When you type Riyadh correctly ie with the "H" on the end it leaves the h behind for the next word you type....this happens quite a lot in these quizzes.What i mean is letters are left behind in the box after the answer has been accepted.
Any way of fixing this minor irritation all efforts greatly appreciated
It's not really a MINOR irritation when you don't get full credit for the following word because that dangling letter from the previous one is the first letter of your next answer.
The quiz cant really stop you from pressing the H button after an answer is accepted. So the only way would be not accepting the word until the silent H is also typed. But then there would be wailing and gnashing of teeth from the people who couldnt remember the spelling (and there's alot of those people). I just try remember those obscure spellings like Tallinn or Riyadh, and remember to stop before the last letter. Alas there's nothing that could make everyone happy
It isn't difficult to write a code which would accept either option without messing up your next answer. After the abbreviated answer is accepted, you can just check whether the next letter(s) typed are still part of the previous answer and if they are then clear them from the field, continue until you get an input which doesn't match the previous answer, or until the full previous answer has been input.
Don't think these quizzes really need it though, it's not a big deal deleting the occasional letter or 2
Wasn't Zimbabwe officially called Southern Rhodesia? Republic of Rhodesia was unrecognised, wasn't it? I tried to read more abou the area, but is is just a mess, to be honest.
When you type Riyadh correctly ie with the "H" on the end it leaves the h behind for the next word you type....this happens quite a lot in these quizzes.What i mean is letters are left behind in the box after the answer has been accepted.
Any way of fixing this minor irritation all efforts greatly appreciated
Don't think these quizzes really need it though, it's not a big deal deleting the occasional letter or 2