Griffith Show?
Level 42
Sep 4, 2020
an age thing
Level 33
Sep 15, 2014
I got milky way!!! But only because I live there.
Level 45
Sep 16, 2014
I don't.
Level 51
Jul 24, 2015
Level 20
Mar 11, 2016
@smartcookie17 +1 :D
Level 85
May 15, 2017
I used to live there, but had to move. I'm lactose intolerant.
Level 56
Nov 26, 2014
Probably just me, but I'm not keen on all the fictional answers. And Star wars? Really?
Level 75
Dec 22, 2014
Level 51
Jul 24, 2015
I enjoy the mix. This is locations, not geography.
Level 70
Apr 24, 2017
Right on, it's certainly not geography.
Level 74
Apr 24, 2017
No, unreally.
Level 78
Sep 8, 2016
So how come Bollywood hasn't changed to Mollywood?
Level 74
Jun 5, 2018
Bollywood was coined from Bombay and can't change because Mollywood is the nickname for Malayalam cinema. I did a whole quiz on nicknames for the film industry around the world.
Level 29
Dec 10, 2016
Should take "Mo's" also. I didn't realize there was an e in it.
Level 82
Mar 20, 2017
Be glad you didn't have to spell Szyslak.
Level 78
Apr 22, 2018
I guess you haven't watched the show very much?
Level 86
Jan 20, 2017
Only missed the Mushroom Kingdom question - and I'm ok with that!
Level 61
Oct 11, 2018
Taking pride in ignorance is a scummy thing to do.
Level 72
Oct 22, 2019
Being ok with missing something is something different than taking pride in ignorance (which I think is dumb too (wouldnt call it scummy though, it has no effect on others)).

I think whining that you didnt get first place in something is worse. It is ok not to win at everything. I rather deal with someone that is fine with losing once in a while, than someone that trashes stuff and flips the table just because they didnt get their way.

Level 72
Apr 24, 2017
I first read that as the sports bar where Han shot Greedo.
Level 67
Jun 5, 2018
The big-head brass band is gone now. The walls are plastered with flat screen TV's that are glued to ESPN and Fox Sports. And there are Tongan bouncers that won't let you in because there's something wrong with your shoes. You've already had 10 beers. How the hell are you going to know what's wrong with your shoes?
Level 70
Apr 24, 2017
A sort of mad mixture of reality and make believe, I'm afraid my knowledge of the make believe is dismal.
Level 43
Apr 24, 2017
Only got Olympic city after realizing that 4 cities hosted the Summer Olympics in a row whose names started with M. 1976 is third in that sequence.
Level 90
Apr 24, 2017
Yeah, I didn't really pay attention to the year, and tried Munich and even Munchen before I stopped to reread the question and think about it.
Level 85
May 15, 2017
The 2 things I remember most from the '76 Montreal Olympics: Nadia Comaneci's perfect 10's, and the U.S. boxers' taking so many golds.
Level 68
Apr 26, 2017
"One does not simply walk into this land of Sauron". Yet I did - it's in the middle of the North Island of NZ. And I just simply walked into it :-)
Level 67
Jun 5, 2018
I've been to the Mushroom Kingdom. It was not a pleasant come down.
Level 34
Aug 5, 2018
Too much american pish in this one
Level 70
Aug 30, 2019
Up on the top banner, there's a place for you to create your very own quiz with pish sourced from wherever you so desire. So, pish off.
Level 45
Aug 30, 2019
Who doesn't know Mos Eisley? tsk tsk tsk