
Locations by Letter - N

Can you name these real and fictional locations that start with the letter N?
Quiz by Quizmaster
Last updated: January 3, 2020
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First submittedMarch 26, 2014
Times taken43,197
Average score80.0%
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Peter Pan's homeland
Where Santa lives
North Pole
City where pizza is said to have originated
Country ruled by the despotic Kim Jong-un
North Korea
Most distant planet in the Solar System
There once was a man from this
limerick-friendly island
Home planet of Padmé and Jar Jar
Country of windmills and wooden shoes
Where you might find
a talking lion named Aslan
Miley Cyrus's home town
Where kiwis roam
New Zealand
Country where Sherpas live
World's biggest waterfall by volume
Setting of "Futurama"
New New York
Cathedral home to a hunchback
Notre Dame
Japanese for Japan
City whose sheriff battled Robin Hood
U.S. state that is mostly desert
Fjord-riddled country
City where Jesus grew up
Level 78
Mar 28, 2014
I kept getting tripped up on the spelling for Niagara. I kept writing Niagra. I was convinced that it was right. Had to look that one up.
Level ∞
Mar 28, 2014
Niagra will work now, even though it hurts my eyes!
Level 41
Sep 4, 2014
Hurts my eyes too. Looks too much like "Viagra".
Level 36
May 16, 2017
Maybe we should all just regress to the days of Shakespeare and use whatever spelling we damn well please. What's the advantage to formalizing spelling if we adjust it to please illiterates.
Level 82
Jul 13, 2018
Yeah, that's the trouble with Shakespeare's England. No one could write. Oh wait.
Level 51
Sep 13, 2019
Can you accept hghhg because I can't be bothered to spell properly.
Level 56
Sep 29, 2014
The way people pronounce Niagara hurts my ears. I always place the stress on the second A which is not pronounced at all by most speakers.
Level 75
Apr 14, 2016
ya, people tend to pronounce it the way that Buck1017 spelled it. I try to make a point of emphasizing the second "a"
Level 55
Nov 21, 2016
So ni-ah-GAH-ra? Is that actually the correct pronunciation? I've just always said Niag'ra, like everyone else.
Level 74
May 16, 2017
I learned something new today.
Level 74
May 16, 2017
That is not the way it is pronounced, Sulps. The word is not Spanish in origin, but probably Native American. Wikipedia gives this as the correct pronunciation: (/naɪˈæɡrə/). For most of us that rhymes with Vi-ag'-ra.
Level 96
Mar 28, 2014
*distant planet.
Level ∞
Mar 30, 2014
Level 47
Jun 3, 2014
Level 86
Jun 9, 2014
Just when you think Jar Jar is finally out of your life, something like this happens and completely ruins your day.
Level 56
May 16, 2017
Jar Jar in an ajar jar in an ajar jar.
Level 43
May 17, 2017
I actually quite like jarjar...
Level 67
Jun 9, 2014
I'll be going really well, and then they will just chuck in a Star wars question just to spite me. 19/20
Level 73
Sep 29, 2014
Exactly the same for me. :-/
Level 79
Dec 17, 2022
Level 66
Sep 29, 2014
for europeans please allow napoli
Level 66
Sep 29, 2014
also need to allow never never land
Level 55
Sep 29, 2014
You learn something new every day. I always thought calling it "Never Never Land" was a joke about the British habit of buying things on "hire purchase" also known as "The never never". Turns out JM Barrie really did call Peter Pan's home both Never Never Land and Never Never Never Land.
Level ∞
Sep 29, 2014
Never Never Land will work now
Level 33
Sep 29, 2014
I'm not American or anything but isn't New Mexico also a state beginning with N that's also nearly all desert. Kinda looks that way in the movies anyway.
Level 87
Sep 29, 2014
I'm from New Mexico and I can confirm that it is a lot of desert. Maybe Nevada should have a different clue.
Level 56
May 16, 2017
Like an Area 51 clue!
Level 65
Sep 29, 2014
my countries' explanation is so stereotype haha
Level 84
Sep 29, 2014
I love that it's Fjord-riddled. Like God shot them out machine-gun-style with the ultimate super soaker.
Level 43
Sep 29, 2014
Hey now, Slartibartfast worked very hard on those fjords, it's rude to give credit to some anthropomorphic diety.
Level 51
Sep 29, 2014
Yes, the crinkly bits are quite lovely.
Level 82
Sep 30, 2014
He did get an award for it.
Level 86
Dec 2, 2023
I think perhaps fjord-fringed would be more accurate
Level 71
Sep 29, 2014
How is nantucket "limerick-friendly"? It is a clever way of getting the limerick clue in, but I associate limericks with Ireland and this clue kind of confused me.
Level 82
Sep 30, 2014
You need to Google "there once was a man from Nantucket..."
Level 51
Oct 18, 2015
It's far too rude to quote here.
Level 87
Nov 11, 2021
Not at all:

There once was a man from Nantucket

Who kept all his cash in a bucket.

But his daughter, named Nan,

Ran away with a man.

As as for the bucket? Nan tuck it.

