Let's be honest. I'm American and I got them all because I love geography and stared at an atlas for fun when I was 8. Also, I loved dinosaurs a lot and I wanted to know what this place called "Alberta" was where all these Late Cretaceous fossils were turning up.
Newfoundland and Labrador. Those 26,728 people insist upon it. Also, this quiz not valid in Québec because it is not French. (la Colombie Britannique, l'Alberta, le Saskatchewan, le Manitoba, l'Ontario, le Québec, le Nouveau-Brunswick, l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard, la Nouvelle-Écosse, la Terre-Neuve et Labrador, le Yukon, le Territoire du Nord-Ouest, et le Nunavut.)
13/13. I'm happy with that given I'm an Aussie! My problem was with the three central provinces, but I had a gut feeling Saskatchewan was the middle of the trio, which proved to be correct. It was then a question of going with my instincts for the other two.
Thanx for this, somehow this stuck with me and from now on I will remember which one Saskatchewan is :) (Facts arent enough, but reading it, somehow cemented the knowledge :) )
Hey Americans (from the U.S. that is) here's something I thought of years ago: BASMOQ. That gets you almost coast to coast. The rest you're on your own.
If I could move my mouse any faster I'd be down to 17 seconds. Screaming Mary with a magpie you people need to get out of the house and take a minute without geeking out. I broke my back and chose to take my down time to learn a thing or two. They had to fly me from Sabah to Sarawak for decent medical care. Where was I? An extra 10 points to the pin head who has actually been there. As soon as I can walk again I'll have to request a new passport.
Dear Canadians, sorry but your map is too confusing, so I'd like to make a few suggestions for change, here they are:
- Re-merge all of the territories into one a single massive administrative division called "Atsanik" ('Northern Lights'), with the capital in Alert. Province code: AK (so as to annoy the Alaskans)
- Merge all of the Maritime provinces into a single one called "Labradoria and Adjacencies". Make an offer to France to purchase St Pierre et Miquelon for a lifetime supply of maple syrup. Capital: Halifax (the only capital name over there I can remember). Province code: LA
- Merge Alberta, SK and Manitoba into a single province, called "Prairia". Capital: Churchill (because there are Polar bears there). Province code: PR
- Split southern Ontario from the rest of the province, call it Northern Florida. Capital: Toronto Province code: NF
You'll never wonder now.
like clara would make me think of a cow aswell
Also, I think Gamer is missing the Canadian humor in all this.
i practiced geography for 5.5 years^~^
I live in England but am from the middle east
- Re-merge all of the territories into one a single massive administrative division called "Atsanik" ('Northern Lights'), with the capital in Alert. Province code: AK (so as to annoy the Alaskans)
- Merge all of the Maritime provinces into a single one called "Labradoria and Adjacencies". Make an offer to France to purchase St Pierre et Miquelon for a lifetime supply of maple syrup. Capital: Halifax (the only capital name over there I can remember). Province code: LA
- Merge Alberta, SK and Manitoba into a single province, called "Prairia". Capital: Churchill (because there are Polar bears there). Province code: PR
- Split southern Ontario from the rest of the province, call it Northern Florida. Capital: Toronto Province code: NF
- Don't touch Quebec
Also, you forgot about British Columbia. Might I suggest keeping the province code, but renaming the province itself to Bread and Circuses?
"In France, there is a village named Y"
i've only been to Alberta and BC
Has anyone been to Banff national park in Alberta?
It's gorgeous! (Though, these mountains are more dramatic, our mountains in Colorado are actually taller.)