Level 78
Sep 29, 2014
Are you sure about the Niagara answer? I tried looking up on google because I assumed Iguazu would have a greater volume and this is what I found -
Level 76
Oct 1, 2014
Yes, this list of waterfalls has Niagara in 11th place by volume.
Level ∞
Oct 1, 2014
That list includes waterfalls that aren't actually waterfalls. This list is more accurate:

Level 74
May 19, 2018
Even that doesn't have Niagara as the largest by volume.
Level 68
Sep 29, 2014
Can you please accept Nasareth?
Level 58
Jan 10, 2019
I think I am speaking for everyone here who can spell when I say, "No"
Level 66
Jan 19, 2015
Got everything but New New York.
Level 64
Mar 6, 2020
Well, I got it, thanks to you.
Level 58
May 8, 2015
Only one I missed was the Star Wars one because I've tried to forget as much as I could about Jar Jar Binks.
Level 44
Feb 10, 2016
Here lies Pluto.


Level 70
Apr 6, 2016
I believe the 'Plutonians' don't recognise Earth as a major planet anymore. I read about it in the 'Pluto Daily' ORBITJURY column.
Level 81
Aug 23, 2016
Never in all my years of studying Japanese did I encounter 'Nippon' for 日本. I always assumed, as a consequence, that it was just a Western mispronunciation, having only encountered it in English language contexts. Not one of my textbooks or teachers at multiple different institutions (from primary school to university) ever said anything but 'Nihon'. Only after some investigation (I never really noticed it in Japan somehow) did I discover that Nippon is actually a considerably older and more established pronunciation, though one which is falling out of use now. Sources differ, but it seems a majority (60-70%) favour the use of 'Nihon'. Apparently the youth overwhelmingly now favour 'Nihon', but older Japanese still use 'Nippon'. A few years ago a member of the Diet attempted to introduce a bill to establish an official pronunciation, but it failed to get through, so both persist. In the end I'm mainly left curious as to why Australian Japanese curricula don't even mention the issue.
Level 84
Nov 28, 2016
Postage stamps say Nippon
Level 81
May 16, 2017
Never heard of "All Nippon Airways?"
Level 72
Oct 18, 2016
As a Finn I'm so sad that people think Santa comes from the North Pole.
Level 63
May 17, 2017
Hear, hear!
Level 74
Jun 29, 2021
Yes, he is from Greenland
Level 86
Dec 2, 2023
Nonsense! He is from Lapland.
Level 70
Nov 7, 2024
Clearly he is from Turkey.
Level 85
May 15, 2017
Three cheers for a quiz that finally omits any reference to either Pokémon or Harry Potter!!!!!!!!

I swear, if I ever meet Harry Potter, I'm gonna kick him right in the neck.

Level 74
May 16, 2017
I'd be careful about that. He's an auror, you know. He'd have you in a full body-bind curse faster than you could say, "Expelliarmus!". :) (From a grandmother whose inner child loves the Potterverse.) BTW, have you actually read the books? They are much better than the movies.
Level 60
Feb 14, 2019
How does Harry Potter get down a hill?...

Walking ... jk rolling

Level 32
May 16, 2017
I only had one left (that I couldn't figure out), and that's because I thought "Nazaret" was spelled with an "s" instead of a "z"... Maybe you can add both, as a correct answer?
Level 66
May 16, 2017
Fjord-riddled? Sounds like somebody took a gatling gun loaded with fjords to the Norwegian coast.
Level 67
Mar 20, 2018
Sounds like it has a benign, but nevertheless irritating venereal disease.
Level 70
May 19, 2017
Another USA-centric quiz. Not good.
Level 72
Dec 15, 2018
really? I ve seen quite a few Usa-centric quizes on here, but this imo is really not one of them, most answers are know universally (actually the only ones I missed was starwars new new york and japan..) (and not even about the us)
Level 67
Mar 20, 2018
Someone mentioned Naboo as a planet in Star Wars to me recently. I said, "No, Naboo is the pot smoking shaman from the Mighty Boosh."
Level 58
Jan 10, 2019
*fist bump*
Level 81
Jul 13, 2018
"is said to have originated" is an improvement of phrasing but I still think New York should be an acceptable type-in. It even starts with N.
Level 87
Nov 11, 2021
Although New York is home to Lombardi's, the oldest extant pizzeria in the U.S., we cannot claim to be the city where pizza originated. The traditional Margarita Pizza that New York has admittedly perfected was first seen at the Chicago World's Fair in 1895 when the chef from the Italian pavilion sought to create a new type of pizza that represented his country's flag. The tomato pie provided the color red so he added white cheese and green basil. He proceeded to name it after the queen of Naples. It's a shame that the city of Chicago went on to bastardize the art of pizza by turning it into a damn casserole.
Level 43
Dec 15, 2018
I’m European and for me santa is in Lapland
Level 60
Feb 14, 2019
My favorite is how Norway is riddled with fjords. A truly interesting view of that country!
Level 61
Nov 11, 2019
It should say “gifted”
Level 43
May 17, 2019
Hmm...My first guess was Nevada, but, looking back, New Mexico would technically be a valid answer too, right? Wiki says, "The climate of New Mexico is generally semiarid to arid...and its territory is mostly covered by mountains, high plains, and desert."
Level 89
Dec 19, 2022
Two questions: Why aren't DPRK and Holland acceptable type-ins for their respective answers on this quiz?
Level 68
Jan 28, 2023
Because they don't start with the letter N.
Level 20
Jun 6, 2024
and because Holland is but a part of the Netherlands, as mentioned in the quiz of the letter